FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter She Knows Where I Am

It was late when Chastain awoke. “Acharius?”

The room was empty.

But he heard her. From where he rounded the perimeter of the Merwood. A distance away he paused.

“I miss your company already.” She whispered brokenly.

And I miss yours. But Radix is closing in on me.

He heard the creak of her cot and the whisper of a cloth wrap. Surely she’s not intending to come out in the dead of night?

Surely not after what she saw today! But his heart sunk when he heard the front door creak and the swinging of the gate. He groaned and his shoulders slumped. He shook his head before tipping it back to look Heavenward for patience. Above the dense tree canopy. Heavy with swaying leaves. Stars glittered like precious jewels on glossy black.

Winding his trails back through the trees he paused until hearing her step. Determining her direction.

Toward my cave?

She found it surprisingly easily.

He drew close enough to catch the meager glow of her candle.

She used the light to guide her through Merwood.

As she entered, he was only a few strides behind her. Tracing her step as she approached the fork in the tunnels.

Which route will she take? The curved one led to the blockade. The straight one led to the artifacts. And my chambers.

She hesitated. Her hand on the wall as she looked at the two. Then she stepped into motion.

Decision made apparently

What are you up to now, busy bird?

She aimed for the straight tunnel. He sighed. Deflating as he decided to let her go. The cavern opened. The candle’s luminescence accentuated in the hallway because of its reflection off the gilt portrait frames. But once rounding the wall it was dulled by the plain wooden furniture. And lack of outer light.

Turning toward the cot she found the blanket folded neatly atop it. The room’s silence made it obvious Acharius wasn’t there.

Her shoulders slumped. “Where did you go?”

He watched silently from just outside his rooms. Hidden within the impossible darkness of the cave.

Sighing she absentmindedly collected a candle and lit it from the one already burning. Lighting the others until they burned from each corner of the room. She slid into the narrow wood seat at the little table to wait. Running her fingers absentmindedly through crimson hair. Brushing leaves out and scattering them over his neat floor.

I don’t mind. Not when it’s her. He slid further back. Step soundless as he exited the cave to await her outside.

She’ll emerge when she’s tired of waiting for me.

It wasn’t long before she did. Looking very defeated as she aimed for Meredith House.

He followed far enough back to ensure she made it safely. Sighing in relief as she entered the gates.

He heard the slow creak of the rocking chair and knew Mags waited for her.

Good luck. He grimaced. Mags possessed a wonderful nature but when incited…She’s more vicious then a driter.

“It’s not proper for a young Miss to be with a man unchaperoned!”

“He wasn’t there.” Chastain murmured morosely.

“What do you mean he’s not there? Where is he?” Her voice rose with worry.

Sorry Margaret. He blanched. I’ll explain later. He vowed to himself.

Acharius was checking his traps when he heard a familiar light step behind him. Making his heart sink. How’d she find me already?

“I knew you were out here.”

Where else would I be?

The caves perhaps.

“You always think you know where I am.” He didn’t look from the trap he knelt over. A derisive note tinging his voice.

She was quiet a moment in surprise.

“Why have you been avoiding me?”

Because you can’t seem to avoid me.

He rose. “In case you failed to notice, clearly being around me is hazardous.”

You’re going to get yourself killed.

“Because of what you are or because of what I know?”

Take your pick.

Those and more. He shot her a look. Turning his head within the hood of his dark cloak.

“Because of what I am.” He rounded to face her. “What exactly is it you think you know?”

“You are that wolf that saved me.”

Yes. He blinked at her.

“Now you’re hiding from me because I know.” She charged.


“Wrong.” He turned and commenced the path to the next trap.

“Then why?”

“Because you aren’t safe around me, as any fool can see.” He snapped.

Why can’t you see it?

“You’re calling me a fool now?”

Not what I meant! He winced at the soft note in her voice.

“You’re no fool. Which means you have to see how foolish it is to be around me. To be around these caves.” He gestured behind him.

“I don’t understand.”

You can’t. You don’t know everything…

“Chastain!” He cried. “Have a care!”

Her eyes floated with unshed tears and he swallowed fighting remorse. Giving her his back to keep from reaching for her, he continued the path.

Doing my damnedest to play the heartless fiend.

“I know what you’re doing, and it won’t work.” She whimpered. “I’ll keep coming back. I’ll come find you. Just like now.”


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