FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Meralee Partially Immune to Magic

Nearing Anna, he waved a hand before her face.

Her eyes instantly fogged with the weight of his magic. A gray shawl materialized in his hand. Anna didn’t blink. Staring at him with a slack, glazed expression. Lifting her arm, he draped the shawl over it.

“Take it to her.” He patted Anna’s shoulder before stepping around her. She jerked into motion at the mere touch.

Meralee Carter’s attention flicked to Anna from a crowd away. Brown eyes landing on Deragan, brightening in anger.

She can’t see me. He reassured himself. She knows nothing. He didn’t have time to wonder at the brunette’s impossible behavior.

He felt Nora. Close.

The balcony is the only other way out. Stepping out onto the marble, he concealed himself behind the curtain.



“Send me Alazar.”


He needed to say nothing further. Alazar will be on his way at first light.

Nora stood in the Ballroom. In the middle of the dance floor, breaths heaving. Dress strap dangling, and gown dipping precariously. The hem frayed and muddied. Hair windblown around her shoulders. Free of pins.

Head falling, she blinked numbly at dirty, bare feet.

Where’d she leave her shoes? He instantly recalled them falling from her hand in the forest.

All of Meadowbrook stared at Nora, mouths agape. The whispering began. A few people avoided looking at her entirely. Worse yet, amusement filled the eyes of others.

She scoured the crowd for him. Whispered taunts and lewd remarks momentarily distracted her. Blood throbbed in her veins, pulsing in a rhythm.

Don’t listen to them. Just leave! He heard her racing heart.

Anna intercepted her, offering her, her shawl.

Automatically taking it, Nora’s arms dropped limply.

Mera materialized next to Anna.

To the left Brandie and the ladies giggled. One look from Meralee silenced them.

No one will stand up to her.

Mera’s rapid-fire put-downs terrified the ‘ladies’.

He lurked in the shadows trying to determine how to help her without revealing himself. Her fear and confusion were painful to watch.

Nora blew a thankful breath as she met her friend’s look. Mera shouldered through the women gathering. Someone’s objection was cut short when Meralee turned, lifting a haughty brow.

Friends flanking her, Nora passed through the propped doors. Taking the wide staircase out-front to reach the chaise.

“Anyone come in before me?” Nora asked numbly at the base of the stairs.

Neither of the girl’s responded.

“Did he come in before me!” Nora exploded.

Anna blinked dumbly. “Who?”

“He went through everybody. I don’t know where he went.” Mera gestured impatiently toward a side wall unaware Deragan skirted around to go back outside. Mera’s voice was irritated, but confusion was written over her face.

Deragan watched her friends ushering Nora to the door. The moment Nora began turning, he knew.

I’ve underestimated our connection.

Her gaze was drawn to the balcony beyond the Ballroom, moving to the curtains billowing open. Revealing a glimpse of the silver wolf perched on the wide railing. Shining yellow eyes tilted low. Watching her.

She stared back.

She senses me. Everyone here is oblivious. But not her...He swallowed the lump in his throat and ignored the raging beat of his heart. He leapt off the balcony to escape her view.

She blinked hard at the empty platform. Jaw moving but nothing came out. Gesturing frantically made Anna turn to follow her gaze. But there was nothing but velvet sky beyond the curtains. Treetops swayed quietly as if they’d never been a backdrop for what she’d seen.

Both ladies eyed Nora askance.

“I know.” Nora’s gaze fell. “I’ve been wondering if I’m going insane, myself.” Her head snapped up and she demanded. “What’d he look like?”

Blinking wide eyes Anna spoke hesitantly. “I didn’t see anybody Nore.”

Mera pushed Nora toward the chaise. The metallic clink of the reins drew Nora’s gaze. Mera fiddled with the leather straps nervously.

“What is it Meralee?” Nora asked warily.

“I swear, Nore.” Mera met her gaze. “I can’t remember his face.” Shaking her head, Mera pulled the door open for them before passing it to climb up to the driver’s seat.

Gasping Nora dropped her shawl. On the floorboards, were her muddy silver slippers.

“Good. I wondered what you did with those.” Mera commented, sparing them only a glance.

Leaning down, Anna collected the shawl from the grass eying Nora nervously as she climbed in the back.

“I-I” Nora tried.

“Must’ve put them there before you bolted.” Mera filled in.

Quieting, Nora bit her lip as a footman handed her up into the seat. Pulling the door closed she stared at her hands in her lap.

“Put your shawl on.” Anna urged, arm protruding across the gap between the seats, offering her the cloth.

Taking it, Nora moved to comply, but Mera slapped a hand on the shawl. Knocking it to the floor. Jumping, Nora slammed her hands to the seat on both sides of her. Startled at Mera’s shocked expression. Mera launched herself over the seat and lifted the heap of gray, eying it like a snake.

“Hey!” Nora objected.

“Where’d this come from?” Mera shook it.

“It’s my shawl.” Nora spoke slowly.

“Yes. But it doesn’t exactly match that.” Mera gestured to Nora’s satin dress. “It was sitting on your bed in your room when we left.”

“I-” Nora searched Mera’s face for an explanation. She turned to Anna.

Anna’s brows lifted. “I don’t know. I don’t know where it came from.” She whimpered. “It was in my hand. I knew you’d be cold, you needed it. So, I brought it to you.” Understanding something was terribly wrong, made tears float in Anna’s eyes.

Nora didn’t put it on.

Staring at it, she rubbed the softer area where the wrap had begun to thin from wear. It’d been her mother’s before hers. And that spot had been where her mother always wore her beautiful gold and green broach. She studied it as they drove under street candles.

“What is it Nore?” Anna asked.

“It’s not a similar wrap, Anna. It’s mine. From my room.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Me neither.” Nora sighed. “He must’ve brought it. Had to have. I can almost feel his warmth on it. My shoes too probably. How’d he know?”

“Know what?”

“That things would go so horribly wrong.” Nora’s voice broke.

“I only wanted to be prepared…” He whispered.

Nora reared up. But there was no man near to have said it in her ear. A quick glimpse at her friend, verified she hadn’t heard it.

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