Fierce Queen (L.A. Ruthless Series Book 2)

Fierce Queen: Chapter 14

It had been almost two weeks since my first trip to see Dr. Kelly. She had called me back in for more tests a few days later, and now it was just a matter of waiting for the results. I’d kept busy at the shelter, and spending time with Lucia. She was proving herself to be a completely problem free houseguest and was really good company, especially as Alejandro was so busy with work.

I was reading by the pool when I got the call from Dr. Kelly telling me my results were in and asking if Alejandro and I could come in later that morning. I’d told her that of course I could and I was looking forward to seeing her. And then I’d put the phone down and almost thrown up with nerves and anxiety. If she needed to see me straight away, it couldn’t be good news, right? If everything was okay, she could have just put me out of my misery and told me over the phone. But maybe they gave all news face to face?

My fingers trembled as I picked my cell back up and dialed Alejandro.

‘Hey, princesa,’ he said, his voice low and gravelly today, and in any other circumstances, would have had me panting with longing.

‘Hey. So, Dr. Kelly called. She has my results, She’d like us to go in this morning if we can. Are you able to make it?’

‘Of course. I’ll move some things around.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, my voice wobbling.

‘Everything will be okay, princesa. No matter what.’

‘Okay,’ I whispered.

‘I’ll pick you up at eleven. Is that okay?’

‘Yes. I’ll let her know.’

‘Te quiero, Alana.’

‘Love you too, Alex.’

Alejandro squeezed my hand tightly in his as we sat in Dr. Kelly’s office and tried to digest what she had just told us. But, I was finding it difficult to focus on anything she said after hearing the words it will be very difficult for you to conceive naturally, Alana.

Alejandro asked lots of questions and Dr. Kelly explained all of our options and what fertility treatment would be available to us, but all I could think about were those words, and the fact that I may never be able to give my husband a baby. The heir that he so desperately wanted. The heir that his family needed. The only reason he had married me in the first place.

Half an hour later, we walked out of the doctor’s office and I was still in a daze.

Alejandro held onto my hand and I saw the way he kept looking at me, with his eyes full of concern and it only made me feel worse. This was my fault. My body was letting us down. Not his. Him worrying about me was just making me feel even more guilty.

‘Come on, let’s get home. We can do something nice together this afternoon? Maybe go for a hike? Or to a movie?’ he said as he guided me to the car.

‘No. You have meetings all day. You should go back to the hotel,’ I insisted.

‘Alana. I’m not going to work when you’re this upset.’

‘Aren’t you upset?’ I snapped at him.

He frowned at me. ‘Of course I am. But, we’ve only just found out about this, princess. I don’t want to start talking about our options right now, but we have plenty.’

‘But there’s no guarantee any of them will work,’ I sniffed.

‘Alana,’ he put an arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. ‘There is no rush, princess. We don’t even need to think about any of that yet. Just let me take you home.’

‘No,’ I shook my head. ‘I need to go to the shelter anyway. We have a huge fundraising event I need to plan for.’

He looked at me, eyes still full of concern.

‘I want to go to work,’ I insisted. ‘It will be good for me to keep busy. You go back to the hotel, go to your meetings, and I’ll see you tonight.’

He frowned at me but then he nodded. He signaled Hugo over to him who had been waiting outside in his car. We always went everywhere with extra security lately.

‘Can you and Hank take Alana to the shelter?’

‘Of course, Boss,’ Hugo replied before he walked back to the car.

Before I could follow him, Alejandro took hold of my arm. He looked like he was about to hug me, but then seemed to change his mind. ‘I’ll be home for dinner. Okay?’

‘Okay. I’ll see you later,’ I said as I forced a smile.

I was sitting at my desk a few hours later, still reeling from the news Dr. Kelly had given us earlier. I’d made some calls and organized as much as I could for the fundraiser, but I could hardly focus on anything. All I wanted was Alejandro. I wanted him to tell me that everything was going to be okay, and that what we’d found out today didn’t change anything between us. I shook my head in annoyance at my own stupidity. I should have taken him up on his offer to do something together.

Hugo stood up and stretched his legs and I realized the poor guy had been sitting in my office for the past two hours without so much as a drink.

‘Hey. How do you fancy finishing work early today?’ I asked him.

He flashed his eyebrows at me. ‘What exactly do you have in mind?’

‘Can you take me to the hotel? I’ll wait in the suite until Alejandro has finished with his meetings, and you can go visit your mom. I know she’s still a little under the weather.’

He frowned. ‘I’ll have to take you up to the suite.’

‘I wouldn’t expect any less,’ I smiled at him.

‘Okay. Whenever you’re ready then.’

I closed down my computer and picked up my purse. ‘I’m ready now. Let’s go.’

Forty-five minutes later, Hugo and I were standing outside Alejandro’s hotel suite. Four armed guards stood in the hallway.

‘Is the Boss in?’ Hugo asked.

‘Yeah. He’s in his office with his father.’

‘I’ll just let Mrs. Montoya inside then,’ Hugo said and they stepped aside to allow him to open the door.

‘Of course. Good afternoon, Mrs. Montoya,’ one of the guards said and I nodded in greeting.

‘Thanks, Hugo. I’ll see you tomorrow,’ I said as I walked inside and the door closed behind me. I hadn’t seen Alejandro’s father, Matteo for a few weeks, and thought I’d just say a quick hello and let them know I was there. And then I would leave them to their meeting and wait in the suite.

I walked towards Alejandro’s office. The door was open and I could hear their voices drifting through into the room.

‘So, you’re telling me she can’t even have children?’ I heard Mateo say. ‘I’m sorry, mi hijo. It seems I chose you a defective model.’

‘Papa!’ Alejandro said.

‘What? I would never have chosen her for you if we’d known that. She tricked you, hijo. What good is she to you, to this family, if she can’t even give you an heir?’

I stood frozen to the spot with shock and anger. I knew that I was eavesdropping on a private conversation and I should walk away, but I couldn’t. I stood there, waiting for my husband to tell his father that he was wrong. To tell him that I wasn’t defective and that my value to him, and to this family, was so much more than my ability to reproduce.

I waited for him to stand up for me. For us!

But, he didn’t. Then I heard Mateo again. ‘Your mama is going to be devastated. You should find yourself someone who can give her some grandbabies.’

I felt the tears pricking my eyes as I turned on my heel and ran from the room. I put my hand on the door and wiped the tears from my cheeks. Alejandro’s guards would never let me leave if they saw me crying.

I took a deep breath, plastered on a fake smile and opened the door.

‘Everything okay, Mrs. Montoya?’ One of the guards asked me.

‘Yes. Everything is great. But, Mr. Montoya asked me to wait in the bar downstairs for him until he’s finished his meeting with his father.’

‘I’ll escort you downstairs, ma’am,’ he replied.

‘There’s no need. He just asked Hugo and Hank to wait for me at the elevator. I think you should stay here and look out for Alejandro and Mateo, don’t you?’

He looked at me, his eyes searching my face. It seemed I was still a good actress as he pressed the button for the elevator and let me step in alone.

As soon as I reached the lobby, I walked through the reception, trying to hold it together until I got outside. A security guard stopped me and I told him that my personal security were waiting for me outside.

I took a deep breath as I stepped outside into the sunshine. Looking around the street, I had no idea what I planned to do next. All I knew was that I had to get as far away from here as possible.

I saw a cab waiting and jumped into it. ‘Where to, Miss?’ the driver asked me.

I looked at him. Where did I want to go? As far away from my husband and his father, who thought I was defective and had no use to them anymore, as possible. Far away from this city and its insanely perfect people, and to someone who loved me despite all of my flaws.

‘LAX please,’ I said as I sat back against the seat.

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