Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 44

I had no idea how long we had been in this dark and filthy basement. In that time, goons one and two had started to call each other by name – Enzo and Rafe. I knew instinctively that it was a bad thing they didn’t care that we knew their names. They had fed us and kept us hydrated. And apart from having to endure their lewd comments about me, and Enzo’s wandering hands, they hadn’t followed through on any of their threats yet.

Mercifully, they hadn’t laid a finger on Lucia and I was eternally grateful. She had been incredible. So brave and strong. I kept on telling her that Alejandro would find us soon and take us home. Enzo and Rafe laughed every time I said it, or occasionally Enzo slapped me for being so annoying, but it didn’t deter me. It was the only hope we had.

Lucia and I were still tied up. I had scoured the room to look for something to use as a weapon or to cut our ties and while there was a knife nearby, the two men never left us alone. And they watched us constantly.

‘What time did he say he’d be here?’ Enzo said impatiently and I sensed the tension seeping into the room.

‘He’ll be here soon. Chill,’ Rafe replied.

I watched the two of them. They were edgy. Nervous. Their boss must be making an appearance. Maybe I would finally get some answers.

I don’t know how much longer we waited until the door at the top of the stairs opened, letting the natural light flood the basement. I saw the outline of a figure stepping into the shadows.

‘I hope my men have been treating you both well,’ I heard the familiar voice breaking through the silence.

My heart felt like it stopped beating in my chest and suddenly it felt like all of the air was being sucked from the room.  Surely, my eyes and ears were deceiving me, because this couldn’t be true?

‘You?’ I stammered.

‘Yes. Me,’ he replied with a wide smile.

‘But why? I don’t …’ I shook my head. This made no sense at all. ‘How could you do this?’

‘Quite easily actually, princess,’ he sneered.

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