FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter Who Guides Them

Rushing to them, Chastain pushed dark brown hair from the little pointed face.

The other girls crowded close, terrified faces intent on the youngest one.

Checking that her baby sister still breathed, Chastain tenderly lifted her from Serdephe and insisted they press on.

They’re running out of time.

Chastain weakened as she covertly poured life into Meralee.

Riaura watched her carefully.

“How many more times do you think you can do that?” Serdephe demanded.

Chastain eyed the little girl.

“I’ve seen you at night giving her yours. And I know you give us all your food while you weaken.”

Ebony spun. “What have you been doing every night?”

“Healing Meralee.” Riaura filled in.

“What’ve you been thinking?” Serdephe demanded. “You can’t save us all!”

“The dreams.” Chastain said weakly. “I know the one that leads us. He says to hurry, he’s helping us. We just have to get to safety.”

Away from Radix.

“He’s here now.” Chastain gestured weakly to the hazy form in the trees. “Just keep going!”

“Who is he?” Serdephe asked uncertainly.

“Chavias.” Chastain breathed. A tear trailing her cheek. As he whispered to her even now. “He says his name is Chavias.”

Battle Village, Battling Country


They arrived in Battle Village, bordered by the Warwood and the runnel. They made their way through town.

Chavias’ voice urged. “You’re going to have to say goodbye. It’s a Dread door.” He told her. “I have friends, brothers, where you’re taking them. I’ll get each of you girls as close to one of them as we can. The knights will be drawn to protect your sisters.”

Chastain looked up at him hesitantly.

Scared of what’ll happen to them.

“They’ll be safe.” He assured.

Serdephe watched Chastain staring up at nothing as though listening. But sensed this wasn’t the time to bring it up.

Chastain saw the well in the open block. Telling her they would soon be arriving at the old bell tower in the center of Battle Village.

“What am I supposed to be seeing?” Serdephe spun around in confusion.

“Take them.” Chavias urged, for Chastain’s ears alone.

“Go in.” Chastain directed softly.

The bell tower was a constructed of Oakwood beams supporting it and heavy supports holding the large, perfectly formed, iron bell, high above. Swirling designs and strange writing engraved the rim of the bell. Branching out into the carvings on the supporting beams.

Testament to its importance.

A door opened to the winding steps up to the bell. Above the door was a sloping metal sign deeply engraved with unfamiliar words. Similar lettering reflected down both beams parallel the door.

Chastain grabbed Ebony first, as she was the nearest. Putting Meralee back in Serdephe’s arms.

Ebony stared trustingly up at Chastain. Quivering slightly, the brunette clung to Chastain’s hand.

They walked wordlessly toward the impossible darkness. As they neared the gaping door it creaked further open. Pale light pouring from within. Framing the three steps in a silvery luminescence.

Chastain looked over her shoulder and observed the sun not yet rising.

They stepped tentatively through the strange doorway. Leaving the others behind.

Chastain’s body shook as the earth quaked beneath her feet. Darkness closed in and wrapped them for a moment before the sky brightened again and they stood on the edge of a road.

A beautiful woman looked at a boy standing next to her. She eased close and took Ebony’s little hand, smiling tenderly down at her.

“This is her.” She told the boy before looking to Chastain. “He told me. He said she’d be here.”

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