Fire & Pain - A Vampire's Tragedy

Chapter 6


There was no way I could sleep even a minute. All these pictures flashed in my head on repeat and it was impossible to silence my mind. I was too awake and stressed to even attempt to close my eyes, but I knew Pascal didn’t want me downstairs and I wanted to be away from him too. He threw words at my head he shouldn’t have and behaving like this toward someone who just lost their family was despicable.

I wandered back and forth between my sibling’s rooms, imagining they were only out today. They would come back and they could nag me about all the things I didn’t do right and how I should help with the family business. A dry laugh escaped me. It was ridiculous what we were bickering about before tonight.

Hesitantly, I stepped into Claire’s room, navigating between the books and toys scattered around the floor. Tears clouded my view as I let my eyes wander around her room, my chest tightening by her absence. Claire never left the house for long, our parents were way too worried about her health to let her be out and about.

An image of Claire looking up from her chest board with one of her stuffed toys sitting across from her, acting as if it was her opponent, was all so visible in front of my eyes. It almost felt real.

A single tear rolled down my cheek and I sat down on her unmade bed, rearranging her stuffed toy collection. My throat tightened and I squeezed Mr. Tiger in my hands tightly. I brushed through its matted mane, a smile spreading over my face, remembering her sixth birthday when I gifted it to her.

“She will come back to you,” I told the stuffed animal like it cared about her disappearance as much as I did.

I placed it back next to her pillow and sighed. But how was I supposed to get her back? Maybe I was wrong and Samuel wasn’t behind all of this. What if my eyes played tricks on me? Attacking us so openly was such a ballsy move and not something he should risk in his situation, but with everyone forgetting the night, there were no witnesses at all.

Samuel had no reason to attack my family. We were his biggest supporters. And why would he take Claire from all people? She was still a child.

With a heavy heart, I left her room and closed the door behind me, taking the stairs up to my room. I wanted to speak to someone, anyone, to share this load on my chest. Pascal didn’t care and Mary wasn’t working today. She was the only person in his household who would offer me the shoulder I needed to cry on today.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Ashe’s number, hoping she would pick up. With each passing ringing, I knew my hopes were fruitless though. Considering how wasted she was after her birthday, I doubted she would wake up at all today.

My chest grew tighter and I took a staggering breath, a sense of hopelessness taking hold of me. Why was it that I had no one I could count on? No one who would startle awake for me and listen to me? I just wanted to have someone by my side when I needed them.

I flung my phone across the room, watching it crash to the floor. My heart started racing, rummaging in my chest like a galloping horse. I grabbed the pillow off my bed and threw it across the room too, followed by everything I could get my hands on. I screamed, trying to get rid of the aching pain in my heart, hoping with every item crashing onto the floor, I would feel better, feel some sort of relief, but it never came.

Tears ran down my face as my chest heaved up and down, the picture frame of a family portrait shaking in my hands. Carefully, I placed it back on my bedside table, not bringing it over me to destroy it. I glanced around the room. It was tarnished, but it didn’t satisfy my rage.

Coldness spread through my veins and I felt a sense of comfort tingling in my chest when the warm touch of flames danced on the tips of my fingers. A smile spread over my face, watching them hugging my skin.

The door to my room crashed open and I shrieked, the flames vanishing into nothingness, and with them the warmth they offered.

“What are you doing here? Have you lost your mind?” Pascal glared at me, his face red up to the tips of his ears.

I shook my head, unable to comprehend his question. Was it impossible for him to understand that I wasn’t fine right now?

“Can’t you get yourself together for once? I know you have issues acting like an adult most times, but it’s time you do.”

I grit my teeth and it took everything in me to not set him on fire. My flames were already back tingling under my skin, but knowing that I had no control over my magic, I clenched my hands into fists, surpassing the flames before I might kill him by accident. I would never actually want to harm him.

“It almost appears as if the death of my family shouldn’t be a reason for me to be upset,” I bit out.

He arched his brow. “Of course you can be upset. We all lost important people in our lives last night. But there is no reason to destroy the house or do you see anyone else here acting this way?”

A bitter laugh escaped me. “You realize that there is a subtle difference between you and me, don’t you? For you, your employer died, but my family died. I don’t think I have to explain why it should be more reasonable for me to react the way I do and why it’s not for you.”

Pascal straightened his jacket, closing the one button that had opened. “I worked for the Jones family for a very long time and I dare to say they were more than just employers.”

“Makes it even worse that you don’t show a single moment of sympathy towards me then.”

He sighed. “I doubt it makes sense to discuss this with you any further. Stop tarnishing the house. It won’t bring your family back to life.”

“When is Mary coming back?” I asked, hoping to see her soon.

“Mary won’t come back.”

My stomach dropped. “What do you mean?”

“I ended the contract of all the housemaids.”

My body grew hot as I stared at him. He didn’t even bat an eye saying that, which made it even worse.

“How can you do that without consulting me first?”

His eyes widened. “Why should I have to consult you for anything first?”

I crossed my arms. “Now that my parents are dead and my sister is missing, I’m the only remaining person in this family. The decisions should be up to me.”

He laughed but when I didn’t join his laughter, he cleared his throat. “Oh, you were serious? There is no such thing as being entitled to an inheritance. You need to earn it and that’s a matter to discuss with the council first.”

For a moment, it felt as if I was losing the ground below my feet, not wanting to believe his words. “And why are you in charge then?”

He puffed up his chest. “I’m the trusted advisor for the family. In case of a disaster like this, it’s my responsibility to run the household until the council decides what is going to happen.”

“Is that written somewhere?”

He nodded. “Of course. Would you like to see it?”

“Go ahead,” I said and followed him out of the room to my father’s workroom. My stomach recoiled, entering his room without his permission. It was his domain and we wouldn’t enter the room unless he asked us to, but Pascal strolled towards the massive black desk as if he had done it a million times before, opening the top drawer and taking out a bundle of paper.

He handed it to me. It felt heavy in my hands and while reading through it, my hands started trembling and my heart was beating up in my throat.

“The rules got set into place to avoid murder within the family for financial gain. Back then, it happened quite often that one family member murdered another to rise in the hierarchy and ultimately receive all the funds.”

I glanced at him. “But what stops you from killing your employer?”

He smirked. “That happened in the past too, so it’s considered as well. I can only decide small things within the household, nothing too major. I can make organizational changes or pay for repairs and such. But I can’t touch the business or other assets. Deciding on additional housemaids or guards is my obligation though.”

I wished knowing that would give me a sense of relief, but it didn’t. I handed him the papers back. “When are we going to meet the council?”

He placed them back into the drawer, closing it with a thud. “Tomorrow. I advise you to take some rest and to prepare for it. I’m still not sure if you understood what this all means to you.”

“How would I know? No one prepared me for this!”

“You would have if you had taken what your parents said more seriously. Everything you learned right now isn’t a secret. Everyone knows that. Why do you think your parents trained all their children with such diligence? You should have listened to them. Now they can take everything away from you. At almost twenty-one, they don’t have to take care of you anymore either. You can end up all alone, without a single penny left. If I were you, it would be my priority to not let that happen.”

I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans, which painted them black from the ashes I still had all over my clothes. “What about Claire?”

“If you lose everything, Sophia, you lose everything. Prove yourself worthy in front of the council and if you don’t, they see no use for you. They’ll hand the tasks to someone who has more knowledge, more power and is more trustworthy,” he said and turned around to leave the room.

“But that’s unfair,” I called after him.

He stopped and looked back at me. “Who said life is fair?”

I gaped at him, watching him leave. I grew up with this man, but I never realized how heartless he was. Things had to change. I had to become stronger and rescue Claire. They’ll see that I’m more than the shadow of my family. I’m Sophia Jones and I won’t lose to them.


After lunch, I retreated to my room, dropping onto my bed with no energy left. I had emptied my plate of food, but it still felt as if there was a gaping hole in my stomach. I couldn’t drop the thought that Samuel knew something had happened to me. Maybe I was too obvious and already lost my chance to help Sophia.

“Did something happen? You’re acting kinda odd today,” Lucas said.

I turned my head to the side to look at him. He stared at me with pursed lips, his hands clasped together in his lap.

I sighed, burying my face in my pillow again. “I’m not feeling so well. Maybe I’m coming down with a cold or something.”

Lucas remained silent for a moment, before letting out an audible puff of air. “Okay. You should probably rest then. Should I tell Samuel to send you a doctor?”

I shot up from my bed, my heart almost jumping out of my chest. “No! That won’t be necessary.”

He arched his brow, but nodded. “Alright. I won’t.”

I cleared my throat and sank back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. “There is no need to bother him with something so insignificant.”

“I wouldn’t call your health insignificant, but tell me if you feel worse, though. I have nothing planned today. Probably just reading a book or something. I’m exhausted, too.”

His exhaustion didn’t surprise me, after he went full berserk mode on that poor family yesterday. How he fought last night surpassed all my expectations, especially with the brother. We were aware of our primary strength, and I knew his strength was fighting and handling weapons, but still. The way he moved around and landed every blow was almost scary. It was no exaggeration when they say the blood trance would bring out the best potential in people.

I should feel better that I was just part of the protective squad and didn’t actively hurt anyone, but if it hadn’t been for my shields, the family might have been able to defend themselves. They were strong, despite the spell we put on them and I didn’t stop it from happening. I was part of it.

My throat tightened again and I grabbed a bottle of water to wash down the lump in my throat. I killed a family and regardless of what excuse I would come up with that would never change.

It was as if a mountain sat on my chest, weighing me down, making me lose my breath.

“Apparently there is a council meeting tomorrow,” Lucas said, interrupting the silence and ending the train of thoughts in my brain.

“Wasn’t there one a week ago?”

He nodded. “I heard it’s some sort of emergency meeting, but no one really knows why.”

My ears perked up as I chewed on my bottom lip. Maybe it was my chance to speak to Sophia and a lot earlier than I would have expected.

Lucas lowered the book, looking at me. “I think Samuel plans to take scholars with him again. It could be a great opportunity to gain his favor.”

I wanted to scoff at that, but stopped myself. Being in your mentor’s favor generally was a good thing, but being in Samuel’s favor felt horrible. Now I could only hope he would take me with him, though. It might help me get closer to my plan and it was the best chance I had to get closer to the vampire community to speak to her, if not my only chance.

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