FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter TEVERIUS - Inviting an Attack

Northern Netherwood, Netherlands (Exiled for thirteen years)


The wind howled angrily through a velvety black night.

Serdephe cut through the woods on sure feet. Head whipping as she trailed the stench of ash at a run, knowing prey was close.

The hounds moved at her hip. Sensing her thoughts. Nearly translucent, the gray creatures cracked leaves under heavy steps. Crushing shrubbery in their wake and tearing low branches with muscled shoulders.

A glance back and a chin jerk had them crouching. Moving low to the ground. Another short glance made them yield.

She stepped over a log and passed a shrub, steadying its movements with her palm.

Thankfully she no longer wears those bloody gowns. They’d hindered her horribly, gotten badly torn, and nearly cost her life on occasion. Now she often hunted in strips of burlap wrap to allow freer movement. Or sometimes breeches and a well-fitted shirt. Like tonight.

The wind roused to stir gray clouds above. Glancing up she made no sound. Breathing levelly.

Storm’s coming.

The look on her face said she already knew.

She moves like she’s part of the Netherwood. Instinctual.

Moonlight luminesced over her lightly browned skin. Waving hair appeared black in deepening darkness.

But it’s purple in daylight. Clearly purple. So, she often used magic to make it darker when going beyond the village.

It’s one thing for the Greenway villagers to view her as a Dread. Quite another for all of Ardae to want her dead.

The distaste for Dreads was widespread throughout all the countries save Dread Country and the Dread Hideout.

Her blue eyes lit violet as she checked the treeline for movement behind her. Reminding him of the mermaids of lore. Long waving tresses moving around her face as she moved, unfolding over slim shoulders down her back in wild abundance.

She knew she drew up on her prey.

She was alert, neck stretched and head high as she assessed the woods with the trained eye of the huntress.

She rolled her shoulders forward, which had the dogs moving as one to approach her, sliding quietly on their bellies.

She’s spotted her mark.

A man wandering haplessly through the trees. Shoes crunching over the dirt road bordering the trees of Merwood. He stumbled toward the trees and she wondered at his foolishness in walking here in the evening hours. But he was young, not yet seasoned.

He hasn’t any need to fear highwaymen. Tev noted.

He was spry enough to uninvite a thief. And the smell of ash drenched him, he slinked as he moved.

Cimmerii. Tev’s blue eyes followed Serdephe watching the stranger on the road. She’s not fooled.

One of her dogs passed a thick branch and it slapped back into place. She gave the dogs a sideways look and jerked her chin down which had all six dogs lowering to wait.

The man on the road looked over his shoulder. Eyes brightening to orange tinged with red.


She crouched until he resumed walking. Trailing after him, she stepped into the road. Tripping clumsily as she tugged a lock of hair over her shoulder. Twining it in her fingers as she giggled every time she tripped. Giving an overly loud hiccup.

Hapless drunk Dread? He snorted. Well played.

Her efforts were fruitful. The human imitation watched her raptly.

A glance into its thoughts disturbed Tev.

The Firoque considered how he’d like to injure her. Torture her as he carved her apart.

Tev growled so low only the dogs glanced his way.

“Quiet.” He cautioned them.

Their eyes flicked to where he crouched upon hearing him, but they didn’t expose his whereabouts.

I’m distracting them. Which could endanger her. He backed into the denser trees, shifting into the muscled frame of the white panther.

Serdephe was oblivious. Focused on her quarry.

Inviting an attack.

Chunks of dirt ground under her riding boots.

The man faced her fully, eyes dull orange. Malicious. His tongue snuck out to lick his lips. Overly long as it swept his chin before retracting.

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