From the Depths

Chapter Everyone is OKAY!

Lord Haith stood with his head held high as he waited rather impatiently for Kirea to leave the Carvern.

Henry stood at attention waiting for his Lord to next speak. All the while he was commending Kirea for her gutsyness in inviting the King into the water. That woman, he would never fully understand her.

“I’ll need a heavy security detail in 4 days’ time,” Haith instructed.

That was all the time they had left!? Less than a week! Henry remained steel-faced at the news.

“For the entire castle?” He asked, he knew the answer but he couldn’t let the King know that.

Haith shook his head. “No. Your most trusted men are to be outside the dining hall doors, including the kitchen. No one in or out that evening, aside from yours truly.”

Henry frowned paining ignorance. “A special meeting, need I swear them all to silence as last time?” He made it sound as though it was a diplomatic matter.

The King eyed him, narrowing his glare on the knight. “That is not required as long as the night goes to plan. I require someone I can trust to help me with what is to come. I am yet to determine who that person is to me, but I have a person in mind.”

“Understood my lord, if they also require heightened security I will see to it at once.”

The King laughed puffing out his chest. “Sir Henry you really know how to tickle my funny bone.”

It took a great amount of effort to not cringe at that comment. Instead, Henry tilted his head slightly as though not getting the joke.

“I meant you, you doff!” The King continued to laugh, proud of himself.

“I-I am honoured, my Lord,” Henry commented putting a slightly shocked act on. He’d worked hard to be the commander of the Knights and gain the King’s favour. And finally, he was starting to see the rewards for his patience and determination.

Turning, the King waved his hand like it was nothing. “Yes, yes. Well, given that you already know of the fishman you were certainly a good choice, if not the only.”

The King craned his head to look at the knight from over his shoulder. “You’ve always followed orders without hesitation, and that is precisely what I will need on this occasion.”

Henry felt a chill run up his spine. “Your will is absolute.”

“Indeed it is.” The King smirked. “Be sure to have a fair number of men, I surmise there will be resistance.”

“Of course, I will be sure to have the best men with me-” Henry began but was cut off.

“No, no. You are to be with me in the dining hall, your men will remain outside, or you will need to silence them as well.”

“I see, if that is your will, I will obey.” He paused for a moment. “If I may?”

“What is it?”

“What tools would best be suited for this event?” It was a loaded question but not one the King would pick up on.

The King simply burst out laughing. “You need only your sword, I dear say you won’t even need your armour, though it wouldn’t hurt in case they fight back.”

“I will see to it that the men are prepared and I will accompany you personally on the evening,” Henry added, he was finding it hard to maintain his composure and straight face, now that he knew.

“Though I am still wondering what way would be best to get the creature to the hall. We don’t have another of those stones that Kirea used?” The king stroked his double chins with his fingers.

“Afraid not my Lord, If I might offer a suggestion?”

Haith motioned for him to continue.

“If the Siren is required for this evening, why not bring the required people here to the cavern, we could make it more accommodating for you. One entrance is also easier to guard and it is enchanted and soundproof.”

The King turned slowly with a raised brow as though contemplating the idea. “A preparation station would be required for the staff...” He muttered. “But it would also mean fewer people in the castle would know of the creature... Yes, a good suggestion, let me think about it.”

Henry bowed. “I will follow whatever you decide.”

“That will be all.” He told the Knight and left the cavern.

Henry waited for several minutes, staring at the empty hidden doorway. Ren breached the surface not too far from where he was standing.

“Is he gone?” He asked the siren. Ren had better hearing than a human, though Henry hadn’t entirely lied about the cavern being soundproof, no common human could hear like he could.

“He is.” Ren eyed the Knight with questions.

“What is it?”

“Why did you ask about tools?” He queried. “Most of the conversation I could follow, but that... was odd.”

Henry’s strong outer exterior crumbled and his farad faded. “It was a question for me to determine who he wanted me to kill. If I needed full armour and various weapons the opponent would be experienced fighters. But since I need only my sword...” he paused looking at Ren with hateful-filled eyes. “He’s going to have me kill civilians with no battle experience, likely the help. In this case, since we know he wants to eat your heart, I’m guessing it’ll be the cooks.”

“More and more innocent people are becoming involved in this,” Ren muttered.

“Becoming sympathetic to the human existence now are we?” Henry half-joked.

Ren smirked and proceeded to splash the Knight’s ankles with water. “A few humans have certainly grown on me. But Haith... ” He turned more serious. “He’s everything that every Siren is taught about humans and why to avoid them.”

“He’s the bane of my existence,” Henry added.

“You won’t be able to discuss any of this with Kirea outside of this cavern. Be sure to come back tonight. I would also like to continue your healing as well.”

“Kirea first.”

“Once my form is complete I can use the water to heal the both of you. My abilities are stronger in the water.” He informed.

“Alright then.” Henry nodded sternly. “We still have to convince the King to come in here that night, I just hope we can pull this off.”

“As do I,” Ren concluded before heaving himself up onto the swallows again. The siren looked exhausted.

“You okay?”

“It’s rather exhausting swimming without my tail fully formed. I was rather glad he didn't stay too long.” Ren admitted.

“Get some rest, we’ll be back after dark.”

“Please be careful, and if you can put some of your clothing on Kirea.” Ren added as the Knight was turning to leave.

“That would work?” Henry asked.

“I mild detergent, your scent will help mask mine.”

“Okay, got it.” Henry felt sorry for the Siren, he’d been up all night and most of the day now, merely escaped death. “At least you got the girl.” He muttered chuckling to himself.

Henry winced in pain as he reached the door, he also needed some much-needed rest but he doubted he would find the time.

Kirea wasn’t outside like he had hoped, thinking she’d headed back to the castle he headed up his usual route, it never once occurred to him that she would have gone into town to get back to the castle.

When he reached the castle grounds he was surprised to find that he had a message that had been sent by courier bird. A junior knight had delivered it while he had been searching for Kirea. He pocketed it and continued his search to no avail.

After a while he’d taken a seat in the mess hall, lunch was being served. He was sure she would be here soon, the woman loved her food. Now was as good a time as any to read the message he had received. Unrolling the small note he froze.

‘Your shipment is here - Albert.’

Scruching the note in his hand he bolted upright, instantly regretting the sudden movement as pain shot through him. He headed out of the hall ignoring his men as they were trying to encourage him to stay. With a disgruntled groan and a slight limp in his step, he headed for the town. Heading for the store from which the note had come.

Why was she there, had something happened, was she okay!? His stupid wounded body couldn’t move fast enough and it was beyond frustrating! Reaching the store he barged through the door yelling her name.


She was sitting on the countertop giggling with the clerk. His abrupt entrance shocked them both. But when he saw that she was okay and simply smiling like that, he let all the bent-up emotions boil over. He slumped against the inside wall and slid down to the floor his head in his hand. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” he muttered.

“Sir Henry... Are you okay?” It was Mr Albert who came to his aid.

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