FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Seeing I'm Primal

She leaned back to tilt her head up. Resting her chin against his chest. “How can you be so sure?”

Because I sent her with Lucien.

He steadied his breathing. Trying to slow his accelerated heart. Despite himself his fingers splayed her lower back. Heat suffused him. A low growl rippling through his chest.

She stiffened in his arms.

Trying to mask the sound by clearing his throat he murmured. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

“How can you be so sure?” Nora asked, though she was calming.

“From what I’ve seen of the Miss Carter. She’s no shrinking maiden.”

“That she’s not!” Nora agreed.

He looked away. It pains me to lie to her.

Do whatever it takes. She’d told him all those years ago.

He sensed her withdrawing from him. He took a step forward and gently backed her against the wall. Bumping the bottom of her nose with his urged her to tip her head back. Breathing on her lips a moment he couldn’t resist. His lips touched hers and received an immediate response.

Despite her startled gasp, her body softened and molded against him.

He moaned into her mouth. Realizing he was clinging to his tenuous control, he snarled in his throat and slammed both palms against the wall on both sides of her. Unable to stop his fevered reaction. I want her.

But I need her to want me as badly.

Nora blinked rapidly at him. “Wh-What-”

“I don’t know!” He retreated a few steps. Putting space between them as he looked everywhere but at her beautiful face.

Breathe. Slow down.

“Seemed like you did.” She retorted.

He stared at the wall next to her cheek searching for an answer.

“Why do you do that?”

“What?” His gaze flicked to her.

“Just when I think I’m getting close to figuring you out, you lock up.”

He tilted his head. A thousand responses crossing his mind.

Nora walked to her room on numbed feet. Finding her way to the window, she stared out. A flash of movement caught her eye in the rock clearing in the woods. Gray stone parted the trees and the shadow of the cave cut into a towering cliff. Where the blur she’d seen after her carriage wrecked, had disappeared.

Flickering lights luminesced. Recognizing them from the day they’d lured her into the woods. Three white mob caps were visible in the clearing.

Then Deragan emerged on the steps, heading down the lawn. Crossing it in long strides to vanish into the trees.

Her fingernails dug into the windowsill.

He appeared in the clearing. Pacing as he spoke and gestured aggressively.

The women stared avidly before tearing off their caps in unison. Two dark heads and a blonde. Their dresses disintegrated leaving only vines and leaves as covering.

Nora’s forehead dropped to the glass. When she opened her eyes, she met Deragan’s keen gaze.

He stared above the clearing, over the trees and lawn and straight through her window as though nothing stood between them.

She spun and put her back to the wall. Sliding to the floor and biting her lip so hard it bled.

Rising she ran down the stairs and into the Dining Room.

Seeing the look on her face, Nicholas rose from the table to meet her. His eyes filling with concern as he circled the table to approach her. “Nora? What is it?”

“I-I’m fine. It’s Derrick. He-he-”

“He’s right here. He’s fine.” Marcus cut her off gesturing behind him.

Feeling blood drain from her face, she looked where Marcus gestured.

Sitting in the chair there, Deragan reclined with his hands behind his head and feet on the bench as though he’d been there for hours. His hair hung just to his collar where it curled slightly. Rippling back in waves as dark as midnight. Staring at her, his face was impassive.

Don’t question them. He willed. They’ll tell you I just got here.

Tearing her gaze from him she breathed heavily. Looking to her brothers and then to the children playing on the hide near the fire.

Tonight, he exuded dangerous energy. Making her hair stand on end and sending chills racing her spine. He’d no facial hair now. His body taut with restrained strength beneath long sleeves.

So unmoving, he seemed far from the man she was coming to know. He now seemed coldly predatorial.

Gaze locked on her.

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