Giles' Keeper

Chapter 26

“Sleeping beauty has roused finally,” Ozul’s deep voice is filled with amusement as Giles pulls me into the royal dining hall.

“I thought I deserved a long rest considering events,” I quipped, earning a snort from Cora as Lennon stood with a wide smile, arms outstretched.

“My dear, ignore him he’s just returned from his trip- he’s a bit of a grouch,” she teases her youngest son with a loving smile. “How are you feeling? I’ve never felt anyone get as hot as you had,” Lennon speaks with warmth and tender kindness in her voice as I struggle to smile.

“Give her a rest Mother, she just came to and is starved,” Giles cuts her off before helping me into my seat and starting to make my plate.

“Excuse me for worrying over my daughter-in-law,” Lennon gives a pointed look towards her son. “Ophelia, can you bring more ale to the table?” She calls my maid before taking her own seat.

“Where’s Reznor and Jezebel?” I ask, noticing more empty seats than normal. They haven’t left too have they? Giles takes his own seat sighing as he swallows a healthy sip of ale before answering.

“The winds have grown to be a lot for him, he needs to spend a lot of time resting when able,” his sigh makes me stare at him before he nods to my plate. ‘You need to eat my sweet, you’ve been withering away,’ his voice is so clear in my head, even more so than before our date. I wonder if that means we’ve completed the bond?

‘Have we bonded more?’ I ask him mentally before nodding at his answer. I take a bite of the roast, savoring the flavor of the food.

“Here’s your ale Madam,” Ophelia’s voice sounds from the doorway, her heart skips a beat as she gasps. “My lady, you’ve awoken!” Swallowing the bite of food in my mouth she rushes setting the pitcher of ale down to wrap her arms around me yanking me upwards for a tight hug. “I was so worried my lady,” she sighs, pulling back her features pinched, eyes saddened.

“Ophelia, you know I was in the best care with Giles,” I smile watching as she frowns, stepping back to smooth her apron down, removing the wrinkles.

“I know- it wasn’t easy seeing you how you were,” she sighs as she grabs the pitcher to pour more ale for Giles before moving to Ozul with a deeper frown.

‘How bad was it?’ I ask Giles sitting down as he places a hand on my leg taking a bite.

“It wasn’t easy for any of us,” Cora agrees with her, offering me a smile. “We were worried you weren’t going to make it,” she admits as I struggle to keep my composure.

‘We worried you wouldn’t make it my sweet; things were very bad,’ he answers with a soft smile towards me, worry hidden in the depth of his eyes.

“Well, thankfully I’m more resilient than I appear,” I laugh it off with a wink. Draven chuckles, lightly raising his glass with a wry grin.

“To heirs! Let our family grow and the race be saved,” Draven announces, raising his glass to cheers the table. Race be saved? Everyone raises their glasses offering their own cheers. Cora grins as she turns to me.

“Are you trying for heirs now? It’s going to be soon right?” I could’ve choked on my tongue at her question, feeling myself flush at the question.

“Enough, both of you,” Giles growls softly looking over the table. “Last I checked, that’s a matter between me and my Queen,” he asserts leaning back in his chair with his hand around my thigh holding me tightly. My lord I didn’t expect this from them. Draven frowns looking at his son.

“Not when the fate of the kingdom depends on the ability to reproduce- do you think we have the time for anything but producing heirs?” He scoffs, throwing his napkin down, eyes burning with emotion. Fate of the kingdom? “Do you not understand how dire-”

Enough!” Giles snarls standing while breathing smoke from his nostrils. “How dare you insult me and my leadership. I have spent the past months praying to the ancients to keep her alive. I refuse to accept you questioning me and my mate of when we choose to have our children,” he vibrates with rage, I move to hold his hand watching as he breathes smoke staring his father down.

“And the kingdom has suffered for it! Look around us - we are in dark times, the longer we wait the further into suffering we will sink. Is this really how you want to start your rein? Forever-” Draven stands growling, breathing smoke just the same as his son.

“Do not question my reign!” Giles snarls, eyes glowing while his body grows, his dragon barely contained, his claws erupt from his knuckles digging into my leg.

“It’s for the best of the race-” Lennon objects, making Cora frown more as she glances at me with her own innocent flush.

Enough!” Giles snarls fangs emerging from his mouth as he snarls louder, snarls shake his form. “If you speak out of turn once more on this matter I will have you cast from my sight immediately, I will not tolerate you harassing my mate to have children no matter the circumstances we face. If you do not agree to my ruling I will see you out of the kingdom at once,” he nearly yells as Ozul stands staring his brother down. “That goes for anyone at this table.”

I tighten my hand around his clearing his throat as I feel warmth trickle from my thigh, the scent nauseating to me. “I think we’ve all had a stressful time in the recent months; that being said what happens in our quarters is between us, if you wish to disrespect that then I see no sense in why you should remain under Giles ruling,” I state shocked with my words and the mental clarity that emits from them. I did not just say that to his family.

Rage washes over me from him before I feel his pride take over, his claws draw back in as Ozul turns towards his parents with his own intimidating frown, divided. “Everyone needs to step back,” he advises, staring his father down before he stares down Giles who growls at him lowly.

“I will not hesitate to defend my mates honor and choice of children from anyone - family included,” he growls standing over his brother’s eyes flashing in warning. “If you refuse to see and respect me as King then I will dismiss you from the kingdom immediately. Am I clear?” The room falls silent, a stare off between Draven, Ozul and Giles. Lennon sniffles, shaking her head sadly.

“Why are you being so harsh? We’re your parents- we love you and the kingdom; we only want what’s best,” she sighs softly, standing to place her hand on her mate’s chest. She then turns her eyes on me frowning with sympathy. “You need to realize that you have to sacrifice to save this kingdom, you are the Queen - it is your duty,” she answers before pushing her mate backwards.

Leave!” Giles shouts at his mother and father dismissing the pair after her remark. Draven growl at his son before Lennon gently pushes him out the door, leaving Cora and Ozul in their own silence.

“Giles, you need to calm down,” Cora shakes her head, throwing her napkin over her plate of food before she shakes her head at him and leaves. Ozul stares after her before turning towards Giles as he forces himself to calm down.

“You know what has to be done,” he states calmly before following after his sister. I stare at the empty doorway before turning towards Giles as he jerks a hand through his hair angrily.

“What are they on about? Children? Is it normal for… you know… to happen so soon after the coronation?” Granted I wasn’t awake for the months passing it- I can’t fathom how long it’s been, it’s surreal.

“We aren’t having children yet,” he states harshly pushing away from the table he paces agitated, features made of stone.

“That wasn’t what I asked… Why are you so upset about this?” I stand up walking to stand by his chair holding onto it. ‘What haven’t you told me about the past months? Something terrible happened, hasn’t it?’ I try to ask him, stunned to feel the wall, the barrier between us.

“It’s not a topic of debate, I refuse to entertain it so soon,” he grits his teeth, eyes furious glittering with rage.

“Why are you blocking me?” I ask, hurt at the distance. He was so upset when I tried to while talking with Cora. He faces me frowning before he covers his face with a low growl. How much has happened- changed?


“I don’t…” I shake my head, stepping back. “I’m going back to our quarters and when you are ready to talk to me, honestly, I’ll welcome the conversation,” I shake my head unsure what he was about to say. But I get the distinct feeling it wasn’t the truth of the recent months.

“Nesta,” he tries again, stepping towards me as I raise my hands.

“I need you talking to me, respecting me that much, I think I have a right to know and understand what all is going on. Especially since it seems like I’m at the center of all of this,” I chuckle weakly as I look at him. “I mean, children, don’t I get the opportunity to know what’s happening? We rule together, or am I only supposed to be the Queen that has no voice?” Giles stares at me frowning at my words.

I take the easy way out and tuck my tail retracing my steps back towards our quarters, stopping to take a closer look over the gardens. How long has Corban been gone? Is he really gone in his time with his dragon or has he run? Or worse? I never want to think poorly of Giles, especially now. He’s all I have to trust really, I know Ophelia to a certain extent. Cora has been welcoming.

But the rest of the family has seemed terribly intimidating. “My lady!” Ophelia calls out distracting me as she rushes forward linking our arms together. “How are you feeling? I know you didn’t get a chance to eat much of your meal- shall I bring up another plate? You must be starved,” she rushes out breathless making me glance at her in shock before shrugging.

“I’m fine Ophelia, I’m not hungry anymore, thank you though,” I smile at her taking in her saddened features. “Are you alright? What has you so sad? Is it that boy you like?” I lean in closer with a sympathetic smile watching as she flushes.

“He left the kingdom,” she whispers nervously, hanging onto my arm tighter, walking with me back to our quarters.

“Do I get to know who this special man is?” Ophelia stares at me silently with a small frown before shaking her head shyly.

“I don’t want to talk about it- tis not proper,” she whispers, not looking at me. “I was so worried about you in the keep, when it happened… it was… intense,” she changes topics. Giles had mentioned she was there.

“It’s all so hazy,” I admit with my own flush. Ophelia stops with a whisper, covering her mouth.

“You don’t remember it?” His direct question gives me pause as I stop beside her.

“Of course I remember,” I sigh, shaking my head to glance down the hall towards our quarters.

“The guards caught you as you fell you know, you were so hot,” she announces, watching me intently.

“I’m glad they saved me from some bruises then,” I smile slightly as she watches me before smiling sadly.

“It was a blessing they were so close to you, I’ll bring up tea and a snack, my lady,” she announces before turning to disappear. Just how much have I forgotten? Missed even?

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