
Chapter Chapter Twenty Eight

Lillian rubs Stef’s shoulder with, “Remember I told you how I was abused. That man scared the hell out of me every time I had to see him. He was my Uncles buddy. There were times I couldn’t

avoid it, until finally I was old enough, fed up enough, and mad-shit crazy enough to whoop his ass. And I did. It was then that I got my strength back. That’s what you have to do here. You have to get mad-shit crazy. No room for little girls here.”

Lillian selects a variety of sticks, looking for the right one. “I need a weapon. A stick, something.” She finds a stick and returns to the cage.

Brizzbee asks, “What are you gonna do with that?”

“Whatever I have to.”

“Please don’t pick a fight with the werewolf, Lillian. I really don’t feel like getting my ass kicked out here tonight.”

“Noted,” she says, revealing some concern over the impending doom. Then to Stef, “You gonna hurry up or what?”

Stef hushes them, “Very good hearing. He got the full rays first. We’re down in a valley.”

“If things get out of hand, and he’s hurting you, we’re going to have to shoot to kill,” Foster says.

“Only if he’s tearing me to pieces.”

“I’ll be up-his-ass long before that,” Lillian announces.

Stef approaches the cage and Lillian. “You need to take it back a notch, Lillian. This isn’t your

uncles friend. You could get seriously hurt. I’m begging you. I can’t have that on my conscience.”


“What am I going to do with you?”

“I was kind of hoping you did, but it looks like you two are the only werewolves out here tonight.”

“Lillian, be very careful what you wish for. This is a gift you don’t give back.”

“Well, I do have to say I’m slightly relieved. But I was ready for it.”

Foster and Brizzbee enter the cage. They check the door behind them and close it tightly, but softly. They watch as Stef returns to the wood-line. They can see her, though barely.

She’s somewhat concealed in the shadows. They watch as she peels out of her jeans, partially blocked by a branch covering her belly. Her movement hints at her wearing a light-colored pair of panties. She removes her shirt with her back towards the cage and bends down to her bag.

Lillian, noticing the two watching clears her throat in disapproval. They get the idea and turn away.

Stef removes a small black garment and slips it over her head. It slides smoothly down her body. It’s a short dress with frayed edges and a plunging neckline. Uneven strands of loose material drape her shoulders. The dark material appears durable. She searches the bag for something else. It’s not there.

“Lillian,” Stef whispers from the bush. “Where are my shorts?”

“You don’t need them. I took them out,” Lillian responds.

“What do you mean you took them out? What am I going to wear?”

“They didn’t match the outfit.” She then turns to the boys with, “The werewolf is worried about

showing her underwear.” Then, back at Stef - “...Wear the goddamn underwear and shut the hell up.”

Stef is pissed and throws the branches closed as if slamming the door on Lillian. Lillian turns back to the men with - “. . .Werewolves!?”

Stef places her items in the bag and marches out of the bush straight at Lillian. Lillian is impressed. The outfit screams primitive. And it’s showing all the right curves. Foster and Brizzbee can’t take their eyes off of her. She’s wearing knee-high moccasins with a three-inch fringe made of the same material as the shoulder drape.

Stef is completely unaware of just how hot she looks. Foster is slack-jawed over her. Stef notices the way they’re looking at her. “What? What are you looking at?”

“You. You look great,” Lillian says.

“You realize I’m going to be flashing the entire forest tonight. I really wish you left my shorts in the bag.”

“Nonsense. You look terrific. Turn around. I wanna see how the back looks.”

“Really? You’re serious.” Stef can’t believe Lillian is actually flattering her.

Lillian reaches through the bars, turning Stef around. She’s checking out her work as Stef shyly looks at the boys. They can’t take their eyes off of her.

“You sure you want to wear that?” Foster asks.

“She’ll be fine. Shut up,” Lillian says, pulling out some wrinkles.

“. . . I feel like a hooker.”

“Not at all. He’s a male werewolf. This might change his mind about tearing your ass apart. At least in the literal sense.”

“I’m not trying to get laid here, Lillian.”

“Alright. Back up. Let me see you.” Lillian steps away from the cage and looks her over. “You need to wear more dresses young lady.”

The full moon starts to paint across Stefanie’s face. She looks up at it and quickly backs away from the cage. But there’s one more thing she needs to do. She goes to Brizzbee and Foster, pulling them close to the bars. She breathes in their scent.

Foster and Brizzbee grow suspicious over the strikes of moonlight painting her face. Tiny hairs and fur start to push out from her skin. Stef turns towards the moon and doubles over.

It’s the first of many contractions. She pushes off of the cage recoiling from the pain. The convulsions are powerful and bring her to her knees as the moons light engulfs her fully.

Lillian didn’t get to see this part and it’s bothering her. She’s growing concerned and wants to go to her. But the most she can do is watch and wait with the others.

They struggle watching her through the faint light as the changes take over. Foster looks down at

the camera in his hand, but decides against it. This will be better not-recorded. At least for now.

Brizzbee, captivated by the science of it, watches intently. He notices the little things, like the wave of fur pushing through her skin, her nails darkening, the band across her eyes thickening.

Lillian didn’t see any of this last night. It all happened under the truck, in the shadows.

The shading of fur darkens over Stef’s legs and arms. Her muscles punch out. The dress tightens against her stomach. A shoulder strap drops, threatening a boob shot. Lillian exits the cage and crosses to her. Stef, clenching the ground, ignores her. Lillian adjusts the strap and briefly

considers the fanny pack. She could snatch it off of her, but Stef sends her back to the cage with a growl.

A loud splash echoes from the opposite side of the lake. It could only be one thing. Ominous, and he’s on his way.

Lillian closes the door and backs into the center of the cage, slowly, cautiously, and with a firm grip on her stick. She’s concerned over Stef being out there alone and unprotected.

Foster and Brizzbee check their weapons. Brizzbee loads a dart into the rifle chamber.

Nearby, a tree bends against its will. Then, two red eyes peer out from the dark of the woods focused on Stef.

Stef isn’t complete and needs a little more time. Her fur has yet to fill out over the backs of her hands although her claws are visible. As to are the muscles punching through her thighs and arms. She senses Ominous’ presence and tries pushing herself up but it only weakens her. She kneels up-right, head shifted down.

Foster, Brizzbee, and Lillian also sense his presence. He’s close, but where? Suddenly, Ominous lunges from the forest, knocking Stef to the ground as he runs past her. He stops and faces her, the cage and the occupants therein.

Foster, Brizzbee, and Lillian can’t believe his size. He’s larger than they expected. He’s a big boy, impressive and frightening. Stef growls at him, rising to her feet. She wants to face him

but she’s not complete yet. Pain pulls her back to her knees.

Ominous pauses in the light, revealing short dark fur covering every aspect of his face, chest, and body. His head is covered with straggly bands of dark gray hair, indicating a matured male. His hair is shorter, more grayish white. Human features lay beneath the dominating outer beast. Fur and hair come to a point below his lip. The mask-like band across his eyes is still present. Lillian notices his ear. It’s missing a piece of flesh. It’s Ominous, alright. Lillian is more angry than scared. But that’s because of what he’s put Stef through.

Ominous is very curious of Stef. He circles slowly, taking in her scent. He looks at the cage and then back at Stef. He grabs her by her ankles and pulls her flat to the ground.

A shot rings out from Brizzbee’s rifle. But Ominous, startled from the sound avoids the dart. Within seconds, he’s at the cage, shaking it violently, lifting the heavy structure off of the ground and dropping it. He drives his shoulder into the bars pushing the cage back several feet.

Stef reaches out towards the moonlight, vying for its rays. She needs a little more time, a little more moonlight. There’s interruption coming at her from every angle. It’s confusing, disorientating, but the moonlight will promise a new strength. A new her.

She finds the moonlight between the branches and reaches for it. The cells in her body eat it up, stirring the blood racing through her veins. She warned of being interrupted, and now the results are visible.

She’s more aggressive, angry and animal like. These changes have altered her appearance. Everything is a little more pronounced.

Ominous looks back at her and dives on her, pinning her to the ground. This is a show of force and dominance. She cries out in pain. He appears more curious than deadly. But that could


Foster’s had enough. He raises his sidearm through the bars, taking aim. But Lillian exits the cage with her stick. She swings, striking Ominous across the back, “Get off of her!”

Ominous retreats, slightly startled and surprised. He readies himself for a second attack as Lillian swings away. He ducks and backhands her into the bushes.

Brizzbee runs to Lillian, standing between her and Ominous, ready to protect her. Foster joins him, firing a shot into the air. Ominous slaps his ears from the pain and watches Foster. Foster points the gun at the ground, locking eyes with Ominous. Ominous readies a striking posture. Foster leans towards him trying to appear larger, unafraid. But Ominous is more afraid of that thing in Foster’s hand that made that awful noise.

Stef rolls across the ground covering her ears as well.

Lillian breaks from Brizzbee and crosses to her but Stef strikes out, sending her back into the bushes.

Ominous hasn’t moved. He’s dead-locked with Foster.

“Get Lillian,” Foster says. Brizzbee crosses to her with Foster watching his back. The three return to the cage as Ominous watches, curious as to why they’re here.

Brizzbee tries to load another dart into the rifle but drops it in his haste. Ominous’ sharp hearing picks up on it. Ominous rushes the cage, banging it hard with his shoulder. The cage strikes Foster’s gun hand and the gun drops outside the cage. Ominous considers it but Foster yells out at him, “no.”

Brizzbee struggles with the dart but it won’t load into the rifle.

Ominous grabs the cage bars and is staring at Foster. Maybe it’s Foster’s attempt at communicating to him or maybe it’s that funny noise coming out of his mouth. Whatever the reason, Ominous is very curious over it.

Noticing this, Foster tries something different, another approach to this beast. He points to the gun and gestures bad. This excites Ominous somehow. He reaches in through the bars trying to touch Foster. Foster raises his hand slowly to allow this but Brizzbee yells out, “no, don’t!” Both Foster and Ominous are now looking at Brizzbee.

“He could pull you right through those bars.”

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