Endless Adoration

Chapter 18 Being Besieged (Part Two)

A bold female reporter rushed to the front of Sherri, holding a microphone in her hand, and said in an astonishing speed, "Miss Leng, it is said that you have a deep relationship with the young master of the Mo consortium, Elliot. Is that true? What stage have you guys developed to?"

Sherri glanced at the little reporter in front of her right away, it was this glance that made the reporter who had thought that she was sure to win to shut up obediently.

The reporter thought to herself, "Miss Leng seems to be simple and easily bullied. Why was frightened of her just now?"

When the other reporters saw that their peers had already taken the initiative, they were not willing to fall behind. They also squeezed forward, making the space for Sherri narrower. No matter who she was looking at, they all talked with each other and threw out their questions which they had prepared.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Leng. We are the beauty daily. When did you meet Mr. Mo?"

"Miss Leng, Miss Leng! I heard that your ex-boyfriend is Zion An. Which one of them is more suitable for you to choose according to your standards? Elliot or Zion? Let's make a comparison. "

"When did you confirm your relationship with the childe of the Mo clan? Is it stressful of being his mistress, as the Mo family owns such a big financial group.

"Did the childe of the Mo clan buy you any gifts? What is the most precious gift?"

"Miss Leng... Why didn't she say anything? Is there any secrets! Miss Leng... Miss Leng... Tell us about it..."

There was no way back for Sherri to answer the question. Her eyes were also dazzled by the lights, let alone to answer the questions of the reporters, coming to her as bullets.

Even though she used to be strong and arrogant, but she looked so weak in the face of this siege of nearly a hundred people today.

Some busybodies even started a live broadcast. The audience rose slowly and the heat did not decrease at all.

"It worked, Janine. Look at Sherri's face of being besieged."

Holding her phone, Michelle snickered. It was a pity that she didn't go to see it herself today, but she felt satisfied to see the chaotic scene in the Livestream.

"Who would care about her pretended appearance as such? She must have been rendered speechless by the reporters. I can even imagine of the headlines tomorrow." Janine also paid attention to the live streaming, which was what she wanted. No, it was not enough. These reporters were ruthless. They would do anything to get these news. The reporters scrambled to hand the microphone to Sherri, fearing that they would miss one of her word. They didn't care about politeness and just wanted to make the headlines. The clumsy microphone finally poked into her delicate face. Feeling the pain, Sherri stepped back, but fell awkwardly to the ground.

At this time, the reporters had lost their hearts. They were just like lions, all they wanted to do was to hunt. They didn't care about the fall of Sherri at all. The microphone continued to crowd in front of her mercilessly.


A strong male voice came from the corner, and the intimidating reporter stopped their actions.

In the corner, there was a man with his hands clenched into fists, and his eyes were cold. It was Elliot Mo.

Five minutes ago, in the CEO's office, Elliot was busy with the company's marketing plan for the next quarter, while Sean Shen rushed in in a hurry.

After all, no one dared to disturb Elliot when he is working, and now he is looking towards Sean angrily as he came in.

"Bad news, Mr. Mo! Mrs. Mo is being besieged!


Thereout, this scene happened.

Sean called ten robust security guards to stop the reporters. Then, Elliot walked up to Sherri and carefully helped her up.

Seeing the bluish bruise on Sherri's knees and her slightly red face hit by the microphone, Elliot's face immediately blackened. The coldness in his eyes made everyone there feel extremely terrifying. The reporters seemed to have met their natural enemies and dared not ask for a moment.

This was an aura that made them surrender naturally. As long as they stood in front of such a strong man, the lion would become a docile cat, and inexplicably feel inferior and fear.

This temperament was very similar to what Sherri had seen in the interview before, but she was introverted and did not know that Elliot's appearance had shocked all the audience. The little reporter was a little scared and decided to leave first.

However, not everyone was so sensible. Sometimes, for money and interests, people would easily ignore the danger around them.

Like now.

"Mr. Mo, are you sure this lady is not here for your property? What attracted you?"

An old reporter who seemed to be very prestigious asked directly without giving others a way out.

The question irritated Elliot. Yes, he was angry.

Holding her hands in his hands and he would even be reluctant to say a harsh word to Sherri, here she had been constantly attacked and cursed by these old foxes. Elliot have remembered each faces of all these people.

Looking at the king's anger emitted by Elliot, the little reporter hiding in the dark suddenly felt a chill in his spine. At the same time, he felt lucky that he had escaped.

Only then did the reporters realize that something bad was going to happen. Seeing the protection of Elliot, they also knew that whether or not the childe of the Mo clan was hooked up with by Sherri was no longer important. The most important thing was that they might not be able to keep their jobs.

"Since you guys want to know, I'll tell you!"

Holding her hand, Elliot tried hard to suppress his anger and said word by word, "Sherri is not just my lover."☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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