Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 36: Kings Garden

Chapter 36: Kings' Garden

One might wonder why a King with so much power in his hands would ever care to listen to this opinion of those who amounted to simple mere mortals. However, it was important to understand just how critical the role of an Imperial Censor was. In fact, they're purposely chosen to be mortal so that they can maintain proper perspective.

When a country or Kingdom is formed, the most powerful strength its leaders can wield is nationalism. This fervent and almost basal instinct of a person born in a certain place to be biased toward their home. It is because of this nationalism and loyalty that governments can maintain themselves over generations, while it's often due to a lack of it that they fall prematurely.

No matter how much individual strength King Tor wields, there would come a day where he would have no choice but to hand his life's work to the next generation. When this occurs, he needs to ensure that the people still believe in the royal family and are willing to pledge their loyalty for another ruler's span. After this, it then becomes the next ruler's duty to maintain this tradition.

The date of this event was closer than one might think. Although King Tor's current lifespan was more than two hundred years, this didn't mean that he would rule for one hundred fifty more. According to the rules and regulations of their Plane, experts of a certain cultivation must recede from the so-called 'Secular World'. Given King Tor's talent, it wouldn't be much more than fifteen to twenty more years before he would be forced by these ancient traditions to abdicate.

Knowing this, King Tor couldn't in good conscience leave his Kingdom in turmoil. Even if he slowed his cultivation purposely to match the upper limit of this time – something that was morally grey according to the rules they followed – his eldest son wouldn't even be twenty-five years old. This simply wasn't enough time to resolve this conflict!

This wasn't the worst of matter either. Up until now, only abstract matters such as nationalism and loyalty were touched upon. However, there was a very real and tangible measure of this in the martial world: Fate!

This was the greatest task of the Imperial Censors, to ensure that Tor Kingdom's Faith was always maintained at the highest possible levels. Without the protection of such Faith, a Kingdom could face many potential issues. These matters could include crop failures, the spread of disease, lower fertility rates… The list was simply too long and catastrophic to comb through.

King Tor squeezed his forehead between his fingers, his jaw clenching. Flashes of pain, remorse and hesitation crossed his deep brown eyes. This was his son. No matter how many wives or concubines he had, he had never elevated one above the other.

How could he not know the kind of dirty schemes and backstabbing occurred in the Imperial Harem? He had tried his best to put an end to it all, but the Pillar Clans of his Tor Kingdom were simply too conniving. While he wanted to destroy them all from the root, such a thing would cripple his Kingdom as well.

Now, he was thrust into a situation where he was wrong no matter what he did. How could he ever look his son of his in the eye again?

"This matter concludes today." King Tor finally spoke, not looking up. "No one will lay a hand on the Fourth Prince."

The eyes of the Ministers and Censors widened. "Your Majesty!"

"SILENCE!" King Tor's roar shattered the floor beneath his feet, causing the mortals in front of him to bleed from their ears, unable to withstand his might.

"Seven years from now…" King Tor continued solemnly, "It will be revealed to the public that the Fourth Prince's Meridian Awakening Ceremony has failed. He will live a simple life without cultivation. When the Coronation Games begin, he will not have the power or backing to succeed… His life or death will be up to his own luck.

"Should he survive, he will be allowed to live out the rest of his life in quiet. If I hear of him suffering even a single grievance, I will eradicate you and your families!" King Tor's growl shook the scholarly Ministers from head to toe. How could they withstand such killing intent? "Should he die…"

King Tor didn't finish his words. He turned his back to the Ministers, disappearing from the Imperial Court it was seemed like just a single step.


The back of Tor Palace was a wonderland of sorts. It didn't have any heavenly treasures or overwhelming qi density, but it did have a calm ambience that helped one to clear their minds. This place was the only area of the Palace the King could come to be alone as everyone else was barred from entry.

That said, these truths were just by the standard of the Shrine Plane. To the Higher Mortal Plane, this small garden was akin to heaven on earth.

King Tor entered the Garden of Kings to stand beside a small stream of Elevated Water. This treasure wasn't too astounding, but it was definitely far better than a normal stream. It was charmed to have the capability of absorbing qi from the air before releasing it slowly over time in the form of a comforting fragrance. The result of this was increased qi density and purity in a given area.

The King mindlessly stared at this stream, following its meandering and benign path of meaninglessness. It simply continued to do its job. Absorbing qi. Storing qi. Releasing qi. Absorbing qi. Storing qi. Releasing qi…

In a lot of ways, it was a reflection of the pointless lives they led. Why did he become King? To protect the Kingdom. Why does he protect the Kingdom? To secure his family's future. Why does he want to secure his family's future? For the sake of the Kingdom. So why did he sacrifice his son today? For the sake of the Kingdom. But wasn't the sake of the Kingdom supposed to protect his family?

Shaking his head, King Tor walked to the end of the Garden to an unassuming fountain. He gripped the edge of its grey stone with a sturdy hand. The small prick of something sharp cut his hand, but in the next moment, the grey fountain began to turn, revealing a dark staircase below. contemporary romance

It wouldn't be long before King Tor realized that what he thought was saving his Kingdom had guaranteed its destruction. In the future, when he remembered that he made this decision because his son was born with a head of pure white hair and silver-blue eyes, it was likely that he wouldn't want to live anymore.

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