Finale: A Dark Gang Romance (Academy of Stardom Book 4)

Finale: A Dark Gang Romance: Chapter 19

Pen swipes the sweat dripping from her brow and scowls. She looks so fucking sexy all sweaty and wound up, determined to get me on my back.

“Come at me again,” she demands, a fierce concentration on her face as she stands on the training mat in the corner of the gym that’s situated on the lower ground floor of the Academy. It’s barely used, most of the students are fit enough already from the gruelling lessons each day and don’t bother coming down here, which has been great for us. Plenty of privacy to run through some basic self-defence over the past few days since we’ve been back.

I shake my head. “That’s enough for one day. We’ve been training for the past hour and Madame Tuillard wants us to do a run-through of the final dance at six. You need to conserve a bit of energy. Now that we’re back she wants to see how much we’ve caught up.”

“That’s comical, what with Tiffany acting like a complete spoiled brat and Sophie following her lead every rehearsal, the group dance is whack. I really don’t know how we’re going to pull it off. Those two hate me so much they’re willing to ruin it for everyone, including themselves. It’s bullshit.”

“Precisely why Tuillard wants to see a run-through. If Tiffany wants to continue to throw a hissy fit she might just find herself thrown out of the troupe for good.”


“Yeah, really. Xeno messaged me earlier today after he met with Tuillard and D-Neath this morning. Tuillard’s pissed off. This is her arse on the line and if we can’t be tight for the show, then it’s going to make her, and the Academy look bad.”

“Then tell her to sort out Tiffany. Fuck knows I hate the bitch, but at least I’m willing to put that aside for the sake of the show.”

“Which is precisely why you’re the better dancer,” I say, stepping towards her and reaching down to cup her beautiful arse, but she whacks my arm away with one hand before attempting to hit my chin with an elbow strike, just like we’ve been practising.

“It’s like that is it?” I laugh because unfortunately for Pen, she’s not tall enough to reach my face without leaping up in the air to get a good hit in, allowing me to jerk back from her attempt. She lets out a frustrated cry as I grasp her around the waist and flip her around so that her back is pressed against my chest. When I have her firmly held in place, I lean over and press my lips to her ear, “You’re turning me on. If we don’t leave now, I might just fuck you right here in the gym.”

She chuckles. “Then let me go.”

“No can do,” I reply, tightening my hold around her waist and pressing a kiss against her bare shoulder. I’m fully aware I’m taking advantage, but our training session is over, and I want to pleasure my girl before our torturous fucking rehearsal later.

“Then I’ll just have to make you,” she mutters, shifting her hips to one side and slamming the palm of her hand against my groin. She catches my rapidly hardening dick, and even though she has the tiniest hands, it feels as though she’s just hit me with a sledgehammer.

“Fuck!” I groan, my arms loosening around her waist as I double over from the pain. She uses the opportunity to twist beneath my arm then slam her knee into my stomach, winding me momentarily. The combination of my balls shrinking back into my body, and her perfect hit on my diaphragm has the desired effect. I drop to my knees like a motherfucking sack of potatoes.

“Shit! Fuck! Are you okay?” Kid asks me as she crouches down. I can hear the laughter in her voice, and whilst my own pride takes a battering, I’m also fucking proud of her. She’s a quick learner.

“I’ve just been taken out by a 5ft 3inch pocket-rocket. My cock isn’t the only thing feeling bruised right now.”

“Oh, Dax, I’m sorry. Can you stand? Should I get you ice or something?”

“I’m not sure. I might need help getting up.”

She reaches for me, her hands resting on my shoulders. The moment her guard is down, I pitch forward, knocking her off balance. As soon as she’s on her back, I’m straddling her waist and pinning her arms above her head, grinning mercilessly. “First rule of self-defence. Once your attacker is down, you run. Understand?”

“But you’re not my attacker, you’re my boyfriend and I hurt your cock. I happen to like that cock. It does special things to me.” She bites on her lip provocatively and my cock jumps to life like the good soldier it is. It doesn’t give a fuck if it’s feeling a little bruised, when it thinks it’s getting lucky, it stands to motherfucking attention.

A slow grin spreads across my face as I lower myself over her. “Is that so?” I ask, keeping her arms in place with one hand whilst I shift my weight between her parted legs and lower my mouth to hers. Pressing a gentle kiss against her lips, I slide my tongue along the seam. She groans into my mouth, her hips bucking as I kiss her deeply.

“I really do love your cock. I’m sorry I hurt it, and your ego,” she says, smiling against my lips.

“And my cock loves your sweet, tight pussy,” I reply, branding her neck with kisses and wishing we had more than one measly hour until the rehearsal.

Ever since that night back at the flat, I’ve been permanently turned on. Pen had been so damn sexy and brave sharing her secret desires with us all. It was fucking insane what York and I did, but in some ways inevitable. We’ve toed the line between friendly banter and out and out flirtation for years now. I love the jerk, like I love Zayn and Xeno, and even though I would never dream of entertaining anything sexual between just the two of us, when Kid had dared us to kiss and jerk each other off, I knew that I wouldn’t turn her down. If I can beat someone to death with my bare hands, then I can make my bestfriend come for the girl I love more than anything in the world.

Letting her wrists go, I slide my hand under the waistband of her legging and knickers and slip my fingers between the plump folds of her slit. “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

“Oh God,” she groans as I find her clit and gently circle the nub. Her hips buck, seeking out the pleasure, whilst my mouth latches onto her neck and I suck, marking her with my mouth.

“You keep making those noises and I’m not going to last long enough to slide inside of you,” I say, my voice hoarse. I’m not even remotely joking either, I can feel the telltale sign of my balls tingling. There’s no way I’m coming in my boxers, my poor ego and dick would never live it down.

“Then what are you waiting for?” she asks breathily, her hand sliding between us as she rubs my cock through my trousers. I groan, grinding against her hand and wishing I wasn’t still wearing clothes.

“I need us both to be naked, right the fuck now.”

“What if someone walks in?” she asks, her chest heaving from excitement and probably a dash of fear.

“I locked the door. No one’s coming in,” I reassure her as I cup her breast and slide the material of her vest top and sports bra lower to reveal the tight pink bud of her nipple.

“You did…? Someone might think you planned this…” She pants, gasping when my lips wrap around her nipple and I suck it into the wet warmth of my mouth. She wriggles beneath me, her hand finding its way beneath my joggers and boxer shorts. When her warm fingers slide over the head of my cock and her thumb smears precum over the tip, I swear to fuck I almost jizz then and there. That tingling sensation gathering in my balls and lower spine intensifies.

“Kid, I need to be inside of you.”

“Yes, please,” she replies, smiling up at me whilst removing her hand from my dick so that she can wiggle out of her leggings and knickers. I rear upwards on unsteady feet, and jog over to my gym bag, snatching a condom from the side zip, before shucking off my trainers, joggers and boxer shorts. My cock bobs between my legs, long and thick and fucking proud as I stride back towards her.

“Kid, I’m gonna ask you not to judge me on this occasion, because I’m so fucking turned on I might just come in 2.5 seconds flat,” I say, ripping the foil with my teeth and sliding the condom over my cock in one smooth move. Pen giggles as she lies bare before me, her sweet pussy on display.

“I really hope that’s a euphemism for quick, dirty sex that’s going to blow my mind.”

“That’s exactly what this is going to be,” I reply, her gorgeous brown eyes drinking me in as I rip off my t-shirt and get fully naked. “Though I’m not selfish enough to fulfil my own needs until you’ve come long and hard first, screaming my motherfucking name.”

Kid’s cheeks flush a deep rouge, matching the inner lips of her pussy that I want to feast on, right the fuck now. She presses her thighs together, her pupils blown wide as she stares up at me. Having her look at me like this, like I’m the centre of her universe and so fucking loved makes me want to get down on my knees and beg her to be my wife. The only thing stopping me is three other men who love her as wholly and deeply as I do. Once this shit is over, we’re gonna need to figure out how we move forward with this relationship between the five of us, make a commitment to each other. I don’t even know how that will work, but I want it to.

“I really hope that there are no cameras in here,” she says, oblivious to my roaming thoughts as her cheeks blush furiously.

“There aren’t. I checked that too.”

“You really have come prepared.”

“I’m always hopeful,” I mutter, kneeling between her parted legs, and grinning wryly as my hands smooth over her thighs.

“I’ll never get tired of looking at your body. All that artwork. It’s beautiful,” she says as I lean over her, my hands either side of her head. She reaches up and runs her fingers over the fallen angel tattooed on my chest. Her touch makes the fire inside me burn bright, it’s a flame that has never gone out. Even when we weren’t together it was still there deep in my chest, a flicker that I tried hard to ignore. I’ve always had this need to protect her and that hasn’t changed. It cuts me up inside, what he’s been doing to her. Fuck! If David so much as touches a hair on her head…

“Dax?” she whispers, stroking my face, drawing me back to her. She both calms me and turns me on, it’s a combination that has my heart thrumming and my cock weeping. Shaking my head, I rid myself of thoughts of her cunt brother and concentrate on her instead, allowing my gaze to slide from her face and over her body to where my cock is resting against her mound. “Where did you go?”

“I was just thinking about how much I fucking love you,” I say, sliding my dick through her folds. I can’t help but watch the angry red head of my cock as it slides between her plump pussy lips. She looks too, her mouth parting as she drinks me in.

“That really is a weapon of mass destruction,” she says, lovingly trailing her fingers over the head of my cock. It weeps for her, bobbing at her touch.

I chuckle, trying my best to concentrate on her funny sense of humour and not her fingers teasing my cock. “Whatever it is, my dick is all yours. I’m all yours. Forever,” I rasp as she reaches between us and plays with my balls. “Fuck, Kid. Don’t do that. I’m going to lose it.” She pulls her fingers away, her cheeks flushing with lust and a little bit of pride. I love that my reaction to her makes her feel good about herself.

“I have so many dirty thoughts when it comes to you all,” she says, her warm, gentle fingers trailing up the v-muscle I work so damn hard on maintaining. “Sometimes I think that I’m a bit of a pervert,” she admits, biting on her lower lip in that way that drives me fucking crazy.

“There’s nothing dirty about fancying your men. I’d be worried if you didn’t have dirty thoughts about us or fantasies you wanted to fulfil,” I say, grasping the base of my dick. I lock eyes with her and smile as I run the head of my cock gently over her clit. She makes a sweet sound that goes straight to my dick. “The amount of times I’ve imagined you tied up and at my mercy…”

“You want to tie me up?” she pants, her face open, not judgemental.

“Ever heard of Shibari?” I ask, torturing us both slowly as I rub up and down her slit.


“It’s the ultimate act of trust. I tie you up with rope…” I say, pressing a kiss against her collarbone, “…Until you can’t move. Then I make you come, over and over again.”

“Oh God,” she moans, grinding her pussy against my dick.

My cock aches at the spiralling tension. She gets wetter with every stroke of my dick, coating my cock in her juices as her skin flushes with heat. I can’t hold back any longer.

“Please, Dax,” she begs, lifting her hips and telling me with her body what she can’t seem to manage fully with words right now.

“Fuck, I love you so damn much,” I confess, not able to deny her a thing, especially this. Sliding into her slowly, I relish the feel of her tight warmth, only giving as much as she can take.

“Dax…” Her mouth pops open as her eyelids flutter shut. “I love you too. Sometimes it scares me just how much.”

“You never, ever need to be afraid of loving me, Kid,” I say before kissing her deeply.

Our tongues dance, a slow, sensual exploration of each other’s mouth. With every second that passes, her body relaxes, accommodating my length, allowing me to ease inside of her, inch by excruciating inch, until I’m fully seated. Settling there, I cup Kid’s cheeks, my teeth gently biting on her bottom lip before I release it.

Staring up at me, Kid smiles. “What?” she whispers.

“When I’m with you, joined like this, I feel like I’m finally whole. Do you know what I mean?”

“I do,” she pants, her hips gyrating gently beneath me, her legs wrapped around my back.

For two people so very different in size, we fit like we were made for each other. It’s fucking beautiful how perfect she is, how perfect we are, all of us together.

“Dax, please, fuck me,” she says breathlessly.

Pressing another kiss against her mouth, I start to move, edging slowly out, then sliding back in. With every stroke of my cock, her pussy fists me tight, her walls clamping down as we kiss with building passion, the previous sensuality we shared replaced with hunger. Her fingers grasp my arse as she pushes up to meet me stroke for stroke. Our teeth clash, our tongues duel as I fuck her with even, steady thrusts.

“Yes, like that,” she whimpers, her tongue sliding across my collarbone, her teeth biting down. the sharp pain mixing with the growing pleasure.

Cupping the back of her head, I hold her against me then slam into her, giving into my basic need to fuck, wildly and freely. With every thrust she cries out, clutching, clawing at me, begging me to make her come. So I do just that. I drive into her sweet, tight pussy and I fuck her with all the love I feel inside until we’re both screaming each other’s name.

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