From the Heart of a Fae

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Kora was spinning around the dance floor with Ben, and she looked around trying to spot her friend.

“Have you seen Ikalla at all since the ball started?” She asked Ben. He looked around as well, and noticed Ian was also missing.

“Ian’s gone too. Are they together?” Kora was shocked at the notion. She had never seen Ikalla with a man. She had confessed to Kora long ago that she felt they did not like her because of her height and build. Kora of course insisted that was stupid. Ikalla was beautiful, with her strong high cheekbones and full mouth. Her hair shined and she had the body of a rainforest goddess. She had the prettiest caramel skin and honey gold eyes. Kora had pointed this all out to her, and Ikalla had been embarrassed. She knew that her friend hated social gatherings such as this, and decided she must be hiding somewhere. The dance ended, and she enlisted the help of Ben to hunt her down. When Ben said she was with Ian, Kora shook her head.

“Ian’s such a playboy, he’s probably got some nobleman’s daughter in an alcove somewhere, making a dishonest woman of her.” Kora laughed. They wandered to the edge of the ballroom. They heard laughter emanating from one of the side rooms, and peeked in. Ian and Ikalla were inside, and Ian had a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he spun Ikalla around. Ikalla was laughing so hard she was crying. Ian was smiling as he set the bottle down on the floor. It fell over and they both were laughing now.

“Again! You had it.” Ian laughed. Kora closed the door softly and looked Ben in the eyes shocked. Ben smiled.

“Called it.” Kora was surprised and laughed. Ikalla was going to get the happy ending she deserved.

“Again! You had it that time!” Ian called out, and Ikalla straightened up, trying to stop laughing. She took his hand, and he spun her again, pulling her into him. He held her hand up and the other went around her waist, her other hand resting on his chest. She looked up and could not breathe suddenly. She was dizzy. Ian had the most intense look in his eyes. She could feel his heart thundering under her hand, and his face was close. He began to move her slowly, leading her around the floor of the deserted room. The music drifted in and Ikalla was mesmerized. The bottle dumped on the floor, forgotten, it was like they were the only two people in the world. The alcohol had set in though, and she truly felt dizzy. She clung to Ian, who continued to watch her, eyes blazing. The music stopped, but Ian did not release her. She looked into his eyes, he really was only a few inches taller than her, but it was so nice. His strong jaw clenched, and he cursed under his breath. Swooping in, Ian kissed Ikalla, softly at first, then with a bit more persistence. Ikalla froze and was not sure what to do. Her mind felt muddled, and the dizziness got worse. Pulling back, she gasped for air and almost fell over. Ian cursed again and steadied her.

“I am sorry, Ikalla . I should not have - we have been drinking and- “ Ikalla felt sick to her stomach. She stumbled away from him, outside a door that led to the gardens. Begging that he would not follow her, she leaned against a wall, holding her own hair and skirts out of the way, relieved her stomach of the wine and whiskey and the ballroom dinner. She was beginning to think her body was purging everything she had eaten for the week. She felt cool hands take her hair, and grab her skirts, pulling them further back. She tried to push Ian away, embarrassment eating her alive. Her first kiss. And she vomited. He was never going to want to kiss her again. She heaved, and tears ran down her cheeks. She was so embarrassed. Ikalla wished she could die all over again, that the world would open and swallow her up. She pushed away from the wall, intent on leaving for her rooms, but Ian steadied her when she almost fainted. He slung her arm around his shoulder and held her by the waist. He handed her a glass of water- where did he even get that?

“It is to get the taste out of your mouth. Drink it.” She obliged, not looking at him. He helped her to her rooms, and she had to stop and be sick again along the way. Opening the door, Ian helped her to sit on one of the couches in her sitting room and she collapsed. Ian turned from shutting the door and saw that Ikalla was unconscious.

Morning came too soon, and Ikalla felt miserable. The room was dark thanked the gods, and after a moment- she realized she was in her own bed. She sat up abruptly and regretted it almost immediately. Her stomach lurched and her head pounded. She was in her nightclothes, a pair of loose breeches and a big shirt. Her mouth had the worst taste in it. She stumbled to the sitting room, and on the table was a pitcher of water, and a small vial. There was a note.

Drink the stuff. Tastes like shit, but it’ll make you feel better.

Ludis makes it. Be back soon.


Ikalla gulped the nasty contents, gagging. She desperately chugged the water, and she felt the vile concoction beginning to work. Her stomach and headache began to fade, and soon she just felt tired. If Ian was coming back, she wanted to be clean. She did not want to face him at all. But she would rather do it clean, instead of feeling like a piece of wool. She ran to the washroom, and began running water into the tub, jumping in to wash as quickly as she could. She held her braids up out of the water, after making sure they were clean of vomit as well. Thankfully, they were, and still smelled of the perfume Kora had given her. She scrubbed and then brushed her teeth, jumping out to dry off. She could still feel a bit of queasiness in her stomach and knew she needed to get food, soon. Just as she had pulled on her shirt and breeches, she heard the door to her sitting room open and close. She pulled on her socks and boots. Walking out, Ian was setting breakfast out, and her stomach growled. Fresh bread, eggs and bacon. She walked forward, her hunger obliterating any remnants of embarrassment, she smiled thankfully at Ian, and began to eat. Ian watched her silently and ate slowly. She sighed and leaned back against the chair, closing her eyes. Why hasn’t he said anything? Wasn’t it normal to be sick when one drank too much? She was trying to remember last night but it was so blurry. She remembered him daring her to take shots, and then trying to learn to dance, and almost falling.

“Why haven’t you said anything?” Ikalla asked, and as soon as she did - she remembered, and she sat bolt upright.

“Was waiting for you to remember everything.” Ian said, acknowledging her reaction. Ikalla’s face flamed. Her first kiss! While she was a drunk mess, this man stole it, and then she threw up! She put her face in her hands and leaned down on the table. She heard Ian move, and he was on his knees beside her.

“Hey, do not do that. I wanted to apologize. I never should have encouraged you to drink so much. You said you never drank. And I should not have kissed you either.” He means it was a mistake. He hadn’t wanted to kiss her. Wonderful.

“I accept your apology. I understand the situation is not … Ideal for you. I am sorry you had to take care of me when I was so reckless.” Ikalla squeezed out. She peeked through her fingers at Ian, who looked confused, and then his face hardened.

“What do you mean, not ideal? Is taking care of a friend only supposed to happen when it’s convenient?” Ikalla shook her head. Covering her face again she wished he would just go. She hated talking, and even more so about personal things. Ian pulled her up and pried her hands away from her face.

“Ikalla, I do not mind taking care of you. It was my fault you got so drunk to begin with.”

“I ruined your evening; I really am sorry. You do not need to worry about me anymore, I feel fine.” Ian looked so confused.

“Is this about the kiss?” Ian asked, and he looked hurt.

“I know I sprang it on you, and it was wrong for me to do so while we were so drunk. I did not mean to offend you or anything.” Ikallas head whipped up in surprise. Offend her?

“What? How did you offend me? I took you away from an extravagant party full of beautiful girls lined up to dance with you, just so you could try to teach me how to dance, and then I got drunk and threw up. I know I was not your first choice, and you were nice enough to spend time with me and I ruined your night.” Ikalla got up, walking to the other side of the table, trying to put some distance between them. Her stomach was doing flip flops and her head was starting to pound again. Ian’s face hardened. He came around the table quickly, and Ikalla reacted out of reflex. She put the chair between them and stepped back. Ian placed his hands on the back of the chair and did not come any closer.

“Do you think I kissed you because I did not get to kiss any other girls? That I got you drunk to take advantage of you?” Ian was mad, and he never got mad. His eyes were hard. Ikalla floundered.

“No of course not, I would never think so of you!”

“Then what Ikalla?”

“You did it because you felt sorry for me!” Ikallas outburst shocked them both, and she covered her mouth in surprise. She had never revealed such a personal thing to anyone but Kora. Ian’s face changed, and his eyes softened.

“I did not kiss you because I felt sorry for you. I kissed you because I really wanted to. I just had terrible timing and should not have done it when we were drinking. I am sorry I made you feel that way. It was not the intention.” Ikalla was floored. He… wanted to kiss her?

“Why?” The question slipped out before she could stop it and she wished she could take it back. She was a warrior. What did she care if someone kissed her or not? She was too old for this adolescent game of the heart. Ikalla had given up the idea of marriage the day her tribe was eradicated. Ian came around the chair slowly, like a man approaching a wild animal.

“I … Well, I like you. I have never liked a friend before.” He approached her slowly, and her mouth went dry. He cupped her face, and searching her eyes, he leaned down and slowly kissed her. Ikallas eyes closed, and she kissed him back softly. Pulling her close, she could feel that heat between them and it finally registered. She liked Ian. As more than a friend. She was in big trouble.

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