FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter I Am Angry

“What’s a Viking?”

“A large-bred race.”


Nope. Not defining that. He shifted uncomfortably and studied the ground next to him.

“Oh.” She gave a sideways nod. “Your tunic is ugly. Old and green.”

She finds my clothes displeasing? He glanced down. It was rather plain. Cinched with a dark leather belt. Breeches muddied from checking traps.

“I haven’t any newer clothes.”

“How do you wash them?” She plucked at the shoulder of his shirt.

Who gives a shit? He twisted his shoulder from the disdainful inspection.

“In the Lake, same as you.” His voice rose.

“Why do you not get something new?”

New? From where!

She fired questions so rapidly he didn’t have appropriate parries ready.

She’s been wondering about me. This is the real reason she sought me out.

“I have my boots.” He lifted a foot to show her.

“And where did you get those?”

“My friend.”

“The one that lives in a castle?” Skepticism entered her voice.

He gave a nod.

“Your shoulders” She reached up and gripped the top of his shoulder through his tunic sleeve. “They’re very muscled.” She gave his flesh a squeeze before letting it slide away as she began walking around him, candle aloft.

“Th-thank you?”

His head spun to keep her in view. She may be about to sink a dagger in my back.

“And your arms.” She ran a soft palm down his bicep. “They’re very wide.”

What is this?

“Woman!” He stepped back from her reach. “What are you about?”

“You look at me as though undressing me. Why shouldn’t I be curious about your body?”

“Is that what you’re doing?” He nearly panted. Trying not to think about the effect her dainty hands had, had on his body.

She gave a quick concise nod.

“Then fine.” Pulling the shoulders of his tunic he let the V at his neck split and shrugged out of it. It fell down around the belt. “There. Then observe.”

That ought to chase her and her fragile sensibilities away. His bare chest tightened under the slight breeze.

A half-naked man she hasn’t the faintest idea what to do with.

“Ah. So that is what a man’s body looks like.” Lifting the candle higher she leaned over for a closer examination of his taut abdomen. Her breath warm along his stomach.

Hands tightening, he blew a steadying breath then quickly drew another.

“Woman!” He put a hand to the top of her head, his thumb over her forehead to ward her off. “You’re behaving highly inappropriate.”

“Much as you did this morning.”

“Is this some vengeance?” His voice was shockingly shrill. Even to his own ears. He cleared his throat.

“It does feel that way.” She grinned cheekily. Cocking her head. “Why have your eyes darkened to green? I had thought they were much bluer.”

“Because I’m-” He began shouting then caught himself. Huffing out another breath. “When a man-he might-his eyes-Oh, Bloody Hell!” He tossed his arms. “You’ve well-proven your point!”

“Have I?” She lifted a brow.

“You have. I assure you.” Turning away he paced a half circle. Running a hand threw his hair before returning to face her. A few loose strands draping his face.

Nearly jumping when her hand suddenly caressed along the square line of his jaw. “Yours is much sharper than mine.”

“That’s because yours is intended to be delicate. Mine is intended to take a hit.” His eyes fluttered closed at the touch and he nearly rubbed his cheek into her palm. Clearing his throat to suppress the beginning of a contented rumble.

His hands worked in white-knuckled fists as she toyed with him.

“Oh, is it?”

“Mmm hmm”

Thwack. She slapped him soundly.

Growling in his throat he felt his eyes burn yellow as he steadied a look on her. In the deepening darkness there was no doubt they likely glowed. And his growl was an inhuman sound.

“I knew it!” She said triumphantly. “What are you?”

“Angry.” He rasped.

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