Finding Fae

Chapter Looking For More Answers

“So, considering that none of us are incredibly informed about Soul Bonds, I called someone who might know a little more,” Ben said the next morning.

We had all been thrown into a stupor at the news. Some of us held it together a little better than others, while Zane pretty much broke three tables and a half a dozen chairs before storming out of the club for the rest of the day. He stumbled back some time after three in the morning reeking of alcohol and mud, and now he was looking pretty grouchy with his head in his hands over a steaming cup of coffee at the bar.

“And?” Nando prompted.

“She wants to meet Fae,” Ben sighed. “It’s not exactly something I’m too keen on, but if she has answers, then it might be worth it.”

“And who is this person your not to keen on meeting?” Blaine narrowed his eyes. “Please tell me it’s not...”

“Heather,” Ben sighed.

“Wait... The girl you ditched, Heather?” I smirked at him. “Why does this sound like I’m being set up for a “jilted lover” episode?”

“Trust me, she is not someone you want to underestimate,” Ben shuddered. “Pretty, and wicked in all the right ways, if you get my meaning.”

“I’m sure we all get your meaning,” I rolled my eyes. “I think we need to have you neutered.”

Zane, Blaine, and Ben all whined a little and made a face of horror as I started laughing at them. I still had no idea what Blaine was, but whatever it turned out to be, I’m willing to bet from that reaction it’s some type of animal base, like his brother.

“So, why is meeting Heather a bad thing?” Nando asked, getting us back on track.

“She’s... rare,” Ben grimaced. “Chimera.”

“Half lion, snake for a tail, chimera?” I asked.

“Well, no, though that legend did exist at one point,” Ben said, sliding me a cup of coffee the way I liked it. Full of sugar and half cup of cream on the side for later. “A chimera is basically a mutant. Unlike the majority of fae who Awaken and end up whichever type of fae in their bloodline they favored, something goes- I don’t want to say wrong, but different?- and they end up with one or more type.”

“So the myth of Bellerophon and the chimera was true?” I asked.

“Yes,” Blaine said.

“Anyhow, Heather is a chimera and she has a few talents that would be worth the trouble, though I’m not fond of the idea,” Ben said. “But, it’s the only idea we can come up with to get any answers about anything.”

“What kind of chimera?” Nando asked.

“This ought to be a blast,” Zane muttered into his mug.

“Seer and valkyrie,” Ben sighed.

“Keep going,” Zane snorted.

“And mermaid,” Ben mumbled.

“Are you insane?!” Blaine shouted. “There is no way in hell we’re taking Fae anywhere near Heather!”

“Um... Clue in the newbie?” I pointed at myself as Ben and Blaine went into an argument.

“A seer is pretty useful, though they’ll likely give you some confusing, cryptic clue of an answer and they always require payment that, in hindsight seems steep,” Nando explained, taking the seat next to me so he could be heard over the two arguing. “Valkyries are tough as nails warriors, though they don’t always play nice with others. Never piss off a valkyrie. Ever.”

“And the mermaid?” I asked.

“Jealous, manipulative, dangerous, beautiful and can easily enchant nearly anyone if they tried,” he said. “The mermaids kiss is the ultimate tool in their arsenal. One kiss and the unfortunate soul is enthralled so deeply, they’d do anything the mermaid said. Something their cousins the sirens share, though sirens prefer to use their voices over their bodies.”

“And this is all bad, why?” I asked.

“Ben slept with Heather. Then left her. Now he’ll be bringing you, another female, to her lair,” Nando said. “You weren’t wrong when you said you were being set up for a “jilted lover” episode. The problem is all of those mixed together. She could ask an insane price for her services, go into a jealous fit, or destroy the whole city, if she felt like it.”

“Knowing my luck, she’ll do all three,” I snorted.

“Most likely,” Nando shrugged. “There’s a reason you haven’t seen Heather at school. She’s practically locked away until she can control herself. The party where you made your Call? That was “out on good behavior”. It’s happened once since she Awakened last August. Volatile chimeras, like Heather, don’t do “good”, Fae. Not often and when they do, it’s more passive aggressive.”

“Look at you being a fountain of information,” I smiled at him and bumped shoulders with him.

“I read a lot,” he shrugged, but I saw his face turning a little red around the ears.

“So, which part are we needing?” I asked loudly so Ben and Blaine could hear me over their arguing.

“The seer,” Ben answered.

“Do we know any other seers?” I asked.

“There’s the Oracle in Delphi,” Blaine said.

“Nah, she moved to Paris two years ago,” Ben waved his hand. “Janice, but she’s like, a hundred and seven. Senile and loony as a bat. Krys, maybe.”

“Dude. She’s six,” Blaine rolled his eyes at him. “What about Tanya?”

“Died last spring,” Nando shook his head.

“So, I’m taking that as a no,” I sighed and grabbed my jacket. “Let’s get this over with.”


“This is a terrible idea, Fae,” Ben grumbled for the ninetieth time since we left the club.

“It was your idea, Ben,” I said as we stopped at a nice house that was on the ostentatious side of large. “Besides, you could use a lesson in manners and humility.”

He growled his chirpy fox growl and I secretly loved seeing him so uncomfortable. I’m sure Blaine and Nando were as well. Zane had donned dark sunglasses and was pouting in the backseat while Mal had chosen to remain in the club to clean up. It was a little odd, too. He was quiet all morning long and then volunteered to scrub toilets and mop the floors, but I let it go. I had bigger problems to deal with aside from Mal’s weird behavior.

We got out of the car and I was immediately surrounded, making me shake my head and sigh. These guys were too much sometimes. Ben rang the doorbell and a girl about our age answered, smiling and batting her eyes at him.

She had sandy blonde hair, fair skin, tall and all legs, slender and the face of a a drop dead diva. Her eyes, though, were the part that got me. One was a pale blue that almost looked white and the other was a green you’d only find in the ocean. She moved like a panther, too. All fluid muscle that spoke loudly of the destructive potential she held in her small frame.

“It’s been a long time, Ben,” she said, sliding forward and snaking her arms up his body to clasp his shirt near the collar. “You’ve been playing hard to get for so long, I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.”

“I never forget a pretty face,” Ben replied, pulling her hands off. “But, I’m not here on a house call, Heather. You already knew that, though, didn’t you?”

“I may have had an idea,” she pouted. “Come in. It’s uncouth to discuss business on the doorstep.”

Walking in to that grand house felt like walking into a deathtrap without knowing what the trigger was. You knew it was there, knew it was aimed right at you, but had no idea what to avoid. It was a cold finger down the back, kind of feeling. Just plain creepy.

“I’ll have Ingrid make some tea then we’ll get started,” she smiled over her shoulder at me.

“I’m not a big tea drinker,” I said.

“Oh, you must. I’m not quite strong enough to have a peek without a little help still,” she said as we sat on lounges in a sitting room. “So, tell me. How do you know my Ben?”

The way she said that was clearly possessive and I knew exactly what I was bout to walk into. I’d dealt with many a catty female before when it came to a guy, though not really first hand.

“He’s just a friend helping me out,” I answered. “He’s taken me under his wing, you could say, like a little lost duckling. I wasn’t raised knowing what I was, so the guys are trying to help me get ready for my Awakening as best they can.”

“How pathetically terrible,” she pouted, but it was a joyful kind. “You must be quite scared, being so unprepared. I’ll be sure to send some lovely flowers when the time comes.”

“Thanks. That’s kind of you,” I smiled tightly before Zane could say anything.

The tea set was brought out and sat on a small table between Heather and I and she once again smiled as she started mixing herbs into the tea basket and placing it into a cup.

“So, what is it that you really want to know?” she asked as he poured hot water in.

“Is there a limit to the number of questions I can ask?”

“Two,” she smiled. “But I cannot tell you about your past. That requires a different skill.”

“What other restrictions?” I asked.

“I can see your future, see those that interact with you, no matter how briefly, I can tell you anything that has yet to happen, when it will happen, and where,” she said. “The farther forward I go, the less certain the outcome, though. Freewill is such a nuisance.”

“Only two questions? About my future or those that are in it?” I asked.

“That’s right,” she nodded, pulling the basket out of the tea cup and adding a spoon of honey and a small bit of sugar. “I’m afraid it’s quite disgusting still. Drink it all.”

“What’s your price?” I asked her as I picked up the cup.

“Depends on your questions,” she smiled. “You have to wait to ask those until after you drink, though.”

I looked at her and her faked innocent smile as I placed the cup back down on the tray, making her facade falter. Something wasn’t quite right with all of this and I was fairly certain I knew what it was.

“Cut the game, Heather and let the guys go,” I said plainly. “I know Ben is never this quiet and Blaine always has an argument. Nando would have stopped you from adding the honey and sugar, since it alters the brew. Zane, on the other hand, you can keep quiet. He’s been in a foul mood today and no one needs his negativity right now.”

The smile fell away completely and I saw a glimpse of scales around her hairline and her two different colored eyes got brighter for a moment. Then, she started laughing.

“You are sharper than I took you for,” she said as the guys around me started making uncomfortable sounds in their throats and moving around in small bursts.

“And you are far more clever than I imagined,” I gave her a smile. “Nice try. Next time, remember that people fidget a bit, even when they think they’re being still.”

“Eagerly noted,” she smiled her first genuine smile. “You had the advantage, though. Knowing them so well.”

“I know that annoying habits well,” I corrected. “Those little irksome things that make you want to choke them a bit.”

“You spend a lot of time with them,” she stated and made another cup of tea.

“I’m in a bit of a mess and these four have taken it upon themselves to turn me into a damsel in distress,” I rolled my eyes and she chuckled again.

“Men often forget that women aren’t such easy targets as they think we are,” she said and handed me the cup. “Let that soak for three minutes.”

“Being part valkyrie is certainly a plus,” I nodded. “Not to mention the whole enthrallment thing. And you can kind of see the future.”

“Not my own,” she shrugged. “But, yes. It’s certainly an advantage.”

“I am so confused right now,” Ben uttered as he shook his head to clear the fog.

“This is news?” Heather raised an eyebrow at him.

“Not in my opinion,” I snorted, making her giggle.

“You get along,” Ben stated.

“Obviously,” Heather scoffed. “I’m a seer, Ben. I would like to say I’m informed when it comes to my jealousy problem.”

“Every woman is jealous, Heather. That’s part of our DNA, just like the insane inability to decide what to eat for dinner,” I said and she snorted as she laughed again.

“I admit, I was all set on being a complete terror when Ben called me about you,” she said. “You’re actually quite fun.”

“I have my moments,” I shrugged as I took the basket back out of the water.

“So, back to business,” she clapped and rubbed her hands together and held them out, palms facing me, and closed her eyes. “Price is something of you.”

“Something of me? You mean mine?” I asked and Nando smacked his hand to his forehead.

“She means something that comes from you. Blood, hair, nails, spit, flesh, bone. Something that makes you,” he said. “We’ve been over this Fae.”

“I was sleepy,” I admitted sheepishly.

“Something powerful. Something of life,” Heather spoke again before her arms flopped to her sides.

“No,” Nando said firmly. “No blood prices, Heather.”

“It’s not like I’m asking for an entire pint,” she rolled her eyes. “A few drops will do.”

“Absolutely not,” he glared at her.

“It’s not you that makes that call. Besides, she already decided,” Heather smiled a scary smile.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“The contract has been made,” she said, pointing to my cup of tea. It was a sick shade of pale green, but now it was nearly black it was so red. “Drink it all. It is rather gross, but it’s needed.”

I shrugged and tipped it up, shooting it back like I knew how to drink whiskey. I coughed and gagged a little, but held it down as I tried to put the cup back on the tray. I missed it by a mile as the whole room began to swim around me. The first thought I had?

This bitch just got me high as a dang kite.

I couldn’t hear anything clearly except for Heather, asking me what I wanted.

“Will I meet my biological parents?”

I wasn’t sure what happened, but the world swirled around and made me want to hurl so badly before it stopped.

“Yes. They will be thrilled, but it will come at a cost,” she answered.

“Who is my Soul Bonded?” I whispered and once again, the world spun around until I was dizzy. Well. Dizzier.

I flew upright before rolling to the side, falling off the lounge sofa and hurling into a bucket someone had the great timing to provide so I didn’t ruin what I assumed was a very expensive rug.

“Did you receive your answer?” Heather asked and handed me a cup of peppermint and ginger tea.

“I’m going to kill him,” I growled as I took a sip and wiped my mouth. “I’m going to skin him alive then burn what’s left!”

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