Giles' Keeper

Chapter 16

I feel like an imbecile. Giles turns his head to watch me with a curious frown. “Why do you feel that way my dear?” I flush at him before I nod towards the book in my hands.

“I can’t read…” He nods, standing from his desk with a small sheepish smile.

“Forgive me my dear, I don’t know what came over me,” he moves to sit down on the couch beside me, the cushions sinking under his weight pulling me to his side. I flush even worse now, shrugging my shoulders shyly.

“You’ve been quite busy with your father, I’d imagine your mind has been a bit full,” I excuse watching as he shakes his head with a deeper frown.

“For you? Never, you’ll always be my first priority. I’m sorry, I have made you feel less than adequate with my careless actions,” he sighs, rubbing his features before he grabs my hand with a sorrowful expression. “Will you forgive me my dear?”

“You don’t have to apologize- you didn’t mean to upset me. I just-” I stare at the book with a small frown of my own. “Is it hard to learn to read?” My fingers trace over the shapes on the leather cover, the smooth surface is butter soft beneath my finger tips. Its spine well worn from use, golden letters glitter in the sunlight of his office window.

“I’m not sure hard is the right word to use,” he starts off gently, lost in thought for a moment. “I’d say it’ll take time, but with the right tutor you’ll have no trouble at all.” Giles offers with a small smile that makes me flush.

“Can I learn?” I ask timidly, glancing up at him through my lashes. My heart leaps at his smile as he nods, grabbing my fidgeting hand to hold on top of the book.

“Of course my sweet, you’ll have the best tutors,” he announces with warm glittering eyes. “Do you wish to learn to write as well?” Giles questions as he turns himself to face me, eyes dancing in the light, shifting in with a wealth of beauty.

“I can learn that as well?” I was surprised at the offer.

“If that’s what you wish my sweet,” he squeezes my hand with a gentle smile. “All you have to do is ask my sweet and the world is yours. You can have a life better than you ever have dreamed off,” he kisses my knuckles with a loving gaze.

“This is still so surreal to me,” I admit with a shy flush, staring at our joined hands.

“Are you settling well my sweet?” Giles murmurs with his low soothing tone that always has my belly twisting with butterflies.

“Honestly? I’m not sure, I feel so out of place,” I shrug, before glancing up at him. “I grew up believing I was going to marry young, have a family of my own. I always found it strange Papa never tried to find me a man,” I mutter the last part more to myself than him. Surprised by the growl he releases.

“You have always been destined to be mine, my sweet. We are one soul that was split at birth brought back together.” I stare at him, he is so self-assured, confident in his words; clearly he believes it.

“You’ve grown up knowing this- I grew up poor, knowing only humans existed. Never could I have dreamed of tales of dragons or other mythical beings,” I sigh, pulling my hand away feeling overwhelmed with jitters. “Giles, you were told you had a soulmate from birth. You’ve always known you were destined to be here,” I pointed to my chest, before waving my arm around his office.

“This room is larger than my family cabin. I wasn’t prepared to become some kind of royalty- mythical royalty no less.” My heart leaps in my chest as my mind really settles with the idea. How could I be meant for this? Giles frowns at my thought and I feel my chest tighten, shaking my head before he can respond. “This isn’t my normal.”

Giles sits there in silence as if pondering my words, his thoughtful frown makes me pause, my emotions a scattered mess. “I’m sorry you feel out of place here,” he starts off, opening his hand to mine. I feel a pulling sensation in my body to him, a warmth at his tender action. “I know this has and will be a shock. I wish I could promise you that this will be smooth- but I can’t tell you a lie.”

I both feel afraid of the unknown yet excited at the prospect of being made for him. And him for me. He’s only shown me the utmost respect and kindness, always looking out for me. “I don’t expect easy- far from it. But all of this? It’s so much,” I fret to him, grabbing his hand with a sigh.

“So much? In what way my sweet? Are you too stimulated by all that you’ve seen and changed? Or do you feel the wealth is too much?” He questions me quietly, his head tilted as if he’s trying to find a solution to all of my problems.

“Yes?” I question, shrugging as I stare at our hands. “Everything is different. From myself to what I know. Nothing is the same- I can’t catch my bearing’s. I feel lost,” I admit.

“Nesta, you aren’t different. You are still the same woman you know yourself to be. Just because things are different doesn’t mean you have changed who you truly are. You may grow, and discover different parts of yourself, but that’s never to be a bad thing,” he murmurs as his thumb strokes the lines of my palm.

“Of course I’m different. I’ve changed, shifted, quite literally might I add,” I huff, hearing the hysterics return in my tone. The short while I’ve been here I’m still unsure of what all went down before Giles brought me back. Most of the side effects I woke up with have disappeared. I’ve only noticed some rare faintness when I’ve skipped a meal. I still can’t fathom how plentiful the food is here.

“You shouldn’t fret about food, we are very well off here. I promise you will never have to go to bed hungry again,” Giles murmurs offering a small smile. His words make me sigh, flushing at how he reads me.

“Of course I’ll fret over food- that’s all I’ve ever known,” I admit to him, ashamed as I pick at the fine linen gown I had been gifted. Never could I have imagined such beautiful colors. Every morning there’s a new luxurious fine gown laid out upon my bed after I’ve had a hot bath drawn by Ophelia. She’s the sweetest soul I’ve ever met.

“No more my sweet, the kingdom is wealthy with food, enough to tide all of it’s people over and then some,” he assures me kindly.

“But what if my mouth is one too many to sustain?” I question him, standing as my legs grow restless. What if I’m too much? Could I be the straw that breaks the kingdoms back? I bite my lip as Giles releases a displeased growl, his features stone like in their upset.

“My sweet, you would never be the one to sacrifice a meal. If there ever were a time the kingdom’s food supply weakened, I’d gladly give up my meal for you,” he asserts as he watches me pace back and forth. His eyes narrow more as his body stills completely. “Have you been skipping meals when we’re not together?”

His icy tone makes me pause as I stare at him before my eyes dart away, unable to answer him verbally. I feel like a child being scolded. “It’s not often- I’m just I’m not always hungry?” I question as I turn away, pacing further away from him with my new nerves.

“Nesta,” he growls a low sound that makes my body obey under the silent command. “Look at me,” he waits for a brief pause, “now, please.”

His low tone makes my spine stiffen as I turn around to face him, watching as he stands slowly, his eyes dance with power and emotion as he languidly rises from his seat towering over me. “Giles-” He raises a hand with a powerful and silent stare. Oh my…

“My sweet, please, never disgrace yourself with a lie,” he murmurs as he takes slow and measured steps walking me back towards his sturdy wooden desk. Bumping into the sturdy surface I watch as he closes in, his figure growing in size. He’s so powerful. He stops in front of me, his eyes never leaving my own. “Now tell me, have you not been eating on purpose?” His direct question makes me flush in shame avoiding his stare.

“I don’t want-”

“Nesta,” he warns, his finger and thumb pinching my chin in a delicate hold to make me meet his stare. “Yes or no,” he murmurs, eyes fiery as he tilts his head with an owlish stare.

“Yes,” I whisper, feeling as if my father is about to take me over his knee. “There’s always so much food, I feel stuffed after breakfast and only grow hungry around dinner. I’m not used to so much food- it’s all so lovely.” With how much Giles makes sure I eat during breakfast I feel as if I’ll burst. I haven’t seen or even smelt a touch of mold here. Giles sighs, shaking his head for a moment.

“The kingdom is wealthy with nourishments. The kingdom is a protected sanctum, everyone within the walls knows only of the joy and beauty of Alodias. What you have suffered in your realm will never appear here. You won’t know the taste of mold again- know what it’s like to miss meals again.” His words make me flush and shrug as I lean against his desk, resting my cheek in the palm of his hand for a moment.

“Giles, I think living a life without struggle doesn’t prepare someone for a life worth living for. I haven’t really known what a life here means, not yet, but I’m thankful for my time in the human realm as you like to call it,” I argue, glancing up at him as he offers a confused frown.

“Because it treated you harshly? Punish you for trying your best?” He questions with a heavy sigh. “I don’t understand why you believe that my sweet.”

“Just because you see no point in it, doesn’t mean there is none. Sure the life I grew up with might not be as lavish and enjoyable as how you grew up. But it taught me a lot. I know I can survive when things are rough. Can you say the same for your people? They depend on you to teach them skills. What if things were to fall apart tomorrow? The war you speak of- what if that were to come? Would they know how to live without magic?”

I question him watching as he frowns indignantly. “I don’t intend to let them down- I believe that the kingdom is healthy, flourishing far more than any other kingdom of it’s kind. We’re doing far better than that of your race,” he offers, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Well my race lacks magic. We can’t rely on beings with magic to grow our food or ensure our safety. Things aren’t controlled expertly, we have surprises and hardships to overcome, but we still manage. I’d say we’ve been managing quite nicely.” I argue back with him watching as he shrugs.

“I don’t see why the people of our kingdom should experience hardships and travesties when there is no need,” he responds with a shrug as he watches me.

“But there is a need- people who grow up under shelter will never truly know how to take care of themselves. Don’t you want your people to have the best chance at survival? What if the war were to come? How many do you think would survive beyond the kingdom? If the magic were to ever falter? Could they manage to sustain themselves?” I question him, watching as he frowns, staring at the floor considering my words.

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