FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter ACHARIUS - Bast Bears Bad News


Bast entered the clearing where Acharius had worn a path. “My Friend!” He said urgently.

Acharius spun and cocked his head. Expression relaxed. Where’d you come from?

How much did you see? He wondered if Sebastian had glimpsed him with his forehead pressed to Chastain’s so intimately. Considering kissing her. And doing my damnedest to fight the urge.

An awed breath emerged from next to Acharius. Showing Chastain’s reaction to Sebastian’s sudden appearance.

No surprise. Acharius shot Chastain a rueful look, mocking smile already in place. It’s Bast after all.

She stared at the lithe blonde man, breathlessly. Eyes wide and pupils huge as she assessed the perfect lines of his face admiringly.

Bast gave her a quick nod in greeting before walking purposefully to Acharius.

Her eyes followed him. Like a hungry hawk watching a mouse.

Would that she gave me such a look.

“I thought I heard someone.” Acharius grinned welcomingly. Trying to dismiss Chastain’s rather predictable reaction.

“You did.” Bast caught his massive bicep and pulled him along. “We must talk. Now.”

Now? Uh-oh.

“Excuse me.” Acharius gave Chastain an apologetic look. Face sobering at Bast’s urgency.

“What’s wrong Bast?” He asked as soon as they were from her hearing range.

He’s never unnerved. This bodes ill.

Before Sebastian could say a word, they both jumped as treetops further into the forest burst out.

Something leaving Merwood.

It shrieked. Sounding like wind against Meredith’s wooden fence.

Son-of-a-bitch. Acharius cringed at the sight.

Chastain stared up fearfully. Squinting toward the sound, she caught only a glimpse of something white flying away. Her gaze went to the men staring up intently. Recognition written over their faces.

“What is that?” She asked fearfully. Easing closer to hear them while they were distracted.

They turned back to her a moment before exchanging a look. Keep her safe. It was a silent agreement.

“Chavias?” Acharius said in a low voice.

Sebastian nodded.

“I’ve been patrolling this area since last we spoke. But I was over in the Driter’s Den, so I swung this way to visit you, before meeting up with Deragan and heading back to WaterRose.”

“Patrolling?” Acharius’ voice rose.

He wouldn’t be patrolling here unless he’d seen something. Or fought something.

“Why are you patrolling here, Bast?”

Bast shifted uncomfortably. “I ran into a few Targue last time.”

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“I lured them out.”

And almost died, likely. Again.

“I found him watching you.” Bast said to change the subject.

Flinching, Acharius reached for Chastain’s hand. I’d gathered that much when I saw him fly off.

He was too close to Chastain. He could’ve killed us both.

He’s what I heard moments ago. It was an eerie realization. But he’d been too absorbed in the company of the woman next to him to pay attention to what his senses were alerting him to.

She offered hers and he squeezed it as much to reassure her as himself.

“He says when he returns someone will die.”

A threat or a warning? Acharius felt anxiety swallow him.

Acharius’ brows shot up. “I suppose that means me?” He said gravely. “He saw her?” He knew the answer but asked hopefully anyway.

Bast nodded.

How can I protect her now? Panic flooded through him.

Chastain’s green gaze studied Acharius but found him unreadable.

“He always was a better friend to you.” Acharius muttered ruefully. Trying to lighten the mood.

Bast’s face softened. Looking at Chastain with warm golden eyes.

She sucked a quick breath under the intensity of that gaze. Unable to resist reaching to caress a reverent hand through the sweep of gold hair and roll over his shoulder to caress down his bicep.

Acharius placed a palm over her hand to push it down before her caresses could continue any further. Quite far enough!

“I-I’m so sorry.” She excused in a horrified voice. “I…The temptation was…I couldn’t. I am so sorry. It was as if my-”

“Let’s not let the rest follow.” Acharius teased.

“My name is Sebastian, Bast.” He introduced. Grasping her hand and leaning over. Pausing at his friend’s voice.

“Bast.” Acharius cautioned.

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