Give Me More (Salacious Players’ Club)

Give Me More: Chapter 15


I wish Hunter would just say what’s on his mind. He’s always been like this, sulking and brooding in silence until he just walks away, without ever really expressing himself. It makes me want to push his buttons, which is exactly what I’m doing now. I know what’s got him so pissed off, but if he’s not going to talk about it like an adult, then I’m going to make him suffer for it.

“I should go check on him,” Isabel says after we’ve pulled off all of my ropes and piled them on the table. I pull up my pants, but leave my shirt off for a moment. My skin is still feeling a little sensitive from the rope, and I’m fighting the urge to itch.

“I’ll meet you over there,” I reply. She sends me a tense smile before disappearing into the next room, where the bar is. This club is pretty similar to Salacious. There’s a main room, lots of smaller rooms, and a large one at the end, where they must hold their workshops and shows. It’s making me brainstorm ways we can add a space like this to our club.

I turned the main room into a giant voyeur hallway, so I could easily manage this.

“Oh, look at your rope marks. They’re beautiful.” Soft hands graze my arms and I turn to find Silla inspecting my skin like it’s a piece of art.

“Thanks?” I say with a question.

“Not all skin marks the same from the ropes, but yours turned out perfect. Let me show you.” She pulls out her phone and aims it at my back. When the flash goes off, she lets out a disgruntled noise. “The lighting in here is terrible. Here, come with me. I’ll take you to a room with better lighting, so you can see it.”

“My friends—’

“It’ll just take a second. I need to get a good picture before they fade.”

Letting out a sigh, I take one last glance toward the door before following her. My fingers run over the divots in my arms, where the rope was squeezing tightly against my muscles. It was painful, but in a strangely satisfying way. I almost wanted them tighter. I liked feeling restrained and at Hunter’s mercy. I loved being the center of his attention and so connected to every one of his movements that I could just lose myself in the rope in his hands.

“So, was that couple your…”

“My friends,” I reply, answering her question because I know exactly what she’s asking. Pretty funny that no one has asked that before. We’re always together, and I guess we do sort of look like a throuple. I’m realizing now that a lot of people at the club probably assume we are.

“Oh,” Silla replies with a smile. “They’re a beautiful couple.”

“Yeah, they are.”

“Here we go,” she says when we reach the third door in the dark hallway. It opens to a dim room, and she hits one of the lights on the wall. It’s not exactly bright, definitely no brighter than the other room. It’s ornately decorated with a large bed on one side and a sizeable chair on the other, almost as if it’s made for watching. And there are mirrors along each wall, ornate ones with elaborate brass designs.

“Come here,” she says, dragging me to the wall. As she places my back toward the mirror, she pulls out her phone again, and this time takes a pic without the flash. “Perfect,” she whispers. Holding her phone up to my face, I see the intricate designs across my back from the rope, but I’m not nearly as impressed by it as she is.

Then her fingers are on me again. I’m staring down at her thick, fluttering lashes and tight black curls. She’s beautiful, and I realize that if I wanted to, I could fuck her right here, right now. I mean…that’s why she brought me in here. I don’t believe for one second it was about the lighting. She’s playing her cards strong, and I’ve never had a woman have to try this hard.

Her eyes skate upward, landing on my face. “How about that tour?”

“You want to take me on a tour?” I ask.

“I’ll show you whatever you want,” she replies, her nails dragging across my pecs. Then she leans in to press her lips against my chest, and I curse my stupid, rotten luck. My head hangs back as I practically growl with frustration.

Placing my hands on her arms, I gently nudge her backward. “Fuck, I’m so sorry I have to do this.”

“Then, don’t,” she replies, pushing back against me. Her fingers hang onto the waistband of my pants, and I grit my teeth.

“Silla, you are unbelievably beautiful, and I wish I could do this…but I’m sort of with someone.”

“Where is she?”

“It’s complicated,” I reply, running my hands through my hair. “And I’ll be honest, I don’t even know what I’m doing or what we are, but I just can’t be with anyone else right now.”

Her shoulders sag. “Of course, you’re a gentleman.”

A laugh bursts from my lips. “Hardly. In fact, I’m a fucking scoundrel. I wish I could show you how much of one I am, but these people…this person…is important to me.”

She’s staring at my face with a gentle squint, and finally her eyes widen and her mouth forms an O shape. “Oh…it’s them, isn’t it? The couple.”

I open my mouth to protest because it’s not something I was prepared to own up to, but then I realize I don’t know this woman. She doesn’t know me or the club or anything, so she’s actually the best person to confide in.


She nods with a tight smile. “Both of them?”

“No…just her, sort of.”

“Sort of?”

“Well…he wants to watch,” I add with a grimace.

“Oh, kinky,” she replies with a laugh. “But that doesn’t mean you belong to them.”

“I know, I know. But I can’t be sleeping with her and other people.”

Silla’s brow furrows. “For how long?”

“I guess that’s the question.”

“How long have you been sleeping with her?” she asks, and I wince.

“I haven’t yet.”

“I see…” she replies with an inquisitive expression, like she’s trying to figure all of this out. Good luck…even I don’t understand it. “So let me get this straight. It’s just about sex, right?”


“And you want to do this?”

“Of course,” I answer.

“So…what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that these are my best friends and I want this as much as they do, but what am I going to do when it’s over? What if I lose them over this?”

She steps back and twists her lips in thought. “But what if you gain them?”


With a sigh, she takes a seat on the end of the bed and stares at me. “If it’s possible to lose them, then isn’t it just as possible that you gain them?”

“We’re already best friends. How could I gain them?”

“Ugh…don’t be so dense. You know exactly what I mean!”

I do, but…that thought is so far from my mind. This is just sex. It’s just a kinky thing Hunter wants. It’s not like I’m going to join…or be in their relationship or whatever. I don’t even know what that would be called.

“No,” I reply, shaking my head. “These are my best friends. And what we’re doing is just sex. We’re not going to become a throuple or anything.”

“You don’t want that?” she asks. My eyes squint and stare up at the ceiling as I think about it.

No, I don’t want that. I don’t want to settle down…although if I did, it would be with someone like Isabel.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s not bisexual. How would that even work? We’d both be with her?”

She shrugs. “Sure.”

“But that’s his wife.”

“Who he’s asking you to fuck.”

Touché. “See, this is what I’m talking about. It’s complicated, and the sex I usually have is not complicated. It’s simple. No attachments. No strings. Fuck, half the time I don’t even get their name. And that’s how I like it. This shit has too many moving parts and things to worry about.”

“But you’re still doing it,” she replies.

With a sigh, I say, “Yeah.”

I keep waiting for her to ask why, but instead, she’s nodding her head with a knowing smile. And I guess there’s not really any question why I’m doing this. I’m doing it because I want to. Because I want them.

“Come on. Your kinky couple is probably looking for you,” she says, pulling me toward the door.

With her arm linked through mine, I smile down at her. “I like you. I’m going to put in a good word and get you at Salacious.”

“I’ve never been to California,” she replies.

“It’s expensive and crowded, but we have great beaches,” I reply.

“And great men.”

“Obviously,” I say, and we both laugh as she opens the door. I’m in a much better mood than I was a few minutes ago. Until we peer down the hallway and find my kinky couple, as she calls them, waiting for me with irritable expressions on their faces.

Hunter’s eyes dance between me and Silla while Isabel waits, nervously chewing on her lip.

“Let’s go. We’re leaving.” He grunts before storming away.

“Wait,” I call, chasing after him. Turning back to Silla, I send her a helpless glance. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Go, go, go,” she replies. “But wait!” She grabs my arm and slides a card into my hand. “In case you want to bring them back here,” she says, nodding her head toward the room we just walked out of.

“Thanks,” I mutter, looking down at the matte black card in my hand.

Isabel is watching us, a notch of concern in her brow. Putting a hand on her back, I lead her toward where Hunter just disappeared. He’s already halfway out the door when we catch up to him.

“Will you slow down?” I snap, grabbing his arm.

“Deal’s off.” He grunts, pulling away.

“What?” Isabel and I reply in unison.

“Drake, you can’t be playing the field while we do this. It’s not fair to her.”

“I didn’t—’

“We both saw the way you were flirting with her. It was obvious.”

“I flirt with everyone, Hunter,” I argue. Why do I suddenly feel like I’m arguing with a jealous boyfriend instead of my best friend? “I didn’t sleep with anyone. I’m not that much of a whore.”

“I didn’t say you were a—’ He’s struggling with his words now, clearly worked up, and I feel the card in my hand, squeezed so tightly, it’s left marks in my palm.

Forcing myself to swallow, I remember how perfect that room was. It had a chair in the corner and it was classy, not some sleazy hotel bed. And I’m really committed to this crazy idea, so here we go. No better time than the present.

I hold the card out to him. “She gave us a room. I haven’t done anything in it except talk to her. You can trust me. So…do we want to use it or not?”

Hunter’s eyes focus on the card I’m holding between us. Then, I glance sideways at Isabel, who’s standing silently next to her husband. She’s staring at the card too, like it’s going to explode or something.

It’s her who speaks first. “I’m ready.”

My heart beats a little faster. “I’m ready too.”

Then, she and I both stare at Hunter as we wait. And I watch as his jaw relaxes, his shoulders fall away from his ears, and the wrinkle between his eyebrows dissipates. Finally, he looks me in the eye as he responds, “I’m ready.”

There’s still tension between us as I open the door to the room Silla and I were just in. Isabel walks in, tentatively glancing around and taking in the decor of the place, as if she’s trying to decide whether or not this is the kind of place she wants to have sex with just the second man in her entire life.

“It’s nice,” she whispers, looking around, and honestly, this is all a little too uncomfortable for me. Awkward sexual encounters really aren’t my style. If I were with a normal girl, I would just make things physical quickly to snuff out any of those pre-sex jitters. But that’s not exactly an option for us right now.

Hunter wants to watch, and in a way, I know he wants to sort of orchestrate it too. Or at least that’s what I gathered from last night. If we’re going to do this, it has to be on his terms. And to some degree Isabel’s. And then to a lesser degree, mine.

I’m still shirtless from when Silla dragged me in here, so I toss my shirt on the dresser as I face Hunter. “What should we do now?”

He doesn’t answer as he continues to explore the room, opening drawers and cabinets to inspect what they have to offer. I notice the usual, condoms and lube and some basic toys like cuffs and pillows.

Then, he pulls open a cabinet and I’m surprised to see what looks like a stereo receiver. Even Hunter shares my expression of surprise. Then I realize that’s why it’s so awkward in here. We can’t hear the music from the main room, so it’s basically silent.

Hunter tries a couple knobs and buttons, and a moment later, music begins to play through the ceiling’s speakers. It takes me a few minutes to place the song, but when the singer chimes in, I immediately recognize it as “Stand by Me.” It’s a classic, romantic and sultry, and I glance at Isabel, who’s hovering nervously by the bed.

Hunter loosens his tie and then rolls up the sleeves of his shirt. Chin lifted, he watches me through his thick lashes as he says his next words as a command.

“Dance with my wife.”

Arousal goes off like an explosion inside me as I glance in Isabel’s direction. Without a word, I hold out a hand toward her.

A smile creeps across her face. Then she places her hand in mine and lets me pull her against my body. My hand slides down her back as we begin to sway side to side, the music carrying us. And when it breaks into the instrumental bridge, the lights grow dimmer. Hunter leans casually against the cabinet and watches us as I hold her close in my arms, gazing down into her eyes. And when the music begins to fade, it settles into another song. This time something from Marvin Gaye.

“Kiss her,” a voice from the side of the room chimes in, and I’m already leaning my mouth down toward hers. She closes the distance, lifting onto her toes to capture my mouth with her own.

And the moment we’re touching, all of the tension melts away.

Her mouth is eager and warm, her tongue sliding against mine, and I realize this is only the third time we’ve really kissed, but it already feels so natural, as if we’re made to do this. My hands slide down her back, stopping at her waist as I tug her closer, so she can feel the thickness in my pants. I want her to know what she does to me.

“Take off his clothes, Red,” Hunter commands, and I glance over her head to see him now relaxing in the large chair, watching us through a lust-filled, hooded gaze. Isabel doesn’t hesitate. Her fingers are already fumbling for the button on my pants, and I bite my bottom lip as I watch her.

I’ve known this beautiful woman for ten years. I’ve had her in my life almost every single day, and while I admired her for every moment of it, I never looked at her like this, never once expecting we’d get here, and I’d want it so goddamn bad.

Each breath feels like a struggle as her fingers graze my abdomen. When my zipper is down, her gaze lifts to my face. Soft, innocent green eyes gaze up at me, and then over at her husband, as if she’s waiting for his permission. He gives her a quick nod, licking his lips as he watches her reach into my pants. My face winces with surprise as she wraps her hand around my hard cock, nudging my pants down my legs to give her more access.

She squeezes it tighter than I expected her to; sweet, quiet Isabel has a firm grip, and she tugs mercilessly on the head, making me grunt due to the mix of pain and pleasure. And with her eyes still locked with mine, she lets go of my cock, lifts her hand to her face and licks a wet line across her palm, slicking it up before returning it to my length.

“Fuck,” I groan as she slides her hand from base to tip with more ease.

“Is he hard, Red?”

“Yes,” she replies in a sultry tone.

After a few strokes, she starts to look anxious, as if she wants to do something else. Finally, she turns her head and glances over her shoulder at her husband sitting in the chair.

“You know what to do, baby,” he says, and my heart starts to beat harder. Without hesitation, she lowers to the floor before me, barely coming up to my dick when she’s on her knees, so she has to reach. I brush her hair out of her face, so I can watch as she swirls her tongue around the head of my cock.

My mouth hangs open as she elicits each groan and grunt from my chest with the movement of her tongue. When she drags me into her mouth, welcoming me into the warmth of her throat, I make the mistake of looking up.

And I find him not watching Isabel, but watching me. Our eyes meet for a long-drawn-out moment, and I notice the way he forces himself to swallow, then bites his bottom lip. Isabel sucks hard, stealing my attention, and I look back down at her, those soft pink lips wrapped around my fat cock. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever fucking seen.

“Fuck, you’re so good at that, Isabel. I want to come down your pretty little throat.”

“Not yet,” Hunter barks from the chair.

So I quickly pull my dick out of her mouth because I was a lot fucking closer than he realized. Even now, cum leaks out of the tip, no matter how hard I try to stop it.

“Get on the bed, Isabel. On all fours and face me.” His simple commands make everything we do so much more sensual. We obey and we get rewarded.

She quickly stands, leaving me on the edge of my orgasm with my saliva-coated cock. Hunter and I both follow her with our eyes as she does as he said, climbing onto the bed on her hands and knees. Turns out sweet little book-loving Isabel is a fucking vixen.

“Now lift your dress for him,” Hunter says, leaning forward as he gives her instructions, slowly and deliberately, with a subtle huskiness to his voice.

When Isabel lifts her dress for me, exposing her pale ass, my mouth goes dry. I don’t need instructions, but I wait for them anyway. Glancing his way, I realize he looks as if he’s going to come undone. Still confident and dominant, but with a hint of excitement too.

“Go to her,” he says, his voice so raspy now it sounds like it’s difficult to speak.

In a rush, I shuck off my pants and boxers and walk to the side table to grab a condom. I’m enjoying the filthy view of her wet cunt as I slide on the rubber. Then, I move into place behind her. She has a thin pair of panties on that I easily slide down her legs.

I’m then nudging the head of my cock against her pussy, but I don’t enter her, not yet. Not until he tells me to. And he’s dragging it out to torture me, I can tell.

So after a long wait, I lift my gaze up to his face. My dick is inching its way into his wife as he and I stare each other down. The eye contact between us is intense and new, nothing like I’ve ever felt looking into Hunter’s eyes before, but considering the current situation, it makes sense that this would be different. There’s also something in his expression that has me feeling excited.

My blood is pumping loud in my ears as I bathe in his wanton gaze. And I imagine for a moment that it’s not just this experience he wants but me. And when he finally mumbles a guttural, “Fuck her,” I swear it’s not only Isabel I’m eagerly sinking into.

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