FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - Meralee is Unimpressed


Once Worthington, duly mortified, vanished into the crowd, Mera checked his direction to ensure he wasn’t now aimed for Nora.

Fiercely protective of her friend. Deragan’s gaze followed hers to spot the pretty blonde.

Nora watched Anna fluttering dark lashes up at a man she spoke to.

It’s amazing that girl managed to make it through the door in that. The little redhead wore a poufy green dress, it’s folds dipping low to expose ample cleavage before rising over her shoulders and draping her elbows.

Deragan’s attention went back to the men watching Nora with hunger filled eyes. How can I blame them when I look at her no differently?

Chandelier light turned her hair sparkling silver trimmed in gold. Sapphire satin reacted brightly with the shade of her eyes turning her skin gleaming porcelain. The smoky colored fabric lining her shoulders beneath the satin, only enhanced the perfection of her skin. Not a blemish dared tarnish the suppleness of it.

Like starved animals the young suitors swarmed her.

Am I any less pitiful? He swallowed.

From across the dance floor he caught Lucien watching him. Lucien nodded.

He’ll watch over her.

I need out of here. Hunting will help. Forcing himself from the mansion with a howl already on his lips, he reached the trees bordering Phalanx Forest.

I need to escape their faces…mainly the one haunting him. For endless decades.

I can’t touch her. The little voice in his head reminded. But his desire was hot coals under his skin. Memories, collected over centuries together, flooded him.

Lavender eyes staring at him filled with fear and regret. Trying to communicate what she couldn’t say. Then later, her face growing hollow as life drained away. Stealing the heat of a bed warmed by their bodies just a few hours ago.

He’d watched her die. Lying next to her holding her to him in an effort to keep her life from sliding away. She’d been murdered in the bed next to him. Our bed! Her soul drained from her body. His rage drove him deeper into the trees at a breakneck pace.

A short hour later, found Mera scouring the ballroom for Nora. Sighing heavily as she finally laid eyes on the blonde. Ire apparent in her heavy step and white-knuckled grip on her skirts.

Lucien on her heels with an unapologetic grin. Lingering close enough to hear.

Eyes wide, Mera huffed. “You’ll never believe the gal of that man! Lucien Sabsus-Sabius-Sabs- or whatever!” She tossed angry arms.


“He-The cad. He just-”

I what? Oh, do tell them. He sat in a chair in the shadows to watch the scene unfold.

“Nora!” Anna cut in, oblivious to the conversation already being recounted. “You’ve just got to see the gentleman Brandie brought!”

She didn’t bring me. He frowned. She followed me in.

Practically licking the back of my neck as she hounded me for a dance.

Meralee scowled at the intrusion. “Yes, that’s him.” She grumbled.

Nora shook her head trying to warn Anna to stop.

Mera opened her mouth to further vent her rage. But the impervious redhead caught her by the arm. “Let’s go find him! He seemed to like you.”

Oh, do…Come find me. He wanted to hold his arms out in welcome but knew he couldn’t reveal the fact he’d heard every word they said from across a crowded room.

Giving a furious snort, which went ignored, Mera trudged behind. Sputtering in rage as she attempted to find words scathing enough to deter the dimpling redhead.

“I was not impressed with him!” She declared.

Were you not? He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. Highly amused.

“You’re never impressed with anyone!” Anna retorted off-handedly.

Now that, I believe.

Mera’s eyes narrowed on the shorter girl.

Oh my pretty prey must hate the tiny copper haired girl!

Still laughing Nora eased to where a balcony door was concealed behind draping curtains.

Lucien’s alert gaze caught that she was sneaking out of the ballroom. She reached under the gold brocade curtain, finding a slim handle and pressing. Pulling the curtain aside revealed circular etchings twisting across the glass door she passed through.

Very elaborate. He assumed it was safe to guess that the women went to this Ball annually since Brandie had been kind enough to emphasize to him he was welcome every year henceforth.


Nora dropped the curtain and it fell to cover most of the exit.

He eased close enough to hear her murmur to herself. “Finally, some quiet.” She sighed.

The pale glisten of white railing encircled the marbled platform. Orange candlelight cast a circular glow on the door but beyond there was only moonlight buffeted white marble. The blonde stood out there soaking in the moon’s glow.

Does she know it charges her? He doubted it. Not yet.

She’ll remember Deragan before she remembers details like that. He grunted to himself. Leaning along the wall to guard the exit.

It is a lovely night. An unusually quiet one. The breeze stirred the curtains behind her, sending them whispering across the stone floor to Lucien’s feet. The aroma of far off needle trees wafted in. Crickets vibrated noisily, and evening birds cooed now and again.

I can see what she’d be enjoying out there.

Always seeking peace, The Fallen.

Strange skittering under the balcony silenced the birds. Startling Nora. She moved closer to the railing to peer down.

Lucien moved to the other side of the doorway to peer over the edge of the railing in the corner. Catching the flash of color there. Orange flecked with red.

Cimmerii? He stiffened. Looking around to see if anyone was watching him.

“What is that?” She murmured.

Slithering down the trunk, the Noni writhed on twisted legs, body rippling like a centipede as it fled to the bushes.

I can only imagine what she thinks of that sight. He grimaced.

Growing uneasy he began nervously scanning the crowd. Is Radix here?

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