FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Her and Her Proposals

“Are you talking about marriage, Riaura?” His gaze levelled on hers.

Think carefully. That’s not what you want!

Gnawing her cheek, she nodded slowly.

“That’d be foolish! I’m no lifemate for you, Girl. Did you miss what just happened?” He gestured violently to the body on the ground. “Did you not hear him?”

They know what you mean to me.

“Of course.” She swallowed hard. “That and we do not…love…each other.”

“Certainly not.” He pulled a satin handkerchief and gently dabbed blood from her finger.

Sighing she took the kerchief from him and licked it. Cleaning his wound carefully before drawing her own and tying the corners of both to use them as a bandage to bind his hand.

“But you’ll keep your word to me and take me to the tavern?” She insisted.

You’re still thinking of that?

“Fine.” He groaned. “But you’ll be restricted to Nightway after that. For awhile. Until things settle down. Do we have a bargain?”

I’m taking her anyway. I might as well get her word from it. He admitted to himself.

“Deal.” She offered her hand and he shook it.

Wincing slightly as she gripped the bandaged hand.

“Oh, did that hurt?” She grimaced. Gnawing her lip.

“No. I’m fine.” He turned to collect the deer. “This meat won’t be in ideal shape. I recommend it goes to the larder immediately.”

She nodded as she caught up to him. Her swinging arm bumped his hand again and she watched him carefully.

“You’re doing that apurpose.” He accused.

“It’s good to know you can feel pain, Alazar.”


“That’s unkind.”



“Mostly.” She nodded.

“Glad I can be of service.” He stared ahead.

She looked at him thoughtfully. “Alazar there’s something else I must ask of you…”

His head spun. “What?”

“If this man has come hunting me, more Rebels will.”

Likely true. But I’m not doing it.

“I’m not hunting the Rebels.” He cut her off.

“Why not?”

Because I gave Garix my word. And he’s kept his.

“He’s not a Rebel. Just a villager.”

“How do you know?”

Because he’s Radix’s.

“Because I don’t believe the Rebels would come after you like that.”

“I need to know who the new Rebel leader is. Would you find out for me?”

“And then kill him, I suppose?” He said bitterly.

“Then kill him…” She echoed more softly. Staring at the ground.

She’s asking me to do a lot of killing, these days.

“Do you know what you ask of me?” He snapped.


I have to live an eternity seeing their faces.

“Do you have any idea what it is to watch the light die from a man’s eyes?”

You couldn’t possibly!

“But they’re wicked men.” She protested.

“Because they think you are evil does not make them wicked!”

She gasped in outrage. Staring at him with shocked green eyes. “I’m not evil!”

“I didn’t say you are. I said they may think it.”

“Why would they think that?”

Because they’re starving! Didn’t you hear him?

Unable to take it anymore, he demanded. “Why do you think Danbury always brings so many men for his stays at Nightway?”

To rob you!

“They help the NightGuard.” She answered.

Can you really be that naïve?

“With what?” His voice rose.

She shrugged. “Helping collect taxes, doing inventory and protecting me.” She emphasized the last.

He’s doing everything but protecting you.

“Do you truly think protecting you is Danbury’s first priority?”

I assure you, it’s not.

She gave him a long look. “Yes, I do.” Her brows lowered. “You don’t?”

Absolutely not! That’s ridiculous!

“I think Danbury doesn’t have your best interests at heart.”

To say the least!

“Funny.” She said waspishly. “He says the same of you…”

Of course, he would! Alazar wanted to roar with frustration. Listen to me! I’m not saying this out of jealousy!

She’s never going to listen. He felt his heart sink.

She stalked ahead, making him follow. She wants to think the best of everyone. He reminded himself. Can I really be furious with her for that when it’s one of my favorite things about her?


She cast a slit-eyed derogatory glare over her shoulder.

I’m growing exceedingly efficient at pissing her off. He rolled his eyes Heavenward. Why won’t she listen to any ill said of the man?

Why must she protect him? It annoyed him all the more because she seemed far more willing to hear ill of Alazareth.

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