Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Forty-Five – Healing Touch


We haven’t seen much of Katy and Alex since we arrived, we eat our meals together, but outside that time they are too busy spending time with the Northern Territory wolves, and the allied packs.

Katy is determined to get to know the wolves in this territory and understand what challenges they face. We have attended some formal dinners as she gets to know the ranking wolves, but both her and Alex spend as much time exploring the territory as they can.

Daniel and I have passed our time more quietly. Going for runs through the forest together and exploring the local settlements. Anything to try and take his mind of his former friend, in the dungeon below. I can feel his anger whenever we get close to the dungeon, but he never makes a move to enter. Seeing him that first day seems to have been enough for him.

Tomorrow, we have been invited to go with Alex and Katy to meet my uncle the Alpha of the North Fang Pack. I am nervous, but so excited to meet my mother’s brother. To be able to introduce Daniel to a member of my family who doesn’t inspire fear and hatred in people.

Today I have asked to visit the territories infirmary. I have been told that the facilities are rudimentary with little modern equipment, and only one healer. Philip petitioned Katy for more medical supplies which she has agreed to provide, but in the meantime, I thought that I might be able to help. Daniel is going to train with the northern territory warriors while I visit the infirmary.

The infirmary is behind the packhouse, it is a small one storey building, its stone walls painted white, with large windows which let in natural light. Inside there are just two rooms each with six beds, one for male and one for female patients. As I walk in an elderly man walks towards me.

“Can I help you… Anna?” he says with a surprised look on his face. “Is it really you?”

I stare at him in shock, how does he know my name?

“I can see you don’t remember me” he says with a chuckle. “You were a little girl when I left the Black Moon pack.”

I search my memory, trying to remember the wolf in front of me. “Uncle Thomas?”

“Yes, that is me.” he says with a pleased smile on his face. “You were only five when I had to leave the Black Moon Pack due to a difference in opinion with your father.”

I grimace. My father has had many of those over the years, normally leading to the wolf who he disagreed with being executed.

Uncle Thomas seems to grasp what I was thinking. “My cousin Lucius may have wanted to kill me, I don’t know, I didn’t wait to find out I ran before his wolves could come for me and eventually, I ended up here. Somewhere he would never look for me. At least, as the healer for the northern territory I can help other wolves.”

“Did I inherit my gift for healing from you?” I ask.

“You are a healer as well? That is good to hear. Our family was always renowned for our healing gifts, that is before your father made our name synonymous with brutality.”

“Yes, I am. I have been training at the Royal pack hospital. I came here today to see if there is anything I could do to help.”

“Thank you. We are desperately in need of healers and medical equipment. I try my best, but I am not as young as I was. How did you end up with the Royal ack?”

“My father tried to force me to mate with one of his allies, so I ran away. I planned to flee to my mother’s old pack, but on the way, I ran into a scouting party from the Royal Pack and met my mate.”

“Your mate?”

“Daniel, he is a warrior with the Lunar Eclipse Pack, he was travelling with our new queen.”

“And does he know who you really are?”

“Yes, and it hasn’t made him think less of me, or reject me as his mate. In fact, they have all been so kind to me, Katy and Alex have treated me well, and haven’t tried to use me against my father. They have accepted me for who I am.”

“I am so pleased that you have found a home where you are safe and loved, it is what you deserve. It is what your mother should have had with your father, but my cousin is incapable of true love or kind feelings. I am heartbroken when I think about what he has done to our pack. How he has changed it for the worse.”

We are both silent for a moment, as we think about the pack.

“So let me show you around” he says as he walks towards the first ward, “this is a small infirmary, and the equipment will seem out of date to you, but it is all we have, and the wolves here are grateful for any treatment we can provide.”

“I would like to help. Are there are any cases that you would like me to treat?”

“Yes, we have a nasty burns case, one of the younger wolves was scalded with boiling water. My powers are not strong enough to heal her wounds completely, but if you would like to try…?”

“I have treated burns before, take me to the patient.”


I spend the next four hours, helping my uncle heal the wolves of the northern territory. Along with the girl with the burns, there are three warriors who have sustained nasty bites and claw marks during training. There is also a small child with a broken leg. I heal all of them, and by the time Daniel comes to take me back to the pack house I am exhausted.

“You shouldn’t overexert yourself” he scolds me.

“They needed help, my uncle is the only healer there and he isn’t able to treat all of them.”

“Your uncle? It must have been strange finding him here.”

“Yes, it was. He disappeared overnight from our pack. I never knew why. With the Black Moon pack, it was always best not to ask.”

“In case your father had them killed?”

I nod and Daniel wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

“You never need to worry about that ever again.”

I relax contentedly into his embrace.


When we join everyone for dinner later, Philip turns to speak to me.

“I hear that you had a productive day at the infirmary. Thank you for healing so many of my wolves. I understand from Thomas that many of them would not have healed properly without your help.”

“I am happy that I could be of some use.”

“Were you pleased to see your Uncle Thomas again?”

“I was, it was a lovely surprise.”

“Your uncle is here?” Katy asks in surprise.

“Thomas fled to our territory after he had a disagreement with Lucius. He isn’t the first wolf to join us from Lucius pack. There are a number of wolves who didn’t like the way he ruled as Alpha, and fled fearing for their lives.”

“Thank you for helping them, I am so grateful that they had someone who was prepared to take them in.”

Philip nods “people forget what the pack was like before he became Alpha. Now shall I ask the servants to serve dinner?”

We settle down for a pleasant evening. I am so glad that I got to come here, maybe I will be allowed to return and visit my uncle again in the future.


Philip had been right, our meeting with Anna’s uncle had been much easier than with Dominic and Annabel. He had been overjoyed to meet with Anna, and had spent much of the time, telling her stories about her mother. He made her promise to visit his pack soon so that he could show her where she had grown up.

He had been quick to agree an alliance with us. He hates Lucius as much as we do. He is sure that he was responsible for his sister’s death and wants revenge.

I was pleased that our journey north had resulted in Anna finding two members of her family who obviously love her.

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