FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter TEVERIUS - Starved Boy's Skill

Gilwynn Village, Netherlands (Exiled for eight years)


Teverius swung his hatchets expertly. Moving both in a blur as he turned rapidly one way before, without warning, switching directions. Kicking as he turned. But the young man training with him had perfect footing and matched his movements. Only a hairsbreadth slower.

Still able to duck when needed. Dodge kicks and maneuver from the reach of hatchets. Sweeping toward Tev in-between and just missing as Tev twisted from his blades expertly. Light blue eyes glowing in the dim forest clearing. Long white hair catching light and making a heavy distraction to his movements.

Still the other man moved well. Fast. Very fast.

Because I’ve trained him since he was a child. Tev was proud of the warrior the starved boy had become.

He decided to outmaneuver him, and up the challenge. When he stepped to the side and turned to kneel. Zierno expertly caught his hair. Jerking it back and forcing Tev to a stop.

I hate that.

Tev swung his hand back and the hatchet moved behind him rapidly but Zierno was able to block it with a hatchet against the handle. Clacking as they stopped each other.

Tev tossed his other one up and heard Zierno shout an objection as Tev lurched backwards against him and his foot shot up to kick the hatchet. Forcing the blade to whiz past Zierno at such a speed that it brushed Zierno’s cheek as he ducked to the side.

“That one could’ve killed me.” He let Teverius’ long white hair go. “What the Hell?” He touched fingertips to his cheek and eyed the blood there.

“Perhaps you shouldn’t be so slow.”

He’s actually remarkably fast.

“For a man that spent so many years training me I’d not guessed you intended to kill me all along.” Zierno said dryly.

“I didn’t.”

“That nearly took my head off.” Zierno’s voice was shrill as he thumbed toward the offending hatchet. Buried in the trunk of a tree behind him.

“If I’d intended it to take your head off, it would’ve.” Tev rounded him to rip it out of the tree. Tucking it back into his waist at his back.

With the other one.

“You truly are an evil Dread.” Zierno grunted.

Tev’s blue eyes hardened as he stuck a finger in the younger man’s face. “If I was evil, I wouldn’t have fed you for years.”

“But you haven’t for years now!”

“Because I taught you to hunt.” Tev strode over to rip his ax from the tree stump he kept it in.

Zierno grunted. Having no argument to that. “You’re only still fast now, because I kept you well-honed over the years.”

“Oh, you mean your attempt to sneak up on me?” Tev gestured behind him. “It was a poor attempt and you know I can smell you coming.”

“I don’t stink.”

Don’t need to.

“I can smell a long way.” Tev said off-handedly.

“Are you ever going to tell me what you are?”

Not a chance. You’d be in danger.


“You’re a horse’s ass.”

I’ve been called worse.

“I didn’t raise you to speak like that.” Tev sneered.

“You didn’t raise me at all.”

“Same as.”

“That’s probably true.” Zierno acknowledged. Walking to him. “Another fight well done, anyhow.”

He held up his hand and Tev gripped it in a solid squeeze. “You know I’m thankful to you.”

Not this.

“I know this.” Tev dismissed. Putting up a log to halve it. “Let’s not have a woman’s moment.”

“You’re so amiable a man.”

“That’s why I’ve buried myself in the Netherlands.”

And because I lost the map.

I’d have been dead if Chavias had elected to use his swords rather than his fists.

“I doubt that.” Zierno said shrewdly.

Don’t go probing now, Boy.

“Go find your warriors, Starved Boy.” Tev sent him away. His head shooting up with interest.

Zierno knew the look. “What do you hear?”

“I don’t. I smell. I told you.”

“What do you smell?”

“Someone on the road.”

“From Gilwynn?” Zierno asked.


Zierno looked baffled. “Who’d be this far out?”

“If I knew that,” Tev shot him a withering glower. “Would I look so shocked?”

“I thought that’s how your face always is.” Zierno shrugged and walked away.

“Ha. Ha.” Tev hefted a sliver of log and hucked it at the back of Zierno’s head.

He spun instantly and cut it in the air.

Faster than any other human. I’m certain. Tev thought proudly.

Zierno straightened with a dirty look. “I’m going to find my Mist Mare.”

The fabled creature he’s been hunting for years.

Teverius nodded absentmindedly. Still focused on the foreign scent on the road. He set down the axe and decided to wander closer to the road to check it out.

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