FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter Help With a Shadow

Pulling a handheld mirror from her backpack, Nora balanced it on the bedstand and proceeded to braid her hair. Two hairpins held in the corners of her mouth.

A shadow in gray robes moved quickly behind her reflected in the mirror, she spun around but saw nothing.

But the distinct presence was heavy in the room.

Closing her eyes tight she opened them and was face to face with beady eyes. She managed only a squeak before her scream was silenced by a choking hand on her throat. Bony fingers biting into her skin like knives.

Howling erupted from the woods and Nora heard footsteps running on the stairs.

Deragan slammed it open her bedroom doors.

She turned wide eyes to him.

Bast was so close behind him that he stopped the door with a booted foot as Deragan entered. Head lowered as she scanned the room. Swinging his head like a wild animal.

Both men breathed heavily as they checked the room.

Nora gasped for air. Her throat expanding now that the choking grip was gone.

Deragan went to check on Nora’s little sister. To make sure Radix hadn’t moved on to her.

Closing his eyes in the hall he could see in the room.

Isabelle was perched on Beth’s shoulder. Her glow illuminated in the girl’s dark eyes as Beth spoke softly to her.

“Are you taking care of her?” Deragan asked from the hall. Sending his voice wafting inside.


That’s what she thinks I am. He knew.


“She’s my best friend.” She said cheerfully. Handing Isabelle a cracker.

The fairy took it and swayed slightly. The food’s weight nearly knocking her from her perch.

“I’m glad.” He laughed.

“I like you.” Beth said decisively. “Will you marry my sister and have one of these?” She held her porcelain child out to him.

“A doll?” He queried, lips twitching.

Lowering the doll slightly she gave a scathing look around the room. Unaware he sat against the wall outside her chamber. Projecting only his voice inside though he sensed her movements.

“But why do you look funny to her? You should fix that. Then she’d know what you really look like.”

My disguises don’t work against children. She’ll always see how I really look.

“I’d love to.” He said quickly.

I just can’t yet.

“Will you take care of her? Someone wants to hurt her?” She asked.

He clicked his teeth. “That’s my plan.”

“Okay.” Beth said cheerfully. “I’m going to bed.” She walked carefully to keep from displacing the fairy. When she did, Isabelle fluttered slightly. Hovering a moment before returning softly to the girl’s shoulder.

Tucking her feet under the blankets, Beth snuggled into the bedding. “Guardian?”

“Yes, Miss Bishop?”

“Thank you.”

His frown touched his voice. “For what?”

“For coming for her. She’s felt so alone for far too long.”

So, have I. I’ve been waiting for her…

“I know.”

Sitting against the wall in the hallway Deragan’s spirit returned to his body.

Moving to Airon’s room to check on the boy he cracked the door. Jerking back as a vase propped against the door knocked over.

Why’d he do that?

Shooting to a sitting position as if he’d been waiting Airon accused. “You’re him, aren’t you?”

It was the second time Deragan had heard that tonight. He groaned. “Who?”

“The Guardian.”

Beth told him?

And he believed her? Smart lad.

“Trap?” Deragan eyed the toppled vase.

Airon nodded vigorously. Face alight with pride.

“You believed your sister?”

Airon nodded. “She may be a silly girl (sisters are) but she don’t lie.”

No, she hadn’t.

“So, what is it you want, now that you’ve caught me?” Deragan peered through the cracked door.

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