FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter ALAZAR - I Am Her Lover

Phalanx Forest, Grier Country


Alazar had barely entered Phalanx Forest, the treeline border between Grier and Nightway headed for WaterRose to visit Sebastian, when he sensed a presence trailing him. He turned several times but couldn’t catch sight of anyone. But his fine-tuned senses knew he was hunted, nonetheless.

Whose after me?


“Who’s out here?” He finally surrendered and called. If they were skilled enough to dodge his view it had to be someone he knew.


He felt an arm cinch his neck and compress his air. With one hand he yanked the forearm, struggling to free his airway. Simultaneously reaching for the sword at his hip.

“I’d not hand me that blade if you want to live beyond this moment.” It was a cold, gravelly voice.

I know that voice. Alazareth stopped struggling, recalling. Have a man attack me with a sword and I shall pierce him with a sword. Alazareth had heard him say it many times afore. And knew it to be fact.

Doing as recommended, Alazareth lifted his hands to show no weapon. Gasping around the grip of that arm.

“We need to talk.” The other man’s voice was cutting. “About what you’ve been up to.”

He knows.

He likely has plans to kill me. Alazar knew him well enough to know how he moved, talked, acted when he was hunting.

He’s hunting now.

That arm loosened and Alazar jerked away, spinning to face his attacker.

He assessed the younger man.

Despite how impassive Savage Jack’s face looked, his blue eyes were raging.

He’s furious. He knows I’ve been killing his assassins…His people.

“You’ve been playing a dangerous game, BloodLetter.”

Not the Nauvree?

“Are we so formal now?” Alazar rubbed his neck. Getting his air back.

“You tried to kill Garix.”

How does he know that already?

Garix told him. He guessed.

Alazar sensed the man’s tightly wound tension as Savage Jack began slowly circling like a predator lining up prey. He wants to kill me.

He’s wanted to since he left the Blue Lark in search of me. Alazar knew instinctively. Knew that look on his friend’s face.

“I didn’t.” Alazar argued. “If I’d intended to, I would’ve.”

“You came at him to do so.” Savage countered.


“You’ve betrayed me. Betrayed our kind.”


Yes, I did. I knew this would come, when I went to do it.

“In all the years I’ve known you,” Savage Jack studied him, lip and nose twitching contemptuously. “I’d no indication you’d betray me.”

I’d no plan to.

“I haven’t before.” Alazar didn’t fear death. But he didn’t wish to be slain in the middle of Phalanx Forest with no word to his brother.

Or Riaura.

He’s never killed someone who didn’t attack him first. Alazar reminded himself. But Alazareth had seen Savage Jack beat men nearly to death for looking at him sideways.

He’s a pitiless bastard, for certain.

“Why now?” Savage Jack stopped and lifted his chin. Blue eyes piercing.

“For a woman.” He hated confessing it.

“That so?”

Alazareth nodded. Recognizing a sense of shame.

“Why’d she want them dead?” There was a different note in Savage’s voice now. Closer to curiosity then rage.

“She believed they intended to kill her.”

“What woman has reason to fear so many assassins?”

“The Princess of Nightway.”

Savage Jaxson grunted. “Why not kill Garix?”

“I liked him. I’ve other plans for her kingdom. I’m tired of being her killer.”

“You want to be her lover.”

“I am her lover.” Alazar’s jaw hardened.

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