FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter RHYERS - Bast's Heartache

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


I miss Ebony. He’d had to ask Acharius to watch over her so he could come up here and watch over WaterRose for Bast.

Ebony had been quite impressed with Meredith House. Exclaiming over its quaint beauty.

Acharius had taken it as a compliment, thankfully.

This castle is incredibly quiet without Elsabet. And Rhyers could admit that even he had grown fond of her. And had enjoyed her company in the library. On occasion she’d come and sat next to him and they’d read in companionable silence.

It’s strange without here here. Not the same.

I can’t imagine what Sebastian feels like.

As if conjured by his thoughts, he heard the front door slam closed. “Rhyers, I’m back!”

Sebastian. He doesn’t sound pleased.

Rhyers went downstairs and met Bast heading straight for the dais beneath the stairs. Making his way down to the Flood Room.

To check on her first thing. As had become Sebastian’s custom.

He knelt just above the water and hovered his palm above it. Drawing his daughter from the depths to the surface.

Seeing her there and feeling the weight of her soul hovering about the Flood Room he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and let her sink. Moving her back into place under the stairs.

“Have you heard if Nora Bishop has ascended.”

“I’ve been asking. She has not.” Bast said dully.

Seeming unwilling to talk.

Leaving his mate is likely no easy feat.

“I heard she recently helped Acharius.”

Bast put up a hand. “Unless she’s ascended, I don’t want to get my hopes up.”

But it seems she’s gotten close. She healed Acharius’ mate.

But seeing the pained intensity on Bast’s face he opted to wait to tell him.

“Why do you seem so miserably unhappy?” Rhyers winced even as he asked it. Sensing the response would be hostile.

And it was.

“I’ve had to leave my mate on the Isle. No doubt to do some evil deeds for Radix that will crush me to learn of! My daughter is dead. A floating corpse I keep in my Flood Room.” He gestured to the water behind him. “The Fallen has not ascended and I’m quickly approaching the year mark of my daughter’s death. Which is when I promised my brother I’d release her body so her soul can go…Whether it wishes too or not.”

“Bast…” Rhyers opened his hands supplicatingly but knew not what else to say.

Bast pressed past him. Angrily stalking up the steps.

Hurt and suffering and terrified. Rhyers couldn’t fathom what a miserable cocktail that would be.

“If it’s any consolation,” he deflated. “we all miss them both.”

“It’s no the same.” Bast paused on the steps to say without turning.

“I’ve no doubt, My Brother. I’m just trying to tell you I understand, though I cannot conceive your pain.”

“Thank you.” Bast murmured. Walking on.

Rhyers spent a few days in WaterRose with Bast. Trying to assuage some of his friend’s pain. But seeing he was doing little good he went in search of the Captain.


He found Deragan exactly where he suspected. Comfortably lodged in Rosewynn Manor.

Deragan met him at the edge of the lawn and Phalanx Forest. “Rhyers.”

“Captain.” Rhyers greeted equally. “I come to talk to you of Bast.”

“Still shattered?”

“More than.”

“Does he know his mate is already back in the countries?”

“What do you mean?” Rhyers’ brows shot up.

“I can sense her return to Ardae. She’s been moving through Grier and back toward the Nertherlands.

From Radix’s lair to Danbury’s House?

“I’ll keep an eye on her.” Rhyers commented.

“That’d be wise. She’ll be a powerful enemy. And why she’s not already given away the location of WaterRose is beyond me.”

“I fear it’s a matter of time. If she had loyalty to us she’d have returned. It’s been nearly a year for her anger to abate.”

“But remember,” Deragan cautioned. “She holds anger far deeper than any other creature we know. And bear in mind that despite appearances, we don’t know for certain she’s turned on us.”

“It’s still alarming.”

“Indeed.” Deragan agreed. “Have Sebastian and Lucien contrive an emergency evacuation plan for WaterRose. In-case we’ve a need for it.”

Rhyers nodded. “I wanted to talk to you about his daughter.

“Sebet?” Deragan’s head whipped. “She’s gone.”

“Not entirely…” Rhyers grimaced.

“What have you all done now?” Deragan said with every inch of the annoyance of a disapproving father. “Sebastian again, wasn’t it. I’m getting sorely tired of his defiances.”

“Despite his defiances, you know he wants to serve you better than any other knight in our brethren.”

“It’s the only reason I’ve not put him in his place in a long time. But he’s sorely trying my patience.”

“I know.” Rhyers could already feel the flicker of Deragan’s irritation causing a surge of magic that was nearly stifling.


“He knows his place, Captain. He just loved his daughter.”

“So what did he do?” Deragan’s blue eyes had darkened as they luminesced.

“He bound her body from the damages.”

“He locked away her soul?”

“No!” Rhyers objected. “He asked it to stay but didn’t bind it. Only the physical injuries.”

“Where is he keeping her?”

“In the Flood Room.” Rhyers admitted with a wince.

“Damn you all to Hell!” Deragan roared. Descending on Rhyers.

Rhyers jerked his head to the side and ducked it on his shoulders. Awaiting a possible strike.

Deragan paused just before him huffing. “You all toy with fate. Even if she’s returned she may not be who she was from being stranded between places.”

“I know. That’s why Alazareth made him promise to release her in a year.”

“Alazareth knows of this!”

Rhyers felt a low whimper ease from his throat.

Deragan drew a staying breath. “You want to know if Nora can help her. I don’t know she’s ready for that.”

Rhyers nodded.

“But I shall talk with her. Now get the Hell out of here before I lose my restraint.”

“Yes, Captain.”

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