FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter CHAVIAS - Worthington Talking to Mac

Worthington Estate, Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Chavias could think of nowhere he cared less to be. But after his latest defiance, he’d been bled for nearly a weak solid and could barely stand. He knew his eyes were dark and face hollow. With dark rings winding his orbits. His lips were almost white. And he was shaky.

Radix ordered him to follow Worthington, knowing he was too weak to do it. But knowing I’d do it. Because I’m aware he intended to make good on his threat to send out a team of Cimmerii to find Forever Knights.

And there’s so few left as it is. Their numbers dwindling every year that passed.

Chavias’ weakness was obvious when he’d stalked in Worthington’s front door and had to stop at the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the banister wheezing. When he’d stood, Worthington had stared down from the second-floor banister with an evil smile.

Enjoying my suffering. I suppose, he would…

But Worthington had chosen to prolong it by striding past Chavias and hopping in his carriage. Forcing Chavias to follow as the wolf.

Huffing and barely able to keep up on exhausted limbs.

Hearing a caw, he looked up and saw Thadeus flying above him. Keeping parallel to his run.

Worthington parked the carriage to go for a fast stroll through the shops. Knowing Chavias would struggle to keep up.

Thadeus tried to land on him but Chavias moved his shoulder and shook his head at the crow. Not today, My Friend. I’m too weary even to carry your weight.

But thankfully, Mac Turner cornered Worthington in-front of the Butchery. Flushed a shade of purple.

Good. Punch him. Chavias mentally urged from where he leaned pitifully against a dress shoppe window.

“You promised me money, Sime. Not some animal trying to kill me in the dark.”

Ooh. Chavias perked up some. Which animal tried to kill you?

“What?” Worthington barely got out of the carriage before Mac was chest to chest with him. Teeth grinding, he eyed Worthington hatefully.

Please punch him. Chavias willed.

“You promised if I helped get the Bishops out of that rental, you’d pay me.” Mac whined. “I was almost attacked!” He poked Worthington in the chest.

Now, do it in the face.

“By what?” Boredom entered Worthington’s voice.

“I don’t know!”

“You scared of the dark now?”

He should be.

“No. I’m not!” Mac puffed up.

“Was probably a dog.”

More likely a wolf…

“It was big!” Mac explained.

I bet.

“Probably a big dog than.” Annoyance touched Worthington’s tone. A red glow lacing his irises.

Not likely.

“Not a dog.” Mac muttered retreating a step.

“The deal was that Nora would come home with me. Not for you to drive them out of my reach!” Worthington closed in, making the older boy take more steps back. Worthington’s eyes burned orange with waves of red flowing through them like water.

“That’s not how it happened!”

“Did she come home with me Mac?” He asked in a dangerous tone.

Mac tried to stutter out a reply.

“No. She did not.” Worthington’s tone dropped. “Why should I give you a farthing?”

“I did my part! Not my fault they had a back-up plan.”

What was the back-up plan? Chavias was awash with curiosity. Yearning to know what they spoke of. And who had threatened Mac.

“Back-up plan.” Worthington’s gaze fell as he murmured thoughtfully. “How did she have a contingency? She couldn’t have known...”

Unless you warned her.

Chavias heard Worthington thinking it as he stared at Mac a long while.

“Mac, My Friend,” Worthington draped a coaxing arm around the other’s shoulders. “what are your thoughts on immortality?”

He’s going to turn him over to Radix. Chavias realized. Shaking his head.

Even as he realized it, he heard Worthington thinking it. Maybe Radix will accept Mac as payment for my failure. For letting her escape Meadowbrook. Steering Mac toward the carriage, Worthington gestured for him to get in.

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