FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Back Home

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Sebastian barely stumbled back into WaterRose. Bone weary from days spent at Marshall Manse. Waiting to see if Rhyers recovered from his injuries.

Despite his initial assessments he’d found that Ebony Marshall was a tender caregiver. Not as bad as I’d thought. Perhaps I was a bit hard on her in my fear for him.

He was only a few steps in the door when Elsabet surged from the Library. Running into the foyer soundlessly. Spiderwebbing gray dress whispering and her bare feet silent along the marble as she ran to him. He watched her approach bemusedly.

She snagged him by his shirt and yanked him down to her.

What? What’d I do? He was too tired to even puzzle it out.

She scanned his face. Fisting his hair to yank his head down for an inspection. Pinching along his arms before lifting his shirt to look at his abdomen.

“If you want a look at me, you need only ask?” He gave her a lopsided grin.

“Whose blood is all over you?”

Oh. He looked down his length. Realizing he was indeed in clothes covered in several days’ old blood.

“It smells familiar. I thought it was yours.” She looked at him worriedly. Gnawing her lip.


“Oh, no!” She stepped back and covered her mouth. “Where is he?” Her face was written in fear. She leaned to peer around him.

Mightily concerned for his welfare. Bast couldn’t decide if he was touched or envious.

“Would that you were so concerned for my wellbeing.” He murmured half-heartedly. Feeling he was so tired he was swaying where he stood.

“I am! I ran out here to check you thinking you were the one wounded!”

Valid point.

“Touche.” He acknowledged.

“Where is he?”

Returning to Rhyers already. He sighed. Damn the bastard for his luck.

“Why didn’t you bring him home?” She persisted. “I’d have tended him.”

“Is there a particular reason you seem unduly concerned for him.”

“Yes!” She gestured wildly. “He’s the one kindest to me.”

Bast gave an acknowledging head tilt. “My, things have changed.”

“Is he well?” She gnawed her cheek.

“No.” Bast admitted. “But he will be. It’s just going to take time.” He couldn’t keep his own worry from his voice.

“Take me to him and I’ll help heal him.”

“I know you’re quite the injury nurse Els, but I doubt his woman would much appreciate your help.”

“He has a woman?” Elsabet’s beaming expression with sparkling eyes and huge smile reassured Bast.

She doesn’t want him.

“You genuinely see him as a friend.” Bast realized.

“No.” She shook her head. “I see him as a Brother. Like you do.”

Much better. Hearing her say it was a balm on Bast’s soul.

“That’s a relief.” He said. Swaying far enough backward she leapt forward to catch his shirt again. Pulling him dramatically enough he swayed forward and stumbled. She stepped into him and caught his weight as he collapsed over her.

“Sorry.” He murmured as he fell atop her. Too weak to detour his weight from crushing her.

Hopefully she isn’t hurt. He had only enough strength to slip a palm under her head to pad it from the hard marble. They landed brutally in a pile.

And he was unconscious the second they made contact.

Bast woke slowly. Drawing long breaths as the haze of sleep faded.

I hurt her! He realized. Sitting up.

“Elsabet!” He called.

“I’m right here.” She was so close to his side he jumped. Eyes glowing gold to see her in the pitch darkness of the servant’s room under the dais.

Hers shined red in return.

“I landed on you.”

“I’m unharmed.” Her voice was soothing.

Sighing he dropped back to the pillows and bedding. Noticing they smelled distinct like wildflowers. He turned his head to the side to look at her in her chair next to him. “You laid next to me.” It wasn’t a question.

She didn’t bother to deny it. Returning his look. She watched the chords in his throat move as he spoke.

“What are you thinking?” He reached up to push gold hair out of his face to better see her.

“I’m remembering something Rhyers told me.”

Rhyers again? He frowned.


Dear God. It could be anything.

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