FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter ACHARIUS - Shattered Supplies

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Acharius caught up to Chastain wandering in the cave. How’d she get here?

How’d I not hear her?

How’d she get so close? He was frustrated he’d grown so careless a simple girl could get past him. Get so close to the artifacts…

She drug a hand along the wall and stepped blindly. Cold stone slick under her palm. The smell of sulfur and wet dirt swallowing her as the entrance faded behind them.

He took it in as if it were the first time. Closing his eyes to experience it through her senses. Like when I initially arrived.

She followed a curve.

He haunted her steps soundlessly. Moving as she moved.

Don’t go that way. He winced. Wondering how he was going to lure her out. Jaw ticking, he matched her step for step.

She was led to another cavern where she glimpsed the small flame dancing. Casting shadows over the walls. She watched every crevice warily. Expecting some creature to jump and attack any moment, claws bared.

Far off, water dripped in puddles.

She spun toward the sound and he flattened against the wall. She peered over her shoulder scanning the dark.

She doesn’t see me.

A breeze feathered her red hair. She blew the breath she’d been holding. Green eyes shimmering. The candlelight caught the brown and gold highlights in her ruby hair. Making it spark with life. A passionate contradiction to the dull tones of her clothes.

Always brown and gray.

He was mesmerized by the fine lines of her nose and mouth. She’s sultry. Earthy.

Bast is right. She’s a tempting woman.

Damn him! Acharius had refrained from considering it until his friend drew attention to the fact. I’d still only seen the girl I’d first glimpsed. Barely of marriage age then.

She squawked.

He saw her attention riveted on gleaming eyes. A rodent hung upside down before her.

Oh, no. He felt her surge of fear.

“Bat!” Her shriek fractured Acharius’ composure.

Too close! The sound felt like it split his skull. He leaned over, clenching his ears.

Bats poured from the ceilings. Their screeching nearly as shrill as they flew at her.

Stumbling back, she fled past Acharius. Never even seeing him hunkered against the wall, wincing against the jarring sound.

Finally, the racket dulled enough he could lift his head and see her travelling in the direction of slivering yellow sunlight.

The entrance. At least she’s going the right way.

Dragging her fingers along the wall, she splashed through puddles and tripped over rocks but managed to stay on her feet until her slippered foot caught the edge of a burlap bag. She flung headlong amidst the sound of breaking, glass. Tripping and turning as she fought to avoid falling.

I needed those supplies! Acharius groaned and his hands drug his face in aggravation.

The potent smell of spilled vinegar filled the air. Stinging his nostrils.

Chastain put out a bracing hand to protect her face from stone as she landed against one wall. Glancing nervously behind her, she lurched forward and kept going.

He was quick enough to fade into the bleakest shadows.

Climbing to her feet on shaking limbs she dusted her hands.

He restrained himself from helping her up. She looks so fragile in those oversized dresses. She was tall for a woman but too slim for Margaret and Agatha’s hand-downs. Even the shining circlets couldn’t detract from that.

Shoving hair out of her face, she stumbled toward the meager light. Finally, emerging into daylight she ran until the platter sized leaves blocked her view. Pushing them aside she managed to find the worn trail. Holding her ribs, she breathed slowly to lessen the pain. Even walking the trail, she managed to stumble over a log. Hands outstretched.

As she sometimes did, she hovered but didn’t fall. Looking down, she saw her feet levitating. She looked over her shoulder but saw no one.

She didn’t look far enough uphill.

Chastain jerked upright. Trekking to the house at a slower pace. Oblivious to his shadow watching from the mouth of the cave.

One hand balanced his weight against the grassy entrance, his eyes closed with concentrating on catching her fall. He made a fist, releasing his grip as she righted. He wandered down the trail to verify she made it back to Meredith House. Glimpsing the gate slamming behind her as she rushed back into the safety of the garden.

No bats there. He chuckled to himself. As he heard her return indoors, he slipped in the gate and hopped into the apple tree overlooking the garden. Recovering from the dizzying pain in his ears.

He looked back at the open shutter on her chamber. You have to stop your snooping. He massaged his temple. Why do you want to know so bad?

What if she’s Radix’s? He pondered. What if I was wrong about her being a Watcher? What if it’s all staged? Sighing he swung down from the tree. Nearly wishing he’d never caught sight of her that first time.

She’s been nothing but trouble since then.

Acharius, so filled with dignity and honor has no understanding of why the red beauty hunts him like an optimal predator.

Carefully following the rules of society after so many years spent raiding and pillaging, he forgets that the rules cannot always apply to us. We’re immortal. We must voraciously steal every glimmer of happiness. Savor every minute chance at joy. We are the protectors, the guardians. Our fights, our trials are for life and death, for silence or breath.

Wake brother, to serenity. Find joy with the heart pursuing yours.

I could will nothing else for you, I would this…

From the Journal of Sebastian Bodane.

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