Fated Hellhound

Chapter 2~ Dish Duty

Renata ran out the back door of the restaurant…yelling “lock up tonight, Barney” as she went. She started the car and backed out..heading to her house. A mate? Another mate? How is this possible? But it feels different, this time. Her heart feels different. All the signs she had been told about are there..all of them…the scent…the sparks..the pull in her chest.. Before it was just the scent… She’s scared. And she’s scarred!! The BlackAlpha? Will he beat her? Kill her? Why is this happening!!?

She stands in her kitchen…looking at the mountain of dishes she had cooked in her frenzy. She pulled her earphones out and sighed. Taking out plastic ware..she began to portion out the lasagne and chicken alfredo…the spinach quiche was covered in foil for later. It was too much..and would go to the orphanage tomorrow. Her head gets lost in the clouds and this is what happens!

It’s late afternoon. Renata decides she needs fresh air. She changes into jeans and hiking boots and heads out to the waterfall past the old campground… She is lost in thought again…trying to stem her tears..she walks directly into a huge man! Ending on her ass.

“ I am so sorry. I didn’t see you there…although I don’t see how that argument can hold water…seeing as how you’re big as a house! How freaking tall are you? Oh… Renata Reynolds..nice bumping into you, I guess?” She rambles

The giant rumbles with laughter! “Aaron Clark, at your service! What has you so pensive that you didn’t see this house? And I’m 6’7… how tall are you?”he responds to her

She giggles..a tinkling sound that warms him to his soul..she replies “I’m 5’ even..and I met my mate today. Or I met another mate today. I don’t know. It’s confusing. Can you have two mates? And if you can…does that mean this second one will beat and torture me until he rejects me? Are you busy? I really need someone to listen and if I’m imposing..then just say so..I’m not great making friends..no scratch that! I make friends..they just don’t stick around long..and I’m rambling again..always when my brain overloads. I’m sorry”

He stands there…mouth open..amazed how fast she talks! He mindlinks Orion.. 🐺 Hey bro. Just leaving the campground…serious question though.. Can I take a couple hours to sit with this little woman who bumped into me? She seems seriously rattled, going on about two mates..and meeting the other one today. Confusing, but entertaining as Fuck! 🐺 ‘’Is her name Renata?’ 🐺 Yeah! You know her? 🐺‘I’m the second mate…see what you can learn’ 🐺 Shit dude! She’s already said ALOT! I will do my best 🐺

Aaron says “Lead the way MiLady! I am yours for the afternoon!” And he took off following her on her hike.

“You’re a wolf, right?! I can tell. Wolves have such distinctive features. I have never seen an ugly wolf. Have you? Do they make ugly wolves? I’m not a wolf..Not that I wouldn’t make a good one..because I would! I would make a damn fine wolf, right? Oh! Oh shit! Fuck me! Are you in Orion’s pack? You must be..I know you aren’t with Lionel…you seem too caring!” She rambles on..

Slow down little fairy! Let’s sit right here and enjoy the waterfall…let it soothe our nerves. Yes. My brother and I are both part of Orion’s pack..I am his Beta. And you would make a fine wolf…but that’s a conversation for another day.. How about you tell me about this first mate, hmm? Maybe we can puzzle this out together?” he tries soothing her

“Almost two years ago, I was living in Maine..just graduated from culinary school and working at my first job! Sous chef in an upscale restaurant! The night after my 18th birthday…a group of men came in..they ate dinner and asked to see the chef to thank him and the bastard sent me to the table! Anyway, they were from pack North of Bangor. The alpha said his name is Luke and he’s my mate. I said no…that couldn’t be right. None of the signs were there..they left shortly after that! Two weeks later, I wake up in this cold wet place..chained to a wall. Every day…every damn day…he was there. Screaming at me..saying I am his mate. Every day, I said no…and every time I said no..he beat me.. he whipped me…he burned me..he cut me” she cried.

Aaron pulled her to him and hugged her tight…just holding her 🐺 Orion? Did you get all that?…Orion? 🐺 He’s running. He needs it 🐺 Abraham…did y’all hear everything? 🐺 Yes. It’s why he’s running…keep the link open! I need as much info as you can get!

I escaped. One of the serving girls slipped me a key in a sandwich one night. I waited until after midnight and I tricked the guard.. I managed to get past him and I ran. I ran for days. I had to stop every couple days to rest and I reached the outskirts of a town..somewhere in Kansas, I think…before I collapsed. I spent two weeks in the hospital..and when they finally let me go..I ran again!” Her cries are sniffles now. But she stays leaned against him.

“Tell me, fairy…what pack was this? Do you remember anything about it?” He asks…she whispered “How do you know?” Aaron looks confused..”Know what?”

“How do you know I’m a fairy? You aren’t going to tell anyone? Please? They will try to burn me at the stake again.. I have laid low. I haven’t used any magic around anyone. Please don’t tell” she whimpers

“First of all..I didn’t know. I should have..I mean, look at you! I just call you that as a term of endearment. You see, little fairy…you have found your way into my heart, already! Now, let me tell you what I do know….this Luke character was not your mate.. so until I can investigate him further..I am afraid I can’t shed any light on the why of it. If you feel sparks..if your chest feels empty when you aren’t around each other…if you smell a scent that you know you would be happy smelling for the rest of your life…then…that’s your mate!” he smiles at her

“All of that. All those things happened with Orion. I’m scared. Will he hurt me? Will I be locked up again? Too many questions. Too much!” She responds.

“He will never harm you. True Mates are incapable of that! And Orion has searched for you a long time. But that’s not my story to tell. Do you live nearby? It’s getting dark and you need dinner…. I’ll walk you..” standing, he pulls her to her feet.

She says “I already cooked dinner. I actually cooked six dinners. I get carried away. Sometimes, I get lost in my head and then I look around and I have done a lot! Like one time..I was lost in my head and I painted the whole downstairs of my house! All of it! Just like that! Hey! You wanna stay for dinner!? I have a lot! Maybe your brother can come over? That would be nice! I never have guests! Say yes? Please?”

And all Aaron could so was stare at the way she just talks nonstop! It’s cute, actually. He mindlinked the guys and told them to come to her house. Free food…and maybe she would talk to Orion. Then he grinned down at her and said “lead the way”

They walked in silence for awhile and he watched her closely…not knowing if she was lost in her head..but not willing to take the chance she wasn’t. He linked Orion again 🐺 Hey bro….you better?🐺’Yes. Heracles is calmer…he wants to see her…or kill someone. He’s not decided. I want that alpha!’’ 🐺 Brian will run it down. We will know who we kill by tonight! 🐺’We are almost to her address. Where are you? 🐺 coming through her backyard. I believe

“Oh! Fuck! There’s someone out front. Are they your friends? Have them come in. Help yourselves to drinks. The liquor cabinet is in the living room.. I’ll take a bourbon on the rocks, if you’re asking” she giggles

Orion steps quietly into the kitchen and just watches her…. 🐺 We are going to run that prick to ground! Gonna pop his nuts like grapes. 🐺 okay Heracles..I know! I fucked up! I let her slip away two years ago and that fucker found her. There’s so much information we need! 🐺 No! All I need is his name! I will find him! And I will use his eyes for ping pong balls! 🐺 You can’t even play ping pong! You need hands, hairball! 🐺 Asshole!

Reni spins around to put a hot pan on the counter and “Agghhh! How long have you been standing there?! You need to wear a bell or something! Scared the living fuckall out of me like that! I could have burned you! Oh! Is that mine?” She rattles off as she sees her drink. He laughs and says “I will holler next time..will that work?”

She nods and replies “Yeah! Yes…that would be good… I startle easily, anymore. So a little warning would be good! Now, take these and set the table. Food’s out in a minute “ shoving plates in his hands.

He walks into the dining room and looks over at his men… “Reckon I’m on dish duty?” And they laugh

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