
Chapter Truths

Once we were at the gate we stood next to each other and waited. During that time I explained everything that had happened. Five minutes later Dominic showed up. “Do you two honestly trust Eric?” Ash asked. Again.

“Yes,” we both said.

“And you will too once you talk to Nado,” I added.

“I personally think it’s an excellent idea to have him by the Commander of the Humans,” Nature said.

Alton nodded. “It’s been years since there’s been one.”

“Really? How long?” I asked.

“Hmm, about fifty years.”

“He died from an arrow in his heart,” Gillian said.

“Oh,” I said quietly.

“Maybe that will happen to Eric,” Ash said hopefully.

I gave him a dark look. “Shut up.”

Suddenly four dragons landed in front of us and shifted in their human forms. “Water, Nado, Earth, Fire, you’re here,” Nature said hugging them then she introduced them to me since they knew everyone else. Water had blue eyes and blue hair. She was wearing a blue dress. Earth had brown eyes, brown hair, and was wearing a brown dress. Fire had red hair, red eyes, and was wearing red jeans and a red T-shirt. Nado had black hair, black eyes (which were a little creepy), and was wearing black jeans and a T-shirt.

“Hello,” I said nervously. Yeah, that’s exactly how an Alpha should sound, I said sarcastically to myself. “Welcome back to Endania,” I said in a much stronger voice.

“This is our new Alpha?” Water asked.

“Yes,” Nature answered.

“Nado, do you know Eric Don?” Ash asked bluntly.

I scowled. But Nado nodded. “He’s a friend. Did he make it here? He should have arrived before me.”

“Yeah, he’s here,” Ash grumbled.

“He’s staying at my house,” I said while smirking at Ash.

He glared. “Nado, do you trust Eric?” Ash said.

Nado frowned. “Yes. I thought you wolves can sense when someone is lying.”

“We can,” I said hastily. “Ash just wants you to say that you don’t trust Eric because he doesn’t like him.”

Nado looked at Ash. “You can trust him, dude. I wouldn’t have told him where he could find Her Grace if he wasn’t trustworthy. He loves us supers and rarely talks to his parents. In fact, he told me he was cutting them completely out of his life now that he knows that truth.”

“Do you trust him enough to make him the Commander of the Humans?” Ash asked making one last attempt.


I looked at everyone. “I guess that’s settled then. Eric will be the Commander of all Humans.”

“Fine,” Ash growled.

“Okay. Water, Nado, Earth, Fire, you will be staying with me,” Nature said.

“That’s where we usually stay,” Water said pointedly.

“I’m just doing my job,” Nature replied stiffly.

Mon came running over. “Water, Earth, Fire, Nado, you made it,” she said happily. She hugged each of them.

“Hello, Ice,” Water said.

Mon scowled. “I go by Monica now, Water. My friends call me Mon. Which I know Nature told you when she contacted you.”

“Yes, well, I find it stupid to change your name into a human one. So I will keep calling you Ice.”

“And I won’t answer,” Mon snapped. She turned to Fire. “Are you still mad at me?”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “It took me six days to make that fire sculpture.”

“It was a hundred years ago!” She whined. “I said I was sorry.”

I blinked. “You’re a hundred years old, Mon?”

She smiled. “Actually, I’m two hundred. Everyone but Nature is four hundred.”

I looked at Nature. “How old are you then?”

Nature glared at Mon. “I’m six hundred years old.”

“Six hundred?!?”

“Yes, Your Grace.” She smiled at me. “You’ll get to live forever too.”

“I know. I just didn’t realize you all were that old and amazing.”

“We will all live forever,” Ash said. “Minus the humans.”

“Thanks for pointing that out,” I said dryly.

Ash sighed. “Alright. I’m sorry I’ve been an ass. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I know but I’m fine. I can take care of myself.:

“I know,” he said a little sadly.

I mentally frowned. Why would that make him sad? I shook my head and turned to the four new dragons. “Thank you for coming. I better get back to the house to tell Eric he’s now a Commander.”

They nodded. “Tell him I said hi,” Nado added.

I smiled. “I will.”

They walked away with Mon and the Commanders following them. “Do we need to head back to the house now?” Ash asked.

“Eric needs to start on his duties as a Commander.”

“I guess he does but can we take the long way? It’s a nice day and we should enjoy it.”

I sighed. “Okay. We can take the long way to the house.”

“Yes!” He started walking and Dominic and I followed him.

~He just doesn’t want to see Eric.~ Dominic said in my head.

I nodded. ~I know. But hopefully, he’ll get over this suspiciousness had has and start being nice to Eric.~

~That won’t happen as fast as you’re hoping.~

~But it might.~

~It might.~ He agreed. ~You know why he’s so protective over you, right?~

I frowned at him. What was he getting at? That question had an easy answer. ~Because he’s my guard.~

~Yes but he also loves you.~

I almost tripped myself in surprise. ~What? No, he doesn’t.~

~He does.~

~But I’m a werewolf and he’s a vampire.~

~That doesn’t matter. If you really love someone you wouldn’t let anything stop you from being with them.~

I thought for a minute. ~I suppose that’s true. But I’ll wait for him to tell me how he feels himself.~

~Good idea. But do you love him?~

~I…don’t know.~

~Then you better figure it out before he gets up the nerve to tell you.~

I growled which made Ash look at me. “Are you okay?” He asked watching me closely.

I forced myself to smile. “Yeah, I’m just thinking about something that’s frustrating me,” I said.

“Oh, okay.” He turned back to the front.

~Dominic, do you think you can find out when he plans to tell me? That way I’ll know when he expects an answer and if I feel the same way.~

~I’ll try.~

~Thank you.~ We walked the rest of the way in silence.

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