FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter ALAZAR - Baiting Me In My Den

Alazareth's Cottage, Warlock Grove, Nightway


“We need to talk.” Riaura had passed him in the castle corridor, turning to walk behind him so she could whisper it.

He sensed the severity in it. She wants to fight.

Without looking back, he nodded slightly. “Meet me in the cottage.”

“Fine.” She hissed. Whirling to go back the direction she’d been travelling before spotting him.

As soon as his duties for the day were done, Alazar had made his way through the woods to wait in the cottage. Sitting there he could feel her coming with all the potency of an oncoming storm. Energy amassed in Warlock Grove. Surrounding her.

His thoughts were chaotic and sympathetic seemingly at the same time. I can’t allow the tormenting of the peasants to continue.

Someone has to save Nightway. If Riaura won’t, then I’ll do it for you.

Little Queen Riaura with her little power plays. After so long biding his time, Alazar’s patience had waned and his rage had grown. He hadn’t forgotten the day she’d put a blade to his neck.

He sat on his bed, back reclining against the wall.

“Riaura.” He whispered. Knowing the moment she’d come through the door. That’s where she’d found him. With his palms crossed behind his head. Padding the wall.

She strode through the door as though she owned it. Spotting him quickly and aiming for him.

Wanting to fight. He watched her approach motionlessly as she crossed the barren cottage. As simple as the man himself.

Her green gaze fixated on him. Seeing his blonde hair had grown out enough to wave back from his forehead and curl at his collar. Her keen gaze took in his pose but didn’t miss the tension in his biceps and abdomen.

Alazar leaned up. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Blue eyes luminescing like the sun burned within them, letting him see into any dark corner. His body coiled as he rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward to set his chin on his overlapped thumbs. Prepared for the confrontation.

She reluctantly stepped to the side of his cot. Cautiously standing over him. “I know what you’ve done.”

What? He looked at her, cocking his head to the side.

“What exactly is it you think I’ve done now?” He queried.

“Why do you enjoy frustrating me?”

I’m not trying to frustrate you.

I’ve hardly spoken to you in the last year.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Why do you act the way you do?”

What way? He frowned shaking his head. Trying to protect you?

“I want you.”


Why wouldn’t I?

“You’re the most passionate creature I’ve ever known.” He caressed her chin. “Could you ever feel more than that for me?” He asked tonelessly. His gaze lingering on her to convey the importance of her answer.

“Don’t pretend to be vulnerable with me, Alazareth. I know you’re incapable of feeling to do the things you’ve done.”

What’s she talking about?

“You and your hypnotic eyes. Luring me in. Even though they’re as cold as the Peril Sea.” She shook her head. Angry at herself. “You wear humanity like a cloak to hide what you are. Charles was always right.”

He leapt to his feet. Brow knitting as he caught her upper arms. “What are you talking about!”

Nothing you’re saying is making any sense!

“Alazareth. Dare you not make a mockery of me!” She commanded.

“It could be so good between us.” He shook her slightly. “If you’d only see reason!”

Listen to me for once!

Danbury is the liar!

“It could never be good.” She said vehemently. “Not with all your secrets, Alazar.”

He gave a mournful sigh. “The rebels are going to attack your castle.”

I’m offering you, your last chance to fix what you’ve allowed to happen right under your nose. What you’ve allowed Danbury to do to your kingdom.


“The Castle.” He said as if discussing nothing more than the weather. He sat back down, resuming the same position as before. He took in the sapphire satin gown she wore. A gold chain draping her waist in heavy links.

“When?” Her eyes narrowed to skeptical slits on him.

“Tomorrow night.” He flicked something from his palm. A silver dust flake floated into the air.

Peering into her mind he saw the sight of the glittering bit triggered a memory of her peeking at him healing the white squirrel in the afternoon sunlight. Unleashing a veil of shining flakes.

“Exactly when?” She demanded. Banishing the memory and summoning her anger.

He cocked his head to the side, lips tightening as he looked at her.

“Not going to tell me?”

He blinked at her. I’m not selling them out entirely. I’m giving you the opportunity to ask why. The chance to put Danbury out first.

“Do you even feel bad for what you’ve done?” She blurted.

Done what?

He sighed. “Done to whom, Riaura?”

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