FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - To Protect

Worthington Estate, Meadowbrook, Grier Country


The Worthington Estate was stunning. The Fall ball was held in its vast Ballroom every year. Deragan watched from across the dance floor waiting for crowds to part. Circling the edge, he saw everything. Each shadow crossing Nora’s face. The arch of her bow mouth as she smiled or frowned. Every turn of her head. Mesmerizing in its familiarity.

This feeling of never being close enough doesn’t ever appease. It was remarkable to realize.

His eyes moved to the figure lurking a distance behind her. She’s yet to notice Worthington following her. That worried him.

Her friends are here. They’ll look after her. He reassured himself. Thinking of the many times, many lives, she’d told him he was overprotective.

‘Let me breathe, Sweetheart.’ She’d said.

Giving a long exhale, he forced his heart to slow.

Nora glared at Worthington as he held his hand out to her. Shaking her head, she moved to put space between them.

You’re right not to trust him. He was proud of her instincts. Even if it forces me to be agonizingly patient.

Looking to her friends was unnecessary. Meralee already intercepted. That bloodthirsty woman will keep Worthington at bay. He smiled faintly. Appreciating the friend’s efforts.

Worthington lifted a brow. “You her protector now, My Miss Carter? Aw, that sure is sweet.” He taunted. “I didn’t know you two were...So close...”

Mera gave him a withering look.

Nora shifted uncomfortably.

While Mera all but struck him, Anna ducked her head. Eyes sliding to Worthington.

Reaching for Nora’s wrist he was shoved away by Mera, who wedged further between them and lifted her chin challengingly.

He glowered.

A few inches taller than he, Mera looked down her nose at him. Lip curling as she fisted her hands.

Resisting the urge to strike him. Deragan knew the feeling.

“Mera…” Anna cautioned. “You’ve that look...The one that makes gentlemen cry.”

Mera’s focus was riveted on her target. Eying him like something crawling from beneath a rock.

Something she intends to squash. Deragan noted hopefully.

Anna tugged Mera’s arm. “You’re making a scene.” She hissed.

“Mera.” Nora coaxed. “Your brothers will be upset if you embarrass them here.”

Mera’s lips thinned to nearly non-existent and her expression turned venomous toward Worthington.

This girl is going to get herself killed if I don’t have Lucien get her away from here. Soon.

When Worthington took a menacing step toward her, her head whipped like a serpent to strike.

Stepping forward she met him, refusing to back down.

Worthington’s brows drew together menacingly over his brown eyes.

“You can’t go to blows with him.” Anna cried under her breath.

Mera’s hands fisted.

I wouldn’t bet on that! She’s perilously close to doing precisely that. Deragan saw her warring with herself not to launch herself at him. Please don’t. He willed her. I’ll be forced to intervene and reveal myself.

“What you going to do?” Worthington taunted. Jutting his dimpled chin at her.

Nora put a staying hand on Mera. “Don’t cause a stir Mera. Remember, what’s left of our tattered reputations...” She urged her friend.

Mera’s posturing eased and she leaned back.

Seeing he had the upper hand, Worthington gave her a long smile. Pinching Mera’s chin as though she were adorable, he clicked his tongue.

Making her seethe with rage at the touch.

He’s almost threatening her, and she knows it. He’s pushing her too far. Deragan spotted Lucien, a head taller than most with honey brown eyes cutting across the room and into Worthington.

Good. He sees it too.

Lucien tossed off his black cloak. Letting it fall where he stood. Hands sliding to the thin sword on his side which neatly matched his clothes, nearly indiscernible.

Lucien’s eyes slid to Deragan who jerked his head toward Meralee in blessing.


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