FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter What A Valkyrie Knows

“You’re healing fast.” Elsabet told him.

“I’m healed enough.” He swept away her tending hands. “It’s time I go.”

“How do I get out of here.”

She laughed coldly. “Hell, if I know! I haven’t left in thirty years!”

“What?” He reared up. Scooting his back up the headboard. “You’re a prisoner.”

Her mouth whitened as she nodded.


It was her turn to shrug. “Ask the King of the Castle of Water.”

“Your lover?” He asked watching her face carefully.

She saw no insult, no accusation, no judgement. Merely a question. “Yes.” She admitted.

“Strange relations you have.” He commented.

“You’ve only begun to peer in.” She scoffed. “Where do you intend to go?”

“Back to my world. The Blue Lark.” He moved to toss back the blanket and Elsabet turned on her heel to approach the mantle.

He pulled on his bloodied leather breeches. Assessing the coarse red stains with a grunt. “She’s going to think the worst.”


He gave her back a quick look.

“You said her name often in your fever.”

“She’s my mate.”

“Mate…Interesting word…” Elsabet thoughtfully adjusted a stone figurine on the mantle.

“It is apt. I’m an animal and I’ve chosen her and she me...”

“Huh. You make it sound simple. It is for me.” He laced his breeches. “Less so, for her.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I’m simple. If I want something I go after it. Most in this country are less driven.”

She made a thoughtful sound. “I wish Sebastian to meet you. May I introduce you?”

“I owe you a debt. As you wish.” His torso was still crossed with bandages. He carefully pulled his stained tunic over his chest.

“Allow me to find you one of Sebastian’s shirts?”

“There’s no need.” He put up a staying hand.

“There is if you do not wish to alarm your mate.”

His face softened and his hand lowered. “You speak sense.”

She exited the chamber and returned with a gold tunic, embroidered in the seams with twining black thread.

He eyed it askance. “I’ve never worn anything so fine.”

“He favors such things.” She looked at it on him. Studying his face, a long while. She walked with him down to the foyer.

“Sebastian!” She called.

Resulting in immediate steps. “Yes, Elsabet?” He rounded the bannister. Step slowing as they lit on Savage. His gaze locked on him.

“You give this man my shirt.”

“I did.” She offered no explanation.

Bast slowed as he reached the bottom of the stairs. Slowly circling Savage as he eyed him, puzzled. After he’d circled twice, Savage rapidly drew the curved blade from the sheath at Bast’s side and put it against his throat.

“I don’t like men moving about me.” He warned. Pressing the blade.

Bast’s eyes widened on him. “Who are you, Boy?” He seemed oblivious to the blade at his neck, but he’d ceased circling so Savage returned his dagger firmly to the sheath.

“What do you see?” Elsabet asked cagily.

“His light…It’s strange.”

He sees the colors? Savage had never met anyone else who could.

“I’ve only seen it on Sebet, and Mardichi’s Liam.”

She nodded slowly.

“He’s one of ours…”

“Yes.” She murmured. “Son of King Ocnomad.”

Bast’s eyes flashed to the boy’s face. “Jerica is your mother?”

Bast looked fit to slump against the railing.

“To my knowledge, yes.”

“As I thought.” Elsabet harrumphed. “He is yours.”

Some things a woman just knows. She’d said. Now he knew what she’d meant.

Savage’s lips tightened. “My mother told me she had an affair. And he knew nothing of me.”

“I did not!” Bast proclaimed. “All this time…King of the Blue Lark, and I’d no idea…”

“You do now.” Savage shrugged. Unwilling to engage in some emotional moment. He turned and headed for the door. “I’ve a woman I must get back to.”

Bast’s brows lifted in interest. “I’d like to get to know you, Boy.”

“Start by knowing, no one calls me boy.”

“Fair.” Bast straightened. Restraining himself from approaching.

“I’m not an easy man to know.”

“I wish to just the same…”

“You know where to find me.” Savage shrugged. “How do I get there from here.”

“This is a secret place.”

“I keep secrets well.”

Sebastian gave him a long study and was convinced no amount of torture would wrench something from this stubborn man’s lips if he was unwilling to give it.

“Go West down the mountain. It will take you into Phalanx Forest which opens into Grier.”

Savage nodded and headed for the door.

“I will come to the Blue Lark to find you.”

Savage gave him a brief look and pulled the door closed behind him.

Bast and Elsabet exchanged a long look.

“You’re not angry?” He asked.

“It was before me.”

“Long before.” He agreed.

“With a married Queen.”

He winced in shame. “The 1600s weren’t my best years…I was adrift until I found you…”

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