Giles' Keeper

Chapter 13

He releases a belly busting laugh, head thrown back in sheer joy before he offers a cheeky wink. “I pray I’ll be able to keep you so well loved you’ll be able to ignore any snoring I may offer.” His words have a blush painting my cheeks as I shake my head a giddy feeling erupts in my belly. I’m practically married to a god. The longer I stare at him, the longer I feel the need to gawk at him.

“I’m sure you’ll keep me well cared for.” His grin widens before he stands to offer an elegant bow, raising his head to meet my eyes.

“I’ll do more than that my sweet- after I court you of course, I will ask to share a bed with you my Queen.” His words make my heart stutter as he plants a searing promise of a kiss to my knuckles. He’s going to melt my womb before I can process this shock.

“Have you not… shared a bed with me?” Aren’t we married already? Giles shakes his head as he stands, holding his hand out to me once more.

“Of course not, while I’ve stayed with you through the nights. I’ve never betrayed your privacy- Ophelia has aided in your changings and baths. I was outside of the room whenever your decency was questioned.” He smiled, making me blush at his honesty. I guess that’s a bit of a blessing.

“Oh… Where have you slept then? Hasn’t it been a long time?” I stand with a grunt, wincing at the return of my blistering headache. Giles steadies me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he lets me pace myself.

“The chair beside your bed, I never strayed far from you my sweet. The shift is hard, especially if your mate is not by your side.” What exactly happens during the shift? It’s a question I’m too afraid to ask, the more I learn the more I fear I’m really not going to like what else there is to learn about the shift. Maybe it’s best left a mystery.

“Well thank you Giles- that’s very kind of you.” Giles hums guiding me towards the comfortable chairs by the fire. My legs shake with each step as I feel stark tingles and sparks discomfort at the fresh blood flowing. I feel as weak as a newborn lamb. I’m out of breath by the time I drop, or try to drop down, to the seat. Giles helps me settle into the chair as he grabs a blanket, tucking it around my limbs.

“I’ll always take care of you my sweet; I’ve heard some females experience chills in the first few hours of mobility after the shift.” He explains before he moves towards the large doors, his strides are smooth, gliding. “I’ll have word sent to bring our mid-day meal here.” Wait what?

“No- I can’t keep you from your family, you sounded so lonely, like you missed them. You should be with them- share a meal.” One of us should enjoy our family. The thought sends hurt and pain through my chest like a bolt of lightning.

“I’ll only share a meal with them if you’ll be by my side. You are my worry right now. Not catching up. I’ve spoken with them for a bit, I want to make sure that you’re on the up and up.” He stops as he turns around with a slight frown. “Why are you upset my sweet?” His question makes me stare at him in shock. Am I that expressive?

“How’d you know?” Giles stares at me with a frown, eyes flickering as if processing something. I sigh and look at the fire, the flames flicker and all I see are the sizzling torches again. “I was thinking about Papa- he was all I had left.” Closing my eyes I have to jerk myself away from the memories that slam painfully into my head. His eyes, I hate seeing them like that. “Do you have a large family? It sounds like you do.”

“Mates can get a sense of one another once they have joined, you’ll have a sense of my emotions once you can tune into me.” He answered mindlessly before nodding. “I’m sorry you had to see your father die- I know there’s no words I can offer to ease the pain.” Giles stands for a moment longer before he rakes his fingers through his black hair, his arms flex in the sun. Showcasing well defined muscles, his jaw set in stone, cheekbone chiseled.

He really is handsome. Seeing him in the center of the room, makes me truly see how tall he is. He’s a giant. For a man who was living in a cave for so many years- he could’ve fooled me. “I don’t know why he’d bring a mob to you.” Why’d he have to try to kill Giles? He’s done nothing to him.

“He believed you were in danger my sweet, it was his way of protecting you.” He murmurs softly, placing his hands in his pockets as he takes a deep breath. “My family is adjoining for their mid-day meal, do you wish to accompany me?” My stomach snarls loudly at the mention of food making me blush. I sound rabid and starved. Giles smiles softly at that as he waits patiently.

“How large is your family?” I question earning a fond smile.

“There’s my parents Lennon and Draven. My eldest brother Reznor and his mate Jezebel, I’m second born, after me is Bram, I’m afraid he won’t be joining us, he’s on his journey to find his mate. There’s Corban and Ozul, then last, but not least is the youngest, my only sister Cora.” Goodness. I don’t know how I’ll remember everyone.

“That’s a lot of people.” Giles smiles and nods.

“I have a large family and it’s only going to grow as time goes on. Do you feel comfortable going to the royal table for a meal? I can call for a meal to be brought to your quarters.” Giles offers kindly and I shake my head. No, I’ve already kept you from your family for so long already.

“No, you should eat with your family, I’m sure they’re ready for quality time with you.” Giles laughs and shakes his head amused.

“I’m sure they’ll want to talk to me, but I have a feeling they’ll be a bit more interested in their new Queen.” The title makes me shake my head, reeling from it.

“I’m not Queen- not now anyway. I can’t- please don’t call me that.” I plead with him, the title makes my skin crawl and itch with unease. I can’t believe I’m alive, nevertheless more than a mere peasant. Giles smiles at me before bowing his head in agreement.

“Very well my sweet, I’ll advise them of your unease with the title. Do you feel strong enough for a walk to the royal table?” I’m going to have to be.

“Is it far? I believe I can walk, but I may be terribly slow.” I warn him, watching as he waves a hand.

“I won’t make you walk if you are tender, I don’t want your healing to back track. You need to eat before we try to strain your body anymore.” I stand not wanting to burden him with that. Wouldn’t that be a great meeting? I know you’re supposed to think I’m some Queen, watch me flounder about in my mates arms as he carries me about.

“I’d like to try to walk- my legs aren’t so shaky now.” Giles snorts as he steps closer, picking me up effortlessly. He ignores any sound from me with a proud smile.

“What kind of mate would I be if I let my mate wander about having just woken up from her shift?” The door opens as he nears it, with no one on the other side. What in the- “I’d be an awful mate- incase you were curious.”

“Did you open the door? How?” I question with a gasp. Giles’ chest vibrates as he glides through the empty halls.

“In all you’ve seen me do, you only truly question my ability to open a door?” His question makes me flush and roll my eyes as I wave my hand back towards the door.

“Well- in all honesty you were still a bit of a mystery and a myth in my eyes. I figured I was mad with all that happened and I just couldn’t be sure.” I defend myself lamely. Granted seeing a door open in front of your eyes is different then hearing a voice carried on the wind. “Besides, doors opening on their own tend to be ghoul related. This place could be haunted for all I know.”

He releases a booming laugh that sends chills of excitement through my body and deep into my womb. “Are you suggesting the castle is haunted?” He asked amused, shaking his head with another much softer chuckle. “While I can’t be certain, I don’t believe the castle is haunted. It’s been a part of the dragon race for as long as history has been told. It was built by my people by the ancient ways, strengthened by centuries of magic.”

He tries to assure me as we pass through a large corridor, beautiful vibrant tapestry hang from the ceiling to the floor. The bright vibrant colors glitter in the open sunlight. Each tapestry is decorated artfully with dragons in flight. “What are these?” I have a sudden urge to reach out and caress the rugs, the look as soft as velvet. I’ve never seen anything as magnificent.

“It’s a joining of the elemental dragons. In the beginning our race was strong, strong enough to not need a dragon blessed with all elements. We were all unique, it was only after years of hunting did the gods and goddesses bless my family with the gift of a dragon harnessing all elements.” Giles nods to a grand banner, quadrants of elements are painted in the shape of a shield, a large dragon in flight with its wings stretched as if welcoming battle.

It’s so powerful. “I have so much to learn of your race.” I mutter, the idea daunting. He pauses to admire the banter with a gentle hum.

“You crave knowledge, you’ll do well in learning all that you crave my sweet. Let’s get you fed first.” He descends a staircase and voices drift up the hall, joyus laughter is shared over the meal. The sound of metal on plates can be heard as he rounds the corner, immediately I want to flush as all heads turn, features frozen. Oh my heavens.

If I thought Giles was a man made by a god, his family are replicas of him. Each of them made with seduction in mind, features symmetrical. Their eyes are… wow. Each of them have different eyes, vibrant with meaning. From a fiery orange to a glittering silver. “Look who has decided to grace us with his presence!” A booming voice ends the staring as a man stands, his eyes eerily similar to Giles.

“I was wondering if he was just taking his time to peak up a skirt.” Another voice jokes, A gruff baritone makes me turn flushing at the man with eyes made of fire. A delicate snort sounds from the opposite side of the table.

“As if! He knows how to treat a lady unlike someone.” The feminine voice is silky and sultry, a sweet caress, her midnight black hair pulled away from her face. A gruff snort sounds, muffled by a large drink, his eyes stare at his sister.

“Children, give the pair a break, please sit- share our meal my dear.” A motherly tone breaks my shock.

“It sounds as if you pair have grown rowdy in my absence, do I need to remind you Ozul?” Giles’ voice is gruff, reprimanding even as it holds a teasing note. He settles me in a chair, pushing it in afterward, with a tender caress to my hair. “I’d like everyone to formally meet my mate, your Queen,” He points a stare at Ozul before he continues. “Nesta. Please don’t act a fool and scar her.”

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