FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Do I Want Her Brother in the Stockade?

Airon and Beth were too tired to argue when she woke them and directed them to pack. Unusually silent, Airon blinked blearily.

Nora furiously tossed clothes in bags for the littlest children. Rounding the corner, bag in hand, she saw the only thing in Ardae that could’ve calmed her. Standing there at the bottom of the stairwell. “Rosemary!”

Assessing the situation, Rosie headed up the stairs. “I’ll get the twins’ things.”

Nora gave a grateful nod.

Striding to the living room Nora moved a curtain to study the fog swept lawn.

Across the street, Constable Nelson leaned in Worthington’s window, gesturing agitatedly. As Constable Nelson moved, Worthington was visible, staring ahead. Refusing to acknowledge the Constable.

Grier Guardsmen lined the stone walk. Like the one that’d saved Mera, their slickers pulled up to shield their faces from biting wind and pelting rain.

Leaves swirled over the lawn and the cold singed her skin from around the window trim. Across the street a curtain fluttered in the window.

“Nosie Bawdies.” Rosie harrumphed from behind Nora.

Nora sighed. “It can’t get worse than this. Everyone in town will know of the latest scandal involving the Bishop children.” Nora turned from the window but paused when Rosie groaned.

“Oh, but it can…The boys are driving up.”

Nora stared Heavenward before returning to the window to watch the Bishop carriage cut between two Constable’s coaches and bounce over the walk into the drive.

“They’re guaranteed to handle this with their usual aplomb.” Rosemary warned.

“They’re going to fight!”

As if on cue, William jumped out and stalked toward the Worthington carriage.

The Constable turned at Worthington’s bidding and caught sight of William. Stiffening he shook his head at them.

Marcus kept pace with his brother’s furious step. Trailing a length behind him. William’s fury saw nothing but Worthington’s face.

Apparently, Worthington could tell. His face contorted to fear.

But a Guardsman intercepted William.

Before Nora could make a sound, William struck him soundly. Dropping her bag, she rushed out the front door shouting for William to stop.

The Guardsman was knocked to the ground but returned to his feet instantly. Eying the younger man but making no move to hit back.

William swung again.

Dodging this blow, the Guardsman hooked William’s arm and folded it behind William’s back in a smooth motion. Rolling on a pair of shackles so fast, William had no time to react.

Other Guardsmen moved to assist. Several catching hold of Marcus and managing a similar maneuver.

William shouted threats at Worthington’s carriage.

Nora made it to the edge of the drive before her arms dropped. She blew a heavy breath. Step slowing as she registered no one was hurt. She met the Constable’s angry look and her shoulders slumped. There was clear question in his eyes.

She chewed her lip before giving a reluctant nod.

Constable Nelson shouted for Guardsmen to load the twins into the back of a Constable’s coach.

He walked to Nora. “I’ll have a Guardsman drive them behind you. As long as you reassure me, they’ll be taken out of town and won’t return anytime soon.”

“I vow it.” Her eyes welled.

“But I’ll have to see if that Guardsman wants them taken to the stockade first.” He warned sadly. “He’s the right to request it. William struck him.”

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