Giles' Keeper

Chapter 11

I feel so heavy. A light caress strokes over my cheek bone, the sound of breathing shatters my dream like awareness. Is this heaven? I have a hard time believing that it is. There’s a heavy knock that sounds far too clear in my head, it echoes as a soft voice calls out. “Sire?” A door creaks open, light footsteps tap along the floor.

“Yes, Ophelia?” A deep elegant voice responds, the sound is as smooth as silk, caressing my hypersensitive hearing in a sensual tease. It sounds so familiar. My heart skips a beat as the feminine voice that speaks up, clearing her throat.

“Mid-day meal is adjoining, will you join us?” Ophelia speaks in a whisper as a weight appears on the bed, a hand grasping mind.

“No, I’m not joining. Please, can you have a fresh pot of tea brought to the Queen’s quarters?” The Queen?

“Yes your majesty, shall I have a meal brought up for yourself?” There’s a sigh from beside the bed, a warmth teases the air above me, a scent of smoke teases my nostrils. Is Giles here? The voice sounds similar, as if they share a tone, but the guttural depth is missing.

“No, I’m not hungry. Please just have tea brought.” Ophelia walks away, everything sounds so clear.

“Yes Sire, right away.” Giles sighs, his thumb caresses my knuckles gently. Where am I? The door closes, I fight to open my heavy eyelids. Met with an elegant tapestry, the deep red fabric with golden intricate designs, paired with a deep red wood. This isn’t something I’ve ever seen before. “I miss you terribly, my soul.” His warm breath teases the top of my hand.

It’s a struggle to turn my head to stare at this man, his silk black hair spills over his head, caressing my skin. His golden tan a stark contrast to my pale skin. Who is this? “Whe-” I croak, my throat raw, swollen. The man jerks, teal-violet eyes meet mine before his lips turn upwards in a smile.

“My sweet… it’s so good to see your eyes once more.” He murmurs, his hand brings mine to his lips. My goodness… this man. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever seen.

“Where am I?” Giles kisses my knuckles as there’s a knock on the door, I turn to stare at it confused.

“Sire, your tea is here.”

“Leave it at the door, thank you.” Giles kisses my knuckles again before answering. “Alodius, my kingdom.” Alodius? His Kingdom?

“How?” I struggle to sit up, my body feels heavy, weighted like it’s new. He places a hand on my lower back, easing pillows behind me. My voice sounds strange to my own ears, my body looks different. What happened?

“You protected my state of being- you gave your life in duty of my protection.” He smiles, a sensual sight as his eyes glitter, shifting in the morning- or midday light.

“I-I don’t…” My throat tightens uncomfortably, making me wince at the throbbing sensation.

“Let me get you some tea my sweet, the shift is taxing.” He admits as he stands and moves with a fluid grace towards the door. Following his movements I’m left astounded by the room. It’s larger than our cabin… The grande room is lavishly decorated, a fireplace crackles across the room, wood piled high next to it, hidden by comfortable chairs. The cobble floor is covered with the prettiest rugs I’ve ever seen.

Tall windows are adorned with floor to ceiling drapes, the colors matching and completing one another elegantly. Wait- shift? His words drift through the haze in my head. The blistering headache is blinding as I fight for a steady breath. “Wh-where?” Giles hums as he turns to face me with a silver tray.

I see the prettiest cups I’ve ever laid eyes on. The pale creme color is decorated with swirls of color all to create a dragon. “My Kingdom, my soul.” He murmurs. My Kingdom… “How do you feel my sweet?”

“Heavy…” Sore… “Confused?” Different… Giles hums as he pours a cup of tea, gathering a bit of honey to add to the elegant cup. It’s so pretty. It feels wrong to use the decorative cup.

“Drink this, it’ll help with the sore throat.” He offers, helping me to sit up more with an arm around my back. His skin was oddly cool, not what I could’ve expected. But what did I expect? I honestly don’t know. Warm liquid heats my belly and soothes my stressed throat. Do I have a cold? Or have I forgotten something?

“Wh-what happened?” The gown I’m dressed in is lavish, I’ve never felt fabric so soft, well made. There’s so many threads. I’m used to thread bare gowns, patched together with rags. The pale tan gown has a center inlay beautifully dyed a deep navy, glittering beads shine in the sun. This is… stunning. I’m afraid to move, to sully the beautiful gown. The large elegant sleeves fall down my arms, unused to seeing my skin so clean.

I look so healthy. My skin looks clear and smooth- healthy. My fingers and wrist bone aren’t nearly as visible. Shift? The thought returns sharply in my mind. Giles keeps an arm around my shoulder as he kisses my knuckles, having set the cup down. “What do you remember my sweet?” His question gives me pause, my head throbs as I try to remember.

What happened? One of the last things I remember is harsh rain pelting my skin, voices screaming unintelligible nonsense. Papa. “Papa?” He was angry with me- disappointed.

“Yes?” He questions, his thumb traces my knuckles slowly, caressing my skin.

“Was mad at me.” I mutter, rubbing my temple, the splitting headache not lessening. Why can’t I remember?

“Do you remember anything else?” He asks gently, voice low as if he’s controlling himself.

“Rain… screams- nonsense?” I question, pinching my eyes shut as flashes of images appear blindingly behind my eyes. Why doesn’t it make sense?

“There was a battle at the cavern. Edgar spoke of my existence, brought the mob to kill the demon.” He starts off making me turn to him, his eyes flash, darkening as he stares at our hands with a frown.

“Demon?” The nonsense screams shatter through the haze in my mind. Kill the demon! Save my daughter! Papa’s voice shouts in my memories, making me blink.

“Edgar wanted to save you- he thought I had seduced you- perverted your mind with that of the devil.” He continues on, a low menacing growl rumbles from his chest, the bolts of color in his eyes glitter with electricity.

“Papa- he’s dead.” My heart squeezes, I stare wide eyed at Giles.

“He was killed by the mob- they wanted you dead.” His voice deepens to what I’m familiar with, the guttural snarl. I killed a man.

“I killed someone.” I shot him down with an arrow… Giles shakes his head, his hand tightens around mine.

“You were protecting yourself and me, my sweet.” He argues gently, making me shake my head.

“I’m a murderer- no better than they are.” Giles frowns, kissing my knuckles as a distraction, a low rumbling growl vibrates his chest as he holds my gaze.

“You protected me- honored your role as my Keeper my sweet.” The legend.

“You’ve shifted- I- did I die?” I question haltingly, a slight smile appears on his lips, the growl vibrating his body eases as he nods.

“Your essence merged with my magic, binding us as one. You bravery and sacrifice ended my plight- you gave me back my human form, my sweet.” I blink owlishly at him, not following him in the slightest. My essence?

“How am I alive- I was shot twice. Fatally.Wasn’t I? My memory feels so groggy as I try to dredge my mind’s depths, grasping at the haze filled memories. I remember the pain and how sharp and fiery it was. Then it was all gone, in a blink of an eye.

“Rebirth.” He states simply.

“Rebirth?” I question, watching as he nods, taking a deep breath as he leans back in his chair after offering me another sip of my tea. Did I give him my cup before?

“You showed your true intentions- showed your innocence, pure heart and gentle nature.” Giles murmurs with a slight smile, his eyes glittering.


“On that night, you stood before me and held your head high. You protected me, stood up for what was right- even against your own blood.” Pride glitters in his eyes as my heart pangs. Papa… was murdered. His eyes haunt me, the wild crazed look he stared at me with- then nothing. His life gone in a blink of an eye. I didn’t even see the ax thrown.

“I killed a man.” I argue, shaking my head as my belly churns. His voice is a whispered scream in my head.

“You protected your Keep valiantly. Stood strong in the face of danger.” He leans forward pressing a kiss to my hand, his strong gaze holding mine captive. “My sweet… After you were shot the heavens opened up and I spoke to my ancestors- asked for your passage to your rebirth. We are now tied together as one, mated for an eternity.”

What? I blink at him, my cheeks heat under his searing gaze. “Mated? I don’t understand- I’m your- Keeper?” It doesn’t make sense. I have to pause as I stare at him. My soul… mate. “My soul?” Giles smiles and nods before he grows serious.

“Yes, you are my soulmate, my sweet.” He’s said it all along. I used to think it was such a strange nickname, especially since he knew my name. It always felt like we were more.

“Rebirth- I don’t- I died, didn’t I?” I question again, the foggy memory of pain is enveloped with what I can only describe as a fantasy. Did I see his dragon? Glowing?

“The mob was slain, to end any further murmur of magic. The pond that soaked up my blood was rich with my magic, it held my own essence- part of my own soul.” He murmurs lost in thought. “Joelene never had a chance against the gods and goddesses wishes. Joseph was still my Keeper when she was born- the legend couldn’t become true.”

He explains with a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “She was a mere child- hadn’t been fated for such power.” His eyes meet mine solemnly. “I wish we could’ve talked about a future together- I could’ve explained the joining before you entered my world. I’m sorry our journey hadn’t granted you the time.”

Joining? “You said something about a shift? I don’t- I feel different.” My mind continues with haphazard thoughts, mixed and rushed together, poorly joined.

“Your rebirth joined us. We share our spirit- an essence of magic.” I don’t understand. “Humans and dragons are different in so many ways. Once upon a time our females could take to the sky safely, soar with her mate in a beautiful joining. Children were blessed when granted.”

“Do you not have female dragons?” Surely that can’t be the case.

“Cora- my sister is one of the few born that still live.” He offers distractedly as he stares at our hands. “Your body must be prepared to bear heirs for our kingdom, my race. It isn’t easy, I wish I could’ve given you time to process. I pray that you can find it in your heart to love me in the coming years. I know I cannot live without you. One day, I pray you find that you experience the same feelings.”

I’m flabbergasted with his words. “Married?” That’s what it sums up to right? He’s a King. “I’m- we’re- Queen?” I stutter, feeling my chest tighten as a pressure builds in my lungs. Why can’t I breathe?

“Yes, my sweet, you are my Queen- we are married in a sense.” He offers with a shrug, watching me as I start to feel inadequate. This has to be a joke. I’m not a Queen.

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