Handsome Devil: A Hero Club Novel

Handsome Devil: Chapter 8

There is only one gas station in this desolate town. The mechanic’s shop is just down the street, and like Laila already determined, there is no hotel. We grab the essentials at the gas station, mostly just drinks and snacks since the hot dogs look questionable and the premade sandwiches are just a couple hours away from expiring.

I’m still reeling from waking up to see Laila with flushed cheeks and her hand shoved down her stretchy pants. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, but the blood pumped very quickly to my crotch after taking in the vision.

And now we are going to sleep in the car, which is an irresponsible decision. I know it. But I packed for this. There are sleeping bags and pillows back there in case of emergency, but that’s not what’s worrying me. After the conversation with Laila all day in the car, I know that sleeping in very private, close quarters is a bad idea. Well, bad if I want to maintain the boundary between us. I feel like the wall we have up is growing thinner by the moment.

After the gas station, we find a quiet, safe place to park that is secluded enough no one will bother us, but not too far away from traffic that we put ourselves in harm’s way. Then I lay the backseats down to create a flat area where we lay out the blankets and pillows like a little makeshift bedroom.

Next thing I know, I’m crawling into the back of my car with a girl young enough to be my daughter, but my brain doesn’t want to process that anymore. My dick is behind the wheel now and it only sees a girl with the most perfect round hips and soft, silky white skin. Those fucking kissable lips and thighs I’d love to feel wrapped around my waist. Or my head.

Fuck. I need to stop these thoughts now.

Oh yeah, my dick reminds me, and she’s a virgin.


Instead of laying down, we both sit up against the door, finishing our drinks. I notice her shiver and I quickly grab an extra jacket I have sitting in the back. When she tries to swat me away, I ignore her protests and wrap it around her. As soon as my arm brushes her back, I know I’m in trouble.

Our eyes meet for a second.

“Are you cold?” I ask.

“No.” Her eyes are still focused on my face, and I watch as her gaze drifts down to my mouth. It’s up to me to stop this before it becomes inappropriate. I know it, but I can’t seem to tear myself away.

I clear my throat and turn away. “We should probably get some sleep.”

“Henry,” she whispers, and I feel her hand land against mine.

When I look back at her, the wide, doe-eyed look captures me.

“I was thinking…” she says, sitting up straighter and facing me. She has a wicked, mischievous look on her face. “Before you say no, just hear me out. I know this sounds insane, but I clearly need someone to show me what I need to know.”

“Know about what?” I ask even though I’m quite sure I already know.

“About sex.”

It becomes increasingly hard to swallow. “I can tell you whatever you want to know, Laila.”

“I’m not talking about questions and answers, Henry.” Her cheeks are bright red, and she’s biting her lower lip between her teeth. She looks so gorgeous and nervous it’s killing me. I think I know what she’s implying, and my heart is hammering behind my ribs. Before I say anything, I let her continue.

“But you said yourself you’re supposed to learn everything the hard way, by doing it. And I’m twenty-one. I should know this stuff by now, but I was an idiot for dating all the wrong guys. So, why don’t you teach me so that I can go into my next relationship actually knowing some things?”

“You want me to have sex with you? Laila, you’re a beautiful girl, but you’re my daughter’s best friend.”

“I know,” she cries, twirling her hair behind her ear. “But something about you being a dad, being her dad means that I can trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

“Oh God,” I moan, putting my face in my hands.

“You can just show me how to make it good…for me and you.”

“Oh God,” I cry even louder.

“What’s the big deal? You’re not even that much older than me. I’m twenty-one. You’re thirty-nine. Big deal. We’re both adults.”

It’s quiet for a moment before I feel her retreat. “Unless you don’t want to…”

Without thinking, I snatch up her hand in mine, and I look right into her eyes—big mistake. “I do want to. Trust me.” Another big mistake.

Suddenly her lips are on mine. Those soft, full lips are pressed against my mouth, and I couldn’t stop her kiss if I tried. Instead, I touch the back of her head and I slide my tongue along her lips, and she lets out a high-pitched whimper.

Quickly, I pull away. “Okay, we can’t do that.”

“That was nice,” she whispers as her fingers brush along her lips, against the moisture I left there. Wait, did she say nice?

“Nice?” I blurt out a little louder than I intended to.

No, fuck nice.

Grabbing her face again, I kiss her right this time. Tipping her head back, her mouth instantly falls open and I slide my tongue past her teeth and into mouth, seeking out the soft friction against her tongue. This time her moan is less controlled and sweet. It comes from her gut, and it’s exactly what I’m going for. With my hands on the back of her head, I pull her closer, exploring her mouth and taking soft nibbles of her lips. She can hardly move along with me.

When I pull away, I feel her sway. Her eyes are still closed and her mouth hanging open.

Slowly opening her eyes, I see the dark circles of her dilated pupils. “That was…”

“Don’t you fucking dare say nice.”

A smile spreads across her face. “I wasn’t. Can we do it again?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She actually pouts, sitting back and taking a drink of her spiked seltzer. There’s a moment of silence as she stares out the window. We have them cracked so that we can at least breathe, but not enough to let in too much cold air. The windows are all fogged, a clear sign to anyone passing that we are in here. Something that makes me instantly uncomfortable.

“Do you know how embarrassing it is to be a twenty-one year old virgin?” she mumbles. “Any guy I date now is going to know and it’ll probably be an awful experience, and I won’t be able to tell if he’s really into me or if he’s just chasing a virgin pussy.”

I flinch.

“I’m already years behind everyone else. What if my first time is bad, like really bad, and it ruins sex for me forever?”

“You’re trying to guilt trip me into this, and it’s not going to work.”

She looks at me, this time it’s not a pout or puppy dog eyes. It’s a genuine sadness.


I take a deep breath. Am I seriously considering this? “Okay, no sex, but we can…” I clear my throat. “I can show you some other things.” I’m a doctor after all. I see naked bodies all the time, so seeing hers really shouldn’t be that bad. If I look at it like that, then I have nothing to worry about.

Her eyes light up. “Really?”

“No sex. I’m serious.”

“Okay,” she answers with a smile.

I scrub a hand over my face. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. But also…I can’t fucking wait to do this. I’ve been thinking of my hand between her legs since I caught her touching herself behind the wheel.

As I glance over at her, she’s biting her lip. So I pull her into another warm kiss, this time not as aggressive but just as sensual. She melts in my hands again. Kissing releases endorphins, I remind myself. I’m doing this to help her relax so she’s more likely to have a good experience. It’s not like I’m doing it because I want to just kiss her for hours.

“Lie down,” I whisper. A small gasp comes out of her mouth, and I pull her lips to mine again. It’s becoming hard to hold back. I’ve never been so moved by another person before. Laila is beautiful, young, funny, and I like her, but I can’t seem to think about her as my daughter’s friend. In my head, she’s a beautiful young woman who has seemingly taken over every thought in my brain.

As she lies down, I move between her legs, kneeling on my knees and staring down at her. She’s in her sweatshirt and workout pants. “What do you want to know first?” I ask, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

“Oh my God, Henry, just touch me!” she cries, arching her back and pulling her sweatshirt off in a quick swipe. Lying before me in just her bra, my hands start at her waist and slide upward, drifting over her bra as her breath turns heavy and slow. She begins to writhe, thinking that I’m going to touch her breasts.

Her face changes to disappointment as my touch reaches her neck. I lean over her with my lips against her ear. “Rule number one, Laila. Patience.” Lowering my lips to her collarbone, I place a warm, wet kiss there.

“Anticipation is everything,” I mumble against her skin. Her hands fist my shirt, trying to draw me nearer. She smells delicious, like something fruity mixed with laundry soap. My lips move lower and she writhes, her breathing the only sound in the car.

“What did you think about when you were touching yourself, Laila? Tell me.”

“No,” she says, her eyes shut tightly.

“Don’t be ashamed of the things that turn you on. I want to hear you say it.”

“I can’t,” she gasps as I blow on the wet skin of her chest.

“Tell me and I’ll take this off,” I say, biting the padding of her bra.

A sweet, tortured whine leaves her lips. “I was thinking about you,” she blurts out.

How could I help from smiling? “What was I doing?” Carefully, I slip the strap of her bra off her shoulder.

She moans. “You were…God,” she cries. “You were fucking me.”

Well that just made my dick twitch. “How was I fucking you?”

“Um…between my legs. It was hard.”

“You want it hard?”

“Yes,” she gasps just as I free her left breast and massage it in my hands. Lowering myself, I pull the pink bud into my mouth and it sets her body on fire. Her back arches and a breathy squeal escapes her.

With the other hand, I reach around and unclasp her bra easily. Pulling it off and tossing it to the side, she tries to hide herself, but I hold her hands back. “You are beautiful, sweet girl. Don’t hide.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she cries covering her face.

A feeling of dread fills my gut and quickly deflates my dick. Touching the backs of her hands, I ask, “Laila, are you okay? We can stop right now.”

“No!” her hands find my shirt again. “I want to do this.”

“It doesn’t mean you have to do it with me.”

“I want to do it with you,” she says, her eyes wide.

“Are you sure?”

She bites her bottom lip, and I can tell there’s something she’s not saying. Immediately I assume she has guilt about being Kirsten’s friend and me being like a father to her.

“I feel like a freak even saying this…and you’re going to think I’m crazy.”

“Tell me.”

“The fact that you’re my best friend’s dad…” she stops herself to let out a groan, trying to cover her face again, but I stop her. “It only makes it hotter!” she shouts.

Oh. I did not expect that. My dick recovers quickly after her proclamation, because if I’m being honest, and I won’t say this out loud, but it’s having the same effect on me.

“Don’t be ashamed of the shit that turns you on, Laila.” I take her hands and press them against the car door behind her, holding them over her head as I grind my erection against her core. The sound that comes out of her mouth could play on a loop in my head forever and I wouldn’t complain. “I want you to feel what you do to me.”

“Please touch me,” she gasps, so I let go of her hands and knead one breast while sucking the other into my mouth.

“Not there,” she moans.

“Where do you want me to touch you?” I whisper against her skin.

“You know where.”

“Laila, if you want sex to be good, you have to get comfortable with telling me exactly what you want.”

“You? Or the other men I’m going to be with?”

My face falls. My hands tighten around her hips as I pull her closer to me. “You know what I mean.” She laughs, but I don’t. Thinking about her with other men suddenly makes me want to hurt someone, and that’s unexpected.

“Tell me what you want, baby girl.”

She squirms, clearly uncomfortable. “Down there,” she mumbles.

“Down where?”

“My…” she groans. “I can’t say it!”

“Say it.” There’s a good chance I could come in my pants right now if she says any word pertaining to the area between her legs and I’m hanging on every word.

As she grabs a fistful of my shirt, she yanks me down so my face is close to hers. “My clit, Henry. I want your fingers on my clit right now.”

“That’s my girl,” I smile.

Running my fingers under the elastic of her pants, I slowly pull them down, dragging her underwear with them.

She is completely naked, and my dick is so hard just staring at her it’s fucking painful. Leaning down, I kiss her soft breasts again, dragging my fingers across her skin until my hand reaches the inside of her thighs. She writhes and moans beneath me.

“Please, Henry,” she cries.

Running a finger along her folds, I find her absolutely dripping with arousal, and I let out a growl. I know she wanted me on her clit, but I can’t help myself. I slowly slide a digit in, feeling the tightness around my finger, and my hips practically start rutting on their own.

“Oh my God, Laila,” I moan. Pulling out, I spread the moisture through her folds and find the sensitive nub that makes her buck as I apply pressure.

“Yes!” she calls as I press harder.

Suddenly, I realize that making her come right here in the back of my car is the only thing I want. Even more than coming myself. So I find the rhythm that makes her toes curl and her face go lax. Her hands are now holding tight to the blankets around her. Then, just to see what she’ll do, I dip my finger in again, this time adding one. Her back levitates and she screams my name, sending chills down my spine.

Fuck, I want this girl so bad it hurts.

“Tell me what feels good and I’ll keep doing it, Laila.”

“That,” she says breathlessly. “Keep…doing that.”

My lips find her neck again and I resume my movement between her legs, thrusting in and out and picking up speed. “I’m not stopping until you come.”

Her hips twist beneath me, finding her own pleasure on my hand. “Right there. Don’t stop.”

I wouldn’t dream of it. After a few more minutes of this, with me shamelessly rubbing my erection on her leg like a teenager, I feel her body start to seize.

“I’m coming!” she pants, so I increase the pressure on her clit until she’s screaming, her head hanging back and her body locked into some unnatural position in this cramped car like she’s in the throes of an exorcism instead of an orgasm.

“Oh fuck!” she says when her body finally starts to ease up and relax in my hands.

“You okay?” I pepper her body with kisses, just listening to the sound of her heavy breathing and erratic heartbeat.

“Are you kidding? That was fucking amazing. No one has ever…you know.”

“No one has ever made you climax before?”

“Never,” she says. I can’t get over how beautiful her red cheeks look in the moonlight. My car smells like sex now and I hope it never goes away.

“I find that really fucking sad,” I say.

“Yeah,” she mumbles, biting her lip and I start to see a hint of regret color her cheeks.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m great, but what about you?” she asks.

I really cannot let her touch me because I know once she does, I’m a goner. A lost cause. The desire to help Laila is strong, but what if I lose control? What if I let her touch my dick and things get out of hand? I can’t let that happen. Fooling around is one thing, but what kind of father would I be if I treated my daughter’s best friend like a casual hookup?

No. This has gone too far already, and I need to put an end to it now.

“I think that’s enough for tonight,” I say, and she pouts, but I can also see the dark circles under eyes. It’s unlikely that we’ll get a good night’s sleep as it is.

Reluctantly, Laila pulls on her underwear and pants. It’s getting colder, and as much as I want her to sleep naked next to me, it’s a cold night, and she needs to keep warm.

Once she’s dressed, I lay her down next to me, and I can feel her hesitance, like she wants to cuddle but is afraid to.

“Body heat will help us stay warm,” I mutter as I put out an arm for her to lie on. Cuddling close, she buries her face in my neck. I really shouldn’t be getting so attached to her like this, but I can’t help myself. I like the idea that she needs me.

“Are you okay?” I whisper.

With a lazy smile and a post-orgasm glow, she replies, “I’m great.”

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