Goddess’ Blessing

Chapter 17~Out Loud Thoughts

Blake’s POV~

I’m furious.. No… Damien is furious.. I am beyond that! I have made it back to the front of the pack house… when I hear Damien say “Let’s take this inside, shall we?! It’s time for us to have a little chat!”

We are sitting in the conference room…. just as Jolene and Lynette come back in. Jolene is carrying a tray… with a coffee pot and cups.. with creamer and sugar. And a whiskey bottle.. unopened. My smart girl. Trust no one!

She climbs into my lap and snuggles into my neck. I wrap her tight and kiss her head.. All the while, staring at Jacob. I smirk at him “I owe you a debt of gratitude for throwing this beautiful woman away! When she broke the bond… we were each granted a second chance! And to show how grateful I am.. I won’t let her kill you…today” Damien, Liam and the guards all laughed.

Alpha Taylor spoke up “Alpha King.. I don’t understand why you are here. This isn’t a royal matter. At best, it would be handled at the gubernatorial level.. yet.. it isn’t even that! It is an internal pack conflict.. yet, here you are.. and the Kingdom Sovereign Laws state the monarchy will not interfere.” Lynette looks at us.. back at him.. then back at us “He doesn’t teach, preach or practice Mother Moon’s doctrines.. yet thinks to tell his King the Laws of Sovereignty! Fascinating as Fuck! Do go on!” And again, we chuckle. Taylor clears his throat “Perhaps the ladies would prefer to retire to the sitting room with our Lunas.. Jolene snorts… then she mumbles ‘bumbling idiot believes because they’ve mated airheads all women are stupid. Like he has any control over anything we do!’ And I laugh.. hard “Out Loud Thoughts, Angel” she says “Fuck!” And again, we laugh.

I said “Alpha Taylor.. you are under the impression you are in charge of this meeting. You are not!” He snarls “Your Majesty! I refuse to indulge in conversation with a low born Alpha that has nothing to do with this situation! I will, of course, discuss this situation with you.. but this wet behind the ears child playing Alpha has no say!” Damien smirks at me “Are your ears wet, cousin? If they’re dry.. shall we continue?” I flip him off and Lynette cracks up and high fives me! Then Damien looks at Taylor.. “ Blake Landon is far from low born! And he absolutely has a dog in this hunt! You see.. his father-in-law lays in a hospital bed… fighting for his life at this moment due to injuries he sustained at the hands of this pack! And before this day is done… I will have those responsible! You see… I take my responsibilities very seriously.. to my people.. and more importantly.. to my family! And make no mistake.. when my first blood cousin marked and mated Jolene Garrett…she became family. Thus by deductive reasoning.. August Garett became my family, as well!” He looked around the room.. allowing his gaze fall on each person at the table.. landing on Tyler “Except you! You are a Garrett we have No Use for” and sweat literally popped up on his forehead. “Now! Who wants to go first?! My first question to be answered truthfully.. and know that one of my gifts.. is knowing a lie.. Tyler.. why have you persecuted and tormented your sister her whole life?”

“She’s not my sister “ hmmm.. “You honestly believe that.. why?”

“Alpha Taylor told me mom cheated on my dad” Damien nods “Still would have made her your sister, dumbass..albeit half. While you believe it to be true.. it IS, in fact, a lie… Taylor.. why would you tell Tyler such a lie?”

Taylor responds “It was reported to me” .. Damien drums his fingers on the table..”Lie! Try again!” Taylor started squirming.. Damien looks at Liam “ Disclose what you’ve found. I don’t have time nor patience for this man’s bullshit!”

Liam pulled his tablet up and began to read… “Alpha John Taylor tried on several occasions to engage in sexual activity with Julianna Garrett on numerous occasions, after failed attempts at pressuring.. bribing.. punish.. and attacking White Moon pack to make Julianna his chosen mate. On one such visit.. August Garrett recognized Julianna as his true mate on her eighteenth birthday. The two marked and mated that same day. Forcing Taylor to look elsewhere for a chosen mate.” Jolene mumbles “needs to be called Dickhead Taylor so everyone knows him for what he is’ and Damien laughed.. but Liam lost his shit “does she do that a lot?” I nod.. “especially when she’s pissed.. or stressed. It’s cute.. but I’m sure some people would find it annoying. It’s just endearing to me.” Tyler speaks up “She’s done it since she was old enough to talk”

Damien says “So Dickhead… it was plain old jealousy that made you lie to your Beta’s son. Were you always jealous of the man whom you claimed as best friend? The man whose true mate was not only beautiful.. but Alpha born? The friend whose daughter was born blessed by the Goddess… a white wolf.. a natural healer with her powers from the Goddess herself? …. Ohhh Hooo! I see you did NOT know that! Now you know.. now you see what you taught your son to throw away!”

Jacob speaks “She was a prude! A frigid prude and I have needs.” And Lynette laughed “Oh grow the fuck up! Your brain is supposed to be on top of your shoulders.. not hiding in your underwear.. you needle dick bug fucker!” And everyone in our group lost their shit! Our Queen! Priceless!

Damien asks “Who ordered the capture, incarceration, and torture of August Garrett? And to what purpose?” Taylor said “I did.. of course! He is a traitor to River Run! He knew of the birth of the Alpha heir! And he knew where said heir was hiding! His torture was within pack rights for information extraction!”

“Uh huh! And how’s that working for you? What information was extracted?” Damien asked… Taylor huffed “None. He told us that yes.. Jolene has a son. Nothing else. Not where she lives. Certainly not that she had remated. And nothing in regard to the boy! We found no pictures in his home. Nothing on his phone. He held steadfast.. no matter what we tried. It was only after water boarding that we found out she in fact had a son” and Liam punched him so hard he knocked him out.. Jolene smirks ‘normals’ and again we laughed!

Damien spins his chair and says “While your pathetic excuse of a father naps.. let’s hear from his pathetic excuse of a son. Why did you refuse to mark your true mate.. but first.. why would you rape her, knowing it would initiate the bond?”

Jacob sneers “it isn’t rape when it’s your mate! She was given a little sleep aid! I had tried two weeks! I waited two long weeks! She kept refusing because she wanted me to mark her! No bitch is going to force me to mark her!”

And I laughed! “ You’re a fucking idiot! Your loss! My absolute most precious gain! But you’re wrong! Your dad’s a bitch and he forced you to mark a whore. So.. that makes you a bitch, too!” He lunged at me.. and Jolene tripped him.. I growled “Boy! I said I wouldn’t let her kill you…never said a fucking word about me! Now sit your ass back in that chair!”

Damien laughs “You just make friends everywhere we go!” And I laugh and tell him “What can I say? I’m a likable guy!” Jolene mumbles and lickable.. which causes another round of laughter as I whisper “out loud thoughts, Angel” again she says ‘Fuck!

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