FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Calling Out the Nauvree

She gave him a startled look.

“Good God woman can you put them away, so as every man in the Bull’s Eye can close his jaws.”

Looking up she gave the room a slow scan and found that they were indeed, all staring at her. Sitting straight she linked her hands in her lap. Unaware doing so pressed the lovely globes together and up.

Not helping.

He groaned inwardly. It’s as if she doesn’t know they’re there. Reaching into her lap, he unlocked her hands and put them to her side. Letting the mounds fall back into their molded spots above her leather corseting.

“Perhaps we should get you upstairs.” He frowned. “Away from all these eyes.”

Before I have to defend you to keep you.

Already men were sizing him up. Alazar was impressive enough in stature but far from as stalky as some of these men were.

Men that’ve been tossing logs their whole life.

Men very inclined to underestimate my strength.

“You look scared, Alazar. Are you afraid of them?

“Afraid of what I might have to do to them.”

I don’t need the constable coming to find me.

She leaned forward again to whisper. “Like become a wolf?”

He couldn’t hear her. Busy listening to the thoughts of twenty men.

And hearing his. Alazareth’s gaze narrowed on the back of one cloaked figure in the far corner lifting a tankard. His amused thoughts. As he listens to every word of my conversation.

Wanting to hide Riaura from the man, he rose so fast he nearly toppled his chair. Taking her hand. “Come. Let’s get you upstairs before some of these lads decide to act on what they’re thinking.”

“What are they thinking?” She asked in a shushed tone. “Can you read their minds?”

Of course.

His steel blue gaze flicked over the benches. “In this instance, yes.”

She twisted against his grip to grab her cloak from the seat as he led her through the room and toward the tavernkeep.

Alazareth gave the short little man coin for a chamber upstairs.

One brawny man sitting near the fireplace stood. Abandoning the little wooden chips he’d been tossing with the cloaked one. “Where you taking the little snippet? We was enjoyin’ the view. Why don’ ye bring ’er over ta sit next ta me.”

I’d sooner watch you rot!

“Not on your life.” Alazar tossed over his shoulder as he maneuvered her through the benches towards the stairs.

“I told ye!” The brawny man rushed across the room. Big steps thundering over the poor wooden planks as he intercepted them at the foot of the stairs. “Hand over the snippet. She ain’ yours. I can tell.”

The hell she’s not. You couldn’t tell where your ass was to scratch it.

“For the sake of today, she is mine.” Alazar ground out. Chin jutting as he thrust her behind him to step towards the man.

Two smaller men flanked the brawny one. Their eyes on Riaura as well.

Looking her over like a prized mare.

To Alazar’s horror, the man that’d been listening in amusement now decided he wanted to intervene.

It won’t be on my behalf. Alazar suspected. Despite considering the other man his brethren.

He’s too amused by all this.

“Stevie,” The cloaked man called. “I wouldna be challenging that one. That there’s The Nauvree.”

Shut up, Lucien. Alazar was sending him a warning glare.

The giant called Stevie turned to look at his comrade. “Nauvree…Means BloodLetter.” Stevie’s brow lowered. “Ye tellin’ me this,” He gestured to Alazar, “is the Assassin, BloodLe’er?”

“No. I mean the little gel.” The other returned sardonically. “Course I’m talking about him, Stevie. Look at that ring he wears down his tunic front.”

Curse you, Lucien. He glowered. Standing fast as Stevie moved. Trying to decide how to handle the situation as he glared at Lucien, beyond this stranger.

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