Faith with Wolves

Chapter 4. Mate


“Alpha you ready to go?” My best friend and beta Dallas asks me.

“I told you I’m not the alpha yet. It’s just Caleb.” I growl and Dallas lowers his head in submission.

“But you will be when your dad retires or you find your mate.” He answers quickly and then slips out of my office before I can argue with him.

I want to be angry but I can’t. Dallas is right I will be alpha soon. I thought I had more time but my father’s health is quickly declining. The pack is restless without a leader. I have been splitting my father’s work with my mother, our Luna. But between alpha work and online college classes, some things get left undone or pushed aside. It’s not fair to my pack or me.

But today is Thursday a day I look forward to. We always go into town and eat at the local bar called O’Dells. I go for the food and drinks but I know Dallas goes hoping to get lucky. He constantly flirts with the bartender Ruby or any other girl he finds attractive.

I find his behaviour disgusting but I can't judge him when I haven't been a saint either. I've had many one-night stands and relationships that haven't lasted longer than a month. But I stopped all of that last year when I turned eighteen. If I find my mate I want to be single. Not have her feel like she has to compete for me.

After finishing my work quickly I head downstairs and get into our black SUV. Three of our top warriors are also with me and Dallas. We all went to school together and they love the food at O'Dell's too. My gamma Marcus stayed behind to watch over the pack.

After a quick drive, we park and start walking towards the entrance of the bar. I smell something enchanting. It’s like strawberries and Roses. Smiling I know it has to be my mate, she’s here. I never thought I would find her. But now here she is and so close.

The door opens and I instantly find the smell. It’s the only girl sitting at the bar. She's talking to Ruby. Her back is turned so I can’t see her face but she has dirty blonde hair tied in a messy bun. My mate has a petite slender body and my cock stiffens up. I haven't even seen her face yet but I know she's beautiful. I want her so bad.

Dallas growls interrupting my lustful gaze and mindlinks me. "Vampire at the bar."

I sniff the air again and he's right. The girl at the bar, my mate is a vampire. I close my eyes trying to control my wolf. My instincts tell me to go mark and mate her, right here in front of everyone so they know she's ours. I've always been possessive over what's mine. But I can't she's a fucking vampire, I hate vampires.

I hear Dallas talking to Ruby. No matter how many times she turns him down he still flirts with the poor human. An angelic voice interrupts them and I realize it’s my mate. Ironically she talks to Dallas about mates and how we're supposed to wait for them. Dallas growls at her and I know I have to stop him before he attacks her.

If Dallas attacks my mate I will have no choice but to step in. The mate bond will make me want to protect her even against my beta and best friend. “Leave her!” I shout and Dallas looks at me confused.

“But Al-” He answers and I know I can’t tell him she's my mate. I have to find another excuse for him to leave her alone.

“This is neutral territory. We’re here to eat and drink. Not fight, stand down.” I use my alpha command on him forcing him to obey.

Dallas goes to our table with our warriors who have been watching the whole thing. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I can’t go over to the table angry. My wolf wants to go after Dallas for disrespecting our mate. I push him to the back of my mind and go sit by them.

“Why did you stop me? That vampire was a bitch! We should kill her while she's outnumbered.” Dallas tells me and I clench my teeth together trying not to growl and show how pissed I am. How dare he call my mate a bitch?

“She isn’t bothering anyone. Also Ruby said she was her friend. Why start a fight over nothing?” I ask him.

Dallas is so hot-headed always wanting to fight. He was constantly kicked out of school for fighting. Yet still he hasn’t learned it's not always the answer.

“Fine but the next bloodsucker to challenge me gets killed.” He answers and starts talking to everyone else at the table.

I ignore them and focus on my mate. She tells Ruby she's leaving and will text her tomorrow to meet up. All I can think about is where they possibly could be going and if it’s safe. Then I mentally slap myself. I shouldn’t care if she's safe.

My wolf might want her but I don’t. I can’t have a vampire as a mate. My pack won’t accept it. Most of them hate vampires. Some have had family members killed by her kind. It’s a terrible idea. Which means I can only do one thing. Find out her name and reject her. My wolf whines just thinking about it.

Moon Goddess please forgive me.

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