FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter DERAGAN - The Sanctity of Best Laid Plans

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier Country


William wandered up the stairs to sit next to Nora atop the stairwell. Noting Nora’s shaking grip on the rail and her riveted gaze on the entry. Where Marcus still sat with his back pushed against it. Toying with a bit of thread between his propped-up knees. Refusing to move in-case the creature returned.

“Are you okay?” William asked at length.

“Half an hour ago, something tried to shove its way through that door.”

“Yes, it did.” He sighed.

“And I have no idea what it was. Do you?” She turned stunned eyes on him.

“I’ve not the vaguest.”

Hearing their voices, Beth and Airon wandered out of the room behind them. The room Nora had shoved them into. They squeezed past Nora and William to go downstairs. Beth sat at her brothers’ feet.

In an attempt to calm herself Nora studied her surroundings.

“It’s even bigger inside then it looked outside.” William stared at the vaulted ceilings mesmerized.

“It’s quiet. Lonely.” She rubbed her upper arms to warm up.

“Why’d they leave?”

“The owner?” Nora gnawed her lip. “I think she died.”

“It feels like grief in here.” He murmured.

“It feels like ghosts in here.” Marcus countered from the entryway. “That’s probably why they left.”

“Ghosts?” Airon turned wide brown eyes up to them in shocked hope.

Beth huddled closer to Marcus.

Nora glared at Marcus, effectively silencing him. Tears jumped to Nora’s eyes but she blinked them back.

Across from the stairs was the parlor. The bottom of a window was visible. Gray with fog and dust.

“How’d I let Worthington drive us from home?” She sobbed.

“Not your fault, Nore.” He said sideways, propping his elbows on his knees. “I hadn’t even considered it was a Worthington rental either.”

“I’d have never considered him kicking us out.”

“He’s slime!” Marcus contributed from the entryway.

“Slime!” Airon echoed. Shaking a small fist.

Marcus leaned way from the door to grab one of the bags they’d deposited near the door. He rummaged through it to find a candle. Tossing it up to Nora who fumbled it twice before William managed to catch it and hand it over. Nora pulled a matchbox from the pocket of her apron. Drawing it open she found a lone match in the bottom and used it to ignite the candle. Brightening on blue tapestries dangling from high walls and illuminating arched halls branching from the dias of the entryway.

“It’s so sad.” The urge to cry increased and she put a hand to her stomach to settle it. Her hand landed on the spiraling wood railing climbing past her.

“What’s wrong?” William’s brows knitted.

“This place is painful. It’s so familiar…Like I’ve dreamt of it…Often. I can’t explain it.”

Her brother frowned at her.

Holding the candle aloft to light the steps, she rose to make her way down.

“Hey, Nora?”

She spun at the sound of William’s voice to look at him, waiting.

“When we came in here it was pitch black.”

“I’m aware.” She said softly. Unsure where this was going.

“So…” He stared downstairs pensively. “How’d you make it through the change in levels down there without falling?”

She turned the candle to see what he spoke of. “I don’t know.”

“And…Around the outcropped wall, and to the curve around here to find your way up here?”

Nora’s mouth moved as she fought for words. Confusion clear on her face. The candle slipped from her grip to clatter to the top step.

Deragan’s task took longer than anticipated but he met the oldest boy and ensured he was comfortably situated at the Bull’s Eye Inn and Tavern.

Returning to Rosewynn to check on her was irresistible.

Is she okay? His long strides took him down the dirt road quickly. With impossible endurance there was no need for him to rest his body or to sleep so he traveled impossibly far even in human form.

His thoughts were concentrated on her. It can’t be easy being uprooted from all she knows.

The only place her mother’s memory lingers.

A niggling little voice forced him to admit. It doesn’t help I’m avoiding talking to her. Ever since she confronted me.

But talking to her makes me want to spill my secrets...Which would ruin all his best laid plans.

He sighed. It could set me back. Make her draw from me if she knew what I’ve done to get her here.

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