
Chapter 6


Ella held onto the contract like a lifeline all her way home. Sitting on her couch, she still couldn’t believe she’d gone through with it. The humiliation she’d endured seemed trivial now that Willow Group’s future was assured, 

Instinctively, she grabbed her phone and opened Harry’s chat, eager to share the news. But her joy froze when she saw Harry’s last message. blaming Grace’s suicide attempt on her. Scrolling up, she found only her own unanswered messages

Does this dress work for the event!] 

[Have you seen the drink menu? Which wine should we pick?| 

[Which venue looks better, A or B? 

From picking the venue to crafting the guest list and arranging the flowers, she managed every detail meticulously. She even handwrote both their names on each invitation. But Harry just replied: [Busy. Handle it yourself] 

Scrolling further, she realized her folly in seeking someone to lean on. With a deep breath, she blocked Harry. 

Just as she began to feel a bit better, her phone rang from an unknown number. Wondering who would call at this hour, Ella answered, only to hear Grace’s detestable voice once more. Despite being blocked, Grace had found another way to call.. 

“Harry’s fast asleep next to me, Grace bragged, obviously trying to get under Ella’s skin

Ella quipped sarcastically. “After all this time, you two still haven’t slept together?” 

“You’re just jealous, Ella. I know Harry never touched you. I’m calling to tell you I’m pregnant with his baby,” Grace announced, 

Ella remained silent, sensing Grace’s intent to boast. Though she stayed composed, the news of Grace’s pregnancy stung a little. Harry had 

promised marriage in the morning, only to be with someone else by night. It all seemed absurd to her. 

“I heard you’re planning the wedding. Do you think you can pressure Harry into marrying you? You’re pathetic. Just give it up. Grace sounded 


“Oh, Ella replied casually. She wanted to fire back but chose not to feed Grace’s egoi 

She didn’t need Harry at the wedding, nor did she care about Grace’s pregnancy. She simply wondered how Harry would manage to secure his position without the support of the Willow family. To her, Harry meant nothing without her backing. 

Grace was annoyed by Ella’s indifference. She had anticipated Ella to explode, hoping it would drive Harry further from Ella 

“Stop pretending. Ella. You must be green with envy Harry can’t stand your entitled attitude. He only cares about mel” Grace snapped. 

it Grace always denied everything, and 

Ella impatiently hung up. She had saved previous phone conversations, hoping to catch Grace in a lie, but Harry sided with her blindly. This time, Ella sought outside help.. 

She called her tech team. “Get me an audio expert Analyze and authenticate this recording.” 

If Harry didn’t believe her, the public would. Grace had played games long enough–it was time to put an end to it 

As her good mood was shattered, Ella grabbed a bottle of wine intending to help herself sleep, but one glass led to another. The wine proved too tempting. Before long, the bottle was empty. Hiccupping, feeling unsteady, she clumsily made her way upstairs to her bedroom, only to find the door locked. 

She searched for the key and then realized all the spares were in the study. After fetching the right one, she unlocked the door. 

Inside, Jaden had awakened at the noise. Sitting up, he watched her stumble into the room, clearly drunk. 

With eyes half–shut, she staggered toward the bed and flopped onto it. As she tried to pull the covers over herself, she found herself against a muscular chest and locked eyes with an intense gaze. 

Ella wondered if she was dreaming–such a vivid one. A handsome guy with a great body in her bed. What luck! Since it was a dream, why not enjoy it to the fullest! She hugged the man tightly and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. 

Jaden’s fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. If he hadn’t been concerned about exposing himself, he would’ve pushed her away. 

As Ella placed a kiss on his cheek, he felt her warmth and softness, along with a hint of wine on her breath

“Enough, he grumbled, his voice low and controlled, tinged with anger

“No. still not enough. Ella murmured, then leaned in for another kiss, this time on his lips. 

Chapter & 

Jaden squinted, his muscles tense. Without hesitation, he pushed her away. 

Wrapped in the blanket. Ella tumbled off the bed with a yelp and lay still 

Jaden stood and found her peacefully snoring on the floor. He lifted her and placed her back in her own bed. As he turned to leave, she grabbed his hand 

“Grandpa, please don’t go, she muttered. “I got the contract today. Finally doing something for the company, I did a great job, didn’t I? Why won’t you look at me?” She curled up, clutching the blanker, her long hair concealing her face. 

Jaden frowned, noticing tears in her eyes. “Your grandpa would be disappointed to know all the embarrassing things you’ve done,” he sneered, pulling away and leaving her room. 

Back in his room, Jaden should have slept peacefully, but Ella’s scent kept him awake. The feel of her lips and her warmth were too vivid. He lay in bed, unable to shake the sensation. 

‘Damn it!‘ he thought, feeling feverishly restless. 


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