FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter MARDICHI - Brotus' Intention

Dread Country


Zuriena’s cautioning words had worked.

Mardichi could sense Brotus and the Band nearby.

He had spent the evening tuning into Brotus’ thoughts as he rested nearby. He was able to identify who the man was. He could feel his lust for the woman Mardichi now held captive.

She had been Brotus’ toy and he yet had plans for her. Mardichi intervening was an inconvenience Brotus was unwilling to tolerate.

And there is a stink to him…A smell I know well.

Cimmerii. Way out in Battling Country. Why does Radix have minions clear out here?

The next morning, Mardichi unshackled a seething woman. He sensed it took every fiber of her being not to strike him. But she was holding back.

Which means she has a plan. He watched her carefully. Knowing how clever her little mind was.

As they rode she occasionally gave a haunting whistle and there was a drawn out bird call in return.

Mardichi shot her a bored look. “You are a fool if you do not think I do not know you’re communicating with them.”

“Him.” She corrected.

“The Leader.”

“My friend.” She countered.

“Is that so?” He lifted a red brow.

“Yes. Some men can be close to a woman without being intimate with all of them.”

Mardichi tossed back his head, laughing uproariously. “Is that your stance now.”

“It has always been my stance.”

“You accuse me of being unfaithful?”

“I accuse you of being a rogue.”

“I am a rogue. But not with women.”

“You have me tied!” She tugged the ropes on her wrists meaningfully.

They had made the two-day ride into Wilhelm to Jonis’ Dread Castle without being disrupted.

I am fine with a little more peace until we get there. But it was unlikely that the Highwaymen would not try something by then.

It’s unlikely they’ll let such a pretty little snippet leave. She probably provided them all entertainment. That thought curdled his stomach.

But he had, long ago checked her scent. The foul aroma’s emanating from the thieves did not taint her.

None of them crawled onto her yet. But Mardichi knew Brotus’s thoughts. Brotus’s intentions.

I’ll die before I let her go back to them…

Wilhelm Kingdom, Dread Country

To Mardichi and Norris’ surprise alike, they were able to ride into Wilhelm kingdom without a fight.

In the rundown Bailey, Zuriena asked they stop and unbind her.

“It’s a pity King Jonis doesn’t spend some of that coin he so enjoys dispensing onto some repair of his own castle.” Mardichi grumbled as he collected the chain and bars. Folding them to return them to the bag he attached to his stallion.

Norris shushed him. “Must your defiance always try to get us killed once we are in kingdom walls?”

Mardichi shrugged. His eyes riveted on Zuriena. She stepped behind a tree to relieve herself. She returned and he watched attentively as she tied her hair back severely with the piece of cloth she had been wearing around her forehead. She tugged the hood of her cloak up to cover her hair and shadow her face.

She untucked her billowing tunic enough it masked her fine figure. And did make her seem much larger.

That is how she disguises herself as a man. And it was true. Unless someone was assessing her with a careful eye they could miss the perfectly rounded mounds under that tunic. Or the soft curve of flaring hips. And the back of the cloak fully concealed what he knew to be a highly womanly bottom.

Mardichi’s inhuman ears caught the deliberate huffing of something nearby. Something quietly trying to get his attention. Tossing a look back across the bridge he caught the glow of yellow eyes in the shadow of the trees.

That’s no highwayman.

“You stay!” He ordered Zuriena. The commanding note of his voice demanding obedience.

He edged back over the bridge to the border of the trees.

Norris and Zuriena watched him kneel next to the brush where a black snout reached out to huff at him.

Mardichi nodded slowly. As though they were having a conversation no one else could hear. His face showing disappointment.

“What’s wrong?” Norris asked.

“I have to go.”

“Sebastian?” Zuriena said tight-lipped. Her mouth whitening as she flung her hands.

Norris shot her a look before returning his gaze to Mardichi. “Now?” His appall was apparent.


“We’ll give her to the king and you can go.”

“It’s not that simple.”

Norris looked worried and gave a whimper. Afraid to ask.

“I’m not giving her to him.”

“No…” Norris groaned. “This is going to be dreadful. You can’t do that.”

“I can.” Mardichi would say nothing more than that.

Mardichi greeted the King who repeatedly touched his arm and shoulder. Mardichi gritted her teeth and refrained from striking the man.

“You’ve brought me my little treasure. I know you would not fail me.”

“I never have.” Mardichi muttered off-handedly. Watching Jonis’ knights tugging her down off Mardichi’s stallion and pulling her away as she struggled against them. Watching her carefully he could tell she was feigning her struggles.

She’s not using half her strength.

Jonis was droning on but Mardichi heard none of it. “Where are they taking her?”

“To a chamber. So, she may clean up.”

“That is fair. But I want no man to touch her until I may meet with her.”

“No man?” Jonis reared back. Affronted that the assassin dared give him orders.

“No man.” Mardichi responded in a dangerous tone.

“You think you have some claim to her?”

“The only claim.”

Norris’ head spun to them. King Jonis took a step back. Looking from Mardichi to the woman being drug off.

“I give you my word.” King Jonis said tentatively. “No man will touch her. She’ll be fed in her room until we have an audience to discuss this further.”

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