FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Checking for Heat

You should wince. Savage thought. I caught you talking about me for all to hear.

You intend to try to evade me? Good luck.

Grimacing, Murah slowly turned toward the hooded figure in the corner, whom they’d assumed was half asleep over an empty tankard.


“Sorry.” Adrea winced. Ducking low to stay behind the bar, she crept around the corner and vanished under the stairs.

Hiding from me. Sharp girl.

“Coward.” Murah hissed after her.

You’re merely envious you’d not make it as far as she did. He rose, making the fabric of his long cloak whisper as he walked to the counter.

“Would you just go away?”


“To your hut?” He offered. Lifting a hand to knock a hood back. Making the wood beads clink in the twisted strands of his light blonde hair.

“Have I expressed how much I hate when you’re here?”

You don’t. You hate that I’m in control when I’m here.

“You mean like a parent. Seeing what you’ve been up to in my absence and cleaning up whatever childish messes you’ve made without my approval?”

Typically mean.

“No, I mean being here trying to dominate me and the Lark!” She spat.


“It’s every bit as much my dominion as yours.” He pointed out. “If you recall I was here long before you. When you were still just a tiny shit watching me with huge blue eyes. Begging for my attention.”

She gave him a withering look. “That’s not true!”

Yes, it is.

“Isn’t it?”

“It was only six years ago. I was not so little.”

No. You were a young woman already. One who’d endured much suffering.

More than a woman should…

“Perhaps not little. Perhaps only naïve.” He softened at the memory.

She tossed him a black look before refocusing on cleaning the tankards from a bucket of water sitting next to her. “You think you know so much about me.”

I do. What don’t I know, Murah?

“I know all about you, Barter Queen.” His eyes hungrily roved her. As they always did.

All about you.

“I know what you want.” She glared.

I’m certain you do!

“Of course, you do. I’ve made no effort in hiding it. Ever.”

“Belline would be more than willing to accommodate.”

Who’s that? He didn’t have the faintest idea which barmaid she spoke of. One of them, surely.

“Many women would.” He dismissed. Making her look up. “But they aren’t you.”

“You pretend you’re not gallivanting all over the country taking whatever woman strikes your fancy when you’re about?”


Who gave her this idiotic idea?

Belline? He glanced over his shoulder at the other two barmaids meandering Winter Haven. Which the hell one is that? Unable to decide he refocused on Dimurah.

They don’t matter anyway.

“Why do you think I’m always so hungry when I get here?” His voice dropped as he leaned over the counter toward her. Resting a boot on the chair, as though intending to come over the wood bar.

She leaned forward to meet his face, hoping to deter him from that action. “I think you’re always hungry.”

For you.

“Ravenous.” He grinned. Leaning back and slapping the counter. But assessing her still. “If you worry about what I do when I’m away. Come with me.”

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