Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 4

I opened my eyes and groaned in pleasure. Looking down to see the most beautiful dark head of curls bouncing up and down on my cock was one of my favorite ways to wake up. I ran my fingers through her hair and she looked up at me, her huge brown eyes sparkling through long lashes.

‘Buenos Dias, princesa.’

‘Morning,’ she mumbled as she took me to the back of her throat.

‘Fuck!’ I hissed as my stomach muscles contracted and my cock throbbed against her tongue. ‘Bring that beautiful mouth up here,’ I growled as I tugged on her hair.

She released me and looked up, licking her lips as she crawled up the bed towards me. ‘You weren’t enjoying that?’ she grinned.

‘Very much, but I don’t want to come in your mouth, princess.’

She pressed her soft body against mine, her nipples hard against my chest. ‘Oh. Where would you like to come?’ she purred.

‘In your sweet, hot coño. So, why don’t you slide yourself onto me right now and show me how wet sucking my cock has made you?’

She grinned at me before pushing herself up so she was straddling me. Then she rubbed her folds over my cock, coating me with her sweet cream, as my dick twitched beneath her. She ran her hands over her breasts, squeezing them as she continued grinding herself on me. Her tits were far too big for her delicate hands and they spilled out as she kneaded the soft flesh. I resisted the urge to reach up and grab them myself and show her how it was done. Instead, I rested my hands on her hips, allowing her to continue her little show as she tugged at her hard nipples and closed her eyes.

‘Eyes on me, princess,’ I growled. ‘If you’re going to tease me, then you’re going to look at me while you do it.’

She did as she was told, opening her eyes so they were locked on mine as she kept on rubbing herself on my cock and playing with her nipples. I sucked in a breath as she slid one hand down her stomach and between her thighs. She bit on her bottom lip as she started to rub her clit slowly and my cock jerked violently against her in protest.

‘If you want to come this morning, you’d better slide yourself onto my cock right now,’ I ordered.

She giggled, but she reached between us, squeezing my thick length and guiding it into her soaking wet heat.

‘Jesus, Alana!’ I hissed. ‘You’re dripping wet, princesa.’

‘I know,’ she purred as she sank deeper onto me, taking every last inch. ‘Alex,’ she groaned as she started to roll her hips over mine.

‘Show me how much you love my cock,’ I growled as I struggled to maintain any control. She lifted herself up and slammed back down onto me.

I looked up at her, her perfect mouth open as she moaned my name, her incredible tits bouncing as she impaled herself on my shaft. Her skin pink and flushed because she was so close to the edge. She was so fucking beautiful.

My fingertips dug into her hips as I tried to hold myself back, but it was impossible. I pulled her hips down onto mine, holding her in place, and I felt a rush of her cream as she allowed me to take control. Taking hold of her arms, I pulled her towards me until she was lying flat against my chest. Wrapping one arm around her waist and placing my other hand between her shoulder blades, I pressed her to me as I fucked her hard.

She whimpered against my neck as her walls clenched around me, milking me until my balls drew up into my stomach and I shot my load into her.

I cupped her chin in my hand as I ground out the last of my orgasm, making sure she took every last drop of my cum as I tilted her face to mine, kissing her as the last shockwaves of her orgasm trembled through her body.

When she had stopped shaking, I pulled back from her. ‘Lucia still has to go,’ I said with a flash of my eyebrows.

She closed her eyes and rested her head on my chest, and I ran my fingers through her hair. ‘You’re an asshole,’ she murmured as she wrapped her arms tighter around me.

I smiled as I looked down at her. My feisty little princess. I knew this conversation wasn’t over. I hadn’t been lying the night before. She allowed me to be in control, but the truth was that she held all of the power in our relationship. With a single word, she could bring me to my knees, and she knew it.

I walked into the kitchen to see Alana and Lucia at the breakfast bar. Lucia was eating a bowl of cereal while Alana leaned against the counter with a mug of coffee in her hand. They both looked at me and my heart sank in my chest.


‘Why does it feel like there is an air of conspiracy in here this morning?’ I asked as I poured myself a mug of coffee.

Alana and Lucia looked at each other, all wide eyed and innocent.

I leaned against the counter opposite them. ‘As soon as you’ve finished your breakfast, Jacob will take you back to the Baker’s house,’ I said before taking a swig of my coffee.

‘About that –’ Alana started.

‘No,’ I shook my head. ‘One night. That’s it. We agreed.’

‘But, Alejandro –’


‘Alex!’ she snapped and I glared at her. She only ever called me Alex when we were alone and it felt like she had shared an intimate part of our relationship with this stranger sitting in our kitchen.

I narrowed my eyes at her, and then at Lucia, who was staring at me with her mouth half open and a spoonful of cereal suspended halfway between her face and the bowl.

‘Just what the fuck are you suggesting we do? Take her in? Just like that? You don’t know her, Alana.’

‘And you do?’ she snapped.

‘I know her family,’ I snarled and that seemed to snap Lucia from her daze.

‘Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,’ she yelled, causing Alana and I to turn our attention to her. ‘And I am nothing like my family,’ she spat.

I put my coffee mug onto the counter. ‘You still haven’t told me exactly what it is you two want.’

Lucia shoveled a spoonful of cereal into her mouth so I looked at my wife instead.

‘Lucia doesn’t want to go back to the Bakers,’ she said.

‘That is not my fucking problem,’ I snapped.

‘I want her to stay with us, Alejandro,’ she added. ‘Lucia wants to apply for emancipation, but until she does, she’d like to stay here.’

‘What? That could take months.’

‘I know. But where else can she go?’ Alana pleaded.

I took a deep breath. Back to the Bakers. Anywhere but here! That was what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t look at Alana and say those things because she was doing that big brown eyes thing that made me weak at the knees.

I looked at Lucia instead. ‘Come with me,’ I snapped.

Lucia stood up obediently.

‘What? Where are you going?’ Alana asked as she took a step towards me.

‘I only want to talk to her. You want me to think about letting her stay here, then there are things I need to know.’

I walked out of the kitchen towards my office, with Lucia following close behind me.

A few moments later, I was sitting at my desk and Lucia was sitting opposite me. She glared at me defiantly. She was different around Alana – vulnerable and relaxed, and I wondered which one of those personas was an act. Perhaps they both were? Or maybe they were both real? I considered myself a good judge of character. I was skilled in the many ways of making people tell the truth, but often, I didn’t need to employ them. I could tell when someone was lying to me – at least I usually could.

‘My office is sound proof. Anything you say in here will be between you and me,’ I told her.

She nodded. ‘Okay.’

‘Why did you come to L.A?’

‘I already told you the truth. I wanted away from my rotten ex-boyfriend and far away from Chicago. L.A was the first bus leaving the station.’

‘Why did you target my wife?’

She frowned at me. ‘I didn’t target her. In case you hadn’t noticed, your wife is kind of a good person. She was nice to me. Seemed like she cared about me, and I hadn’t felt like that in a long time. I liked her before I even found out who she was.’

‘And when you did find out?’ I snapped.

Lucia shrugged. ‘I know I should have backed off. I knew there was a chance you’d figure out who I was …’

‘So, why didn’t you?’

‘Because, I also know that if I’m important to her, then by default, maybe I’m important to you. And that keeps me, and my baby, safe.’

I sat back in my chair and rubbed a hand across my jaw. I hadn’t been expecting that level of honesty.

‘Hey, don’t judge me. It’s self-preservation. I’ve had to survive on my own for the past eight years.’

‘No judgement from me. We all do what we have to, kid. Tell me what happened the night your father and brothers were murdered.’

She swallowed and I saw the slight trembling in her lip before she regained her composure. I didn’t enjoy making her relive the experience, but it seemed like she was going to become my houseguest for the foreseeable future and I had to know what I was letting myself in for.

‘Eight men came into my house while we were sleeping. Four of them were my father’s own men. They knew the alarm codes. They knew where he kept his guns. They dragged all of us into the kitchen. Tony and Nico put up a fight. My father did too. But there were too many of them. They shot them all in the head while I watched. When they shot my father, his brains exploded all over the kitchen. As they were laughing and wiping themselves down, I ran out of the back door. They chased me of course, but I had been running through those streets since I was eight years old. They were never going to catch me,’ she said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

‘Did you see the men who killed them?’

She nodded. ‘You took care of all of them, Mr Montoya, don’t worry about that,’ she said with a half-smile. ‘I suppose I should thank you.’

I ignored her last remark. The truth was we had taken out the firm responsible, but it had been nothing to do with Lucia and her family, and I wasn’t stupid enough to admit anything to this kid.

‘You said you’ve been surviving on your own for eight years? Why?’

She looked at me, her frown turning to a scowl as though she was annoyed at herself for revealing too much. ‘You heard the rumors about my father,’ she said with a shrug. ‘He was every bit the evil bastard people believed him to be. You think because I was his child, I was spared any of that? And my brothers weren’t much better. Pigs!’ she spat.

She shifted in her seat and suddenly looked like a frightened little girl again. Her father was a snake. He double crossed almost everyone he worked with and it made him many enemies. I’d also heard the rumors about his cruel streak too, and now I wondered just how far that went. I wasn’t about to ask her though. That was her business. ‘Your mom died when you were eight?’ I asked instead. I already knew that but I wanted to hear it from her.

‘Yep. He killed her. The only person in my life who ever gave a shit about me.’

It was my turn to frown now. Her mom had died from an overdose. ‘He killed her?’

‘Yep. He might not have forced those pills down her neck himself, but he was the reason she took them.’

I nodded and we sat there in silence for a few moments.

‘Does anyone but Blake know you’re in L.A?’ I asked her.

‘I don’t think so. He probably told his cousin, Kalvin, but he’s just a pot-head, and he doesn’t know anyone worth telling.’

I nodded. Little did she know, Kalvin had already been taken care of a few weeks earlier when my men had been looking for Blake.

‘If anyone is still looking for you, it’s only a matter of time before they find you. You know that? And I can’t put my family in danger, Lucia.’

‘I know,’ she sniffed. ‘If I could just stay here until I figure out my next move? I could apply for emancipation, but you’re right, that could take months. Maybe you could get me some new papers instead? I could move on to somewhere new and start afresh – again!’

I couldn’t help but smile at her. We both knew that she was always going to be a target. She would always need protecting until she was capable of protecting herself.

I ran my hands through my hair. I knew that I would live to regret this, but what choice did I have? ‘You can stay here until we can figure out a more permanent solution.’

She looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise. ‘Really’

‘Yes. Really. I’ll have my lawyer sort out the paperwork to make Alana and I your legal guardians for now.’

‘Thank you so much. You won’t regret it, I promise,’ she said with a huge smile.

‘I’d better not. But before you go running to tell Alana, I need you to know that if you are under this roof, you will do whatever I ask you to do, Lucia.’

She blinked at me and suddenly her smile was gone, and her eyes were full of fear. She visibly trembled in her seat, her knuckles white as her hands gripped the armrests on the chair. I felt the bile rising in my throat. What the fuck had this girl been through?

‘Like what exactly?’ she asked quietly.

‘Like clean up after yourself. Don’t get in my way. Respect my privacy. Don’t leave the house without one of my guards.’

‘Oh?’ she said as her arms and hands relaxed and she sat up straighter in her chair.

‘You can prove what a good houseguest you are tonight. Alana and I have a dinner at my hotel. We’ll be staying over. You won’t be here on your own though. The staff and the guards will be here to keep an eye on you, and my housekeeper, Magda will make you dinner.’

‘Okay,’ she nodded. She still seemed a little uncertain and I wondered if any man in this young girl’s life had ever protected her the way they should have, or at the least not taken advantage of her. It made me want to prove to her that wasn’t what she should expect in life. It made me want to protect her.

‘I can promise you, that no harm will ever come to you in this house, Lucia. You’re safe here. And, while you’re my responsibility, I will do everything in my power to protect you.’

She rewarded me with what seemed to be one of her genuine smiles then. ‘Thank you, Alejandro.’

I nodded. ‘You’d better go and tell Alana the good news.’

‘I will. And thank you, again,’ she blushed slightly as she stood up and walked out of my office and I couldn’t help but wonder if I had just been completely played.

I’d gone to take a shower to get ready for work after my talk with Lucia. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Alana walking through the door to our bedroom. She ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck, pressing herself against my body which was still wet from my shower.

‘Thank you,’ she whispered in my ear. ‘I promise you won’t regret it.’

‘I already do,’ I said with a sigh as my hands dropped to her ass.

She looked up at me. ‘Why?’

‘Because, now I’m going to have to relax the no panty rule. I can’t have you walking around here with no panties when we have an impressionable teenager in the house, can I?’

She giggled against my neck. ‘Oops. I suppose not. But, maybe we could change it to no panties in the bedroom.’

‘Ever?’ I flashed my eyebrows at her.

‘Ever,’ she grinned.

I ran my hands over her incredible, round ass and squeezed. ‘You’re wearing panties right now, princess,’ I whispered against her ear.

‘Then you’d better rectify this situation immediately,’ she purred against my neck making my cock harden. ‘Because I wouldn’t want to break the rules and have you spank me, would I?’

I reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up to her waist before fisting my hands into her panties and tearing them over her soft skin. I smiled as her body shivered in anticipation and she groaned out loud.

I dropped my hands back to her naked ass. Her skin was so soft, it was begging to be spanked. ‘I just remembered, I still owe you a spanking from last night,’ I growled in her ear, recalling how we’d been disturbed on the sofa by Lucia’s arrival the night before.

‘Oh, yes, that’s right. You do.’ She unwrapped herself from my embrace and stepped back with a wicked grin on her face. ‘Where would you like me?’

I narrowed my eyes at her. ‘Unfortunately, I have a meeting I need to get to, princess. Your spanking will have to wait until tonight. Don’t forget we have a dinner with the mayor and we’re staying at the hotel.’

‘I know. I’m looking forward to it. I didn’t realize you had to leave so soon though. So, you’re just going to leave me all wet and needy for you? Am I going to have to take care of myself?’ she pretended to pout but the mischief in her eyes gave her away.

‘No,’ I pulled my towel from my waist and tossed it aside. ‘I’ve always got time to fuck you, princess.’

I watched as the flush crept over her neck and smiled. ‘Come here,’ I ordered and she stepped back towards me.

I reached for her hair, wrapping it around my fist before tilting her head to give me better access to her neck. The expanse of creamy soft skin made me want to bite her – hard. Instead, I licked from her collarbone up to her ear and she shivered. ‘You taste so fucking good, Alana,’ I growled. ‘I wish I had time to eat your pussy too.’

‘So do I,’ she groaned.

I placed my hands on her ass cheeks and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around my waist. I pressed her against the wall and sealed my lips over hers, pushing my tongue inside her mouth and wishing it was her pussy I was exploring instead. But I had ten minutes to spare. A quick fuck was all I could afford. It wasn’t enough, but then ten hours wasn’t enough when it came to her. I could fuck her for every minute of every day and I would still want more.

With that thought in my head, I pushed my cock deep inside her soaking wet heat and she groaned into my mouth.

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