Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Eight – Preparations to Travel North


We might have only planned our trip north as a way of identifying Lucius’ spy in the palace but now that we are going, I am really looking forward to visiting the northern territory. I had never left the Lunar Eclipse Pack lands until we came to the royal palace, and I was excited to see more of the world.

Philip had made his territory sounds interesting, beautiful even, and I couldn’t wait to see it with my own eyes. Alex who has travelled around all the larger packs is amused by my excitement, but he has promised to act as my tour guide and take me to some of the historic sites, and beautiful mountains we would pass on the way.

The one thing that upsets me, is that I have to leave Emma behind. We cannot take her with us, it will be far too dangerous, but she has only just settled into life with me at the palace, and I am leaving her again. She was devastated when I told her.

Alex has tried to reassure me that I have no other option. That this visit is too important to cancel, and that when this is over, and Lucius has been defeated she will be able to travel with us, but it doesn’t stop me feeling guilty.

I was really pleased when Alex suggested that we should invite Daniel and Anna to join us. The main reason he wants to bring them along is to protect Anna from being kidnapped by her father while we are away, but it is going to be fantastic to have one of my best friends and his mate with us. It will also give me a chance to get to know Anna better.

The Black Moon Pack spy who approached her at the hospital hasn’t contacted her again. Alex thinks that he must have realised that she told us about his visit. He might even have recognised the guards that Alex posted at the hospital, who had orders to arrest him if he appeared again.


I meet Aaron for our weekly discussion on the status of the royal household, and to plan my coronation. Kirsty is responsible for the spiritual arrangements. She wants no input from me or the rest of the royal household. The ceremony itself has been the same for a thousand years. The details passed down from one spiritual advisor to the next.

The guest list for the coronation is being drafted by Karen and Ruth, but the dinner and ball afterwards are the responsibility of Aaron, and he has been taking it very seriously.

We have an hours meeting each week, the first 15 minutes are spent discussing general matters related to the royal household, and any issues with staff members, but the rest of the hour is spent on the plans for the ball.

Who should sit where, what food should be served, what kind of entertainment the guests will expect us to provide. The list seems endless, and I try to concentrate on the minutia of these arrangements, but I am bored. Parties are great. I haven’t been to many in my life, but I enjoyed them, but this type of party feels stifling. The politics of who each Alpha should sit next to prevent fights breaking out. How close do they need to be to the Royal table to not feel insulted by the seating arrangements. What gifts we need to give to each guest.

Aaron also uses the meeting to give me lectures on why etiquette is so important. He is an excellent advisor, and he understands the importance of tradition and protocol. These are things that I don’t think I will ever pick up.

I feel bad because the only time I regret being the queen is in these meetings. The incomprehensible etiquette, the centuries old traditions that need to be followed feel suffocating. Today though I am going to use this to my advantage.

Aaron is droning on about the specific way that I should address the Alphas that border our northern territory when I am introduced to them.

“When they arrive, they will expect to be greeted by you personally, in the manner that is traditional for their pack. The Solstice Moon Pack Alpha for example may wish to hug you, and if he does you must return the hug, wholeheartedly. Any attempt to avoid his embrace, or not to fully engage with him he will find very insulting.”

“I understand I will not flinch or attempt to avoid his embrace. Is this just for the coronation, or will he expect me to hug him every time we meet? When I visit him on my journey to the northern territory next week for example, should I do the same? Oh…. Please forget I mentioned seeing them on my journey north. We aren’t going that way……”

“Of course, your majesty, no one will hear about it from me.”

“Thank you” I say trying to sound as grateful as possible. “if Alex or Joseph were to find out that I let our route slip….. well they would be very angry with me.

Perhaps we should leave it there for today?”

“As you wish, your majesty.” Aaron says as he rises to leave. “We still have almost two months in which to finalise all the details. We can continue our discussion at our next meeting, in the meantime I can draw up the table plan for you to approve.”

“Thank you.” One down. If we were to visit the Alpha of the Solstice Moon pack there is only one route that we could take, so Aaron now thinks he knows our plans for the journey.


An hour later Ruth knocks on my office door.

“Thank you for coming” I say as I opened the door and usher her in. “I am keen to hear which alphas from the allied packs you have invited to the coronation, and whether they have accepted or not.”

“I have invited all the alphas whose packs have agreed alliances with us. They have all accepted, they normally take their time to make decisions and never agree with each other, but they have been very keen to attend your coronation. They find you intriguing, and the fact that you are Alex’s mate….. well they have a lot of respect for him and his pack.”

“Good. I understand that our route will take us close to where you grew up. In the Lotus hills?

Well, yes, your majesty if you plan to take the western road north then you will definitely pass near to where I am from. It is very beautiful there; I am sure you will enjoy it.”

“Oh… perhaps not. I am not sure of our route.” I stumble and blush. Doing my best to sound as though I have slipped up by telling her about our plans.

“Of course, your majesty. i am sure that you will get the opportunity to visit there soon.”

“Thank you. Hopefully I have been convincing enough to make her believe that our route to the Northern territory will be via the west.

I sigh once she leaves. I have executed our plan the way that we had agreed, now it was just a case of waiting to see if one of the advisors acted on the story they have been told. I hope Lucius takes the bait.


When Alex and Joseph join me in my room later, I update them on my meetings with Aaron and Ruth.

“Good” Joseph tells me. “They sound like they believe you, and even if the worse comes to the worst and they share notes we can convince them that you just made a mistake.”

“I have told Karen about our route down the centre of the country” Alex chips in. “It is the hardest route, but I think she believed me.”

“Good, I know that she seems lower risk than the others, but we can’t afford to treat her differently. Lucius is very good of persuading people to betray their packs, even those who you would expect to be loyal. We can’t take any risks or make any exceptions.”

“Now that the plan is in motion, we are one step closer to this all being over,” I say.

“The teams are prepared. They all know that they are going to be escorting a senior member of the royal household, but they don’t know who it will be or where they are going,” Joseph tells us.

“My worry is that this leaks out, and we can’t pin it on anyone, because there are too many suspects” I say.

The only people who think they know the routes are us and the royal advisors. It isn’t full proof, but it is our best chance of finding out who the traitor is” Alex states.

“I know we have to try everything we can to uncover the traitor” I say.

I am looking forward to my training tomorrow it feels so uncomplicated and it is the best way for me to forget about the dangers we face.

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