Emerald Luna

Chapter 14


Violet has been with us for a few weeks, and while she is shy, she seems like a sweet and kind girl. I can’t believe that she has such a cruel mate. She doesn’t talk about him much, which I guess is her way of coping. We’ve talked in passing but never got to have that girl’s day as we hoped to. I’m doing my rounds like I usually do and spot Violet in the kitchen having a snack.

“Hey, Violet! Are you settling in, ok? I know being in a new place can be scary but life here isn’t so bad.” I tried to smile at her to cheer her up.

“Aren’t you biased?” She smirked at me and chuckled.

“Ok, maybe a little, but this pack will protect you and so will Alarick and I. You have nothing to fear here.” I tried to give her a side hug, and she leaned on my shoulder.

“It’s not you I’m worried about…” She looks down at her snack of apple slices and peanut butter and pushes it away.

“Your mate again?” I ask her gingerly.

“Yeah…” She sighs. I can tell this is weighing deeply on her.

“You want to talk about him?”

“Not now… but I will soon.” I know she’s hiding something from me, I can feel it, but I guess she’ll tell me on her own time. Suppose that’s the best I can do.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me, but you can when you’re ready. So how about we cheer ourselves up by a little shopping in the big city? You, me, and maybe Koa, our beta for protection, and having a guy’s opinion doesn’t hurt. I’d ask Alarick, but somebody’s got to stay behind and keep this pack in line.” She giggles and I’m glad to hear her laugh.

“Sure, that sounds like fun. Which city are we going to?” She looks up at me with curiosity in her eyes.

“Maybe Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge? You can pick.”

“Either of those is fine with me, but if we go to Pigeon Forge, can we go to Old Mill?”

“Sure, I know Koa and I won’t replace your parents, but at least the memories are there.” I smile at her, trying to keep her happy.

“I know, and I got to call them last night. It felt so good to talk to them. They’re still living in my old pack near Mt Le Conte. They just hide from the humans who are hiking there.”

“What was your old pack called?” I tilted my head in curiosity.

“Oh, it was a small one and hardly anybody bothered us, which was kind of nice. It’s called the Grotto Growlers. Not sure why we’re named after a waterfall almost an hour away from us, but that’s not my call.” She snickered at the name, but at least I got to make her laugh again.

“Maybe we can take you home… I’m sure you’d love to visit your parents again.”

“Really!?” She perked up from her slump and become the happiest I’ve seen her since she’s been here.

“Yeah, you don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to, but we love having you here.” I hoped she didn’t leave, but if she was homesick, I’d at least give her the option.

“I like it here too, but I miss home. It’s been a while since I’ve been there.”

“Why don’t you and I pack together and I’ll run this by Alarick and Koa to see what they think.”

“I have a little, just a few outfits I recycle.” She blushes at me to remind me.

“Oh yeah, duh… you can borrow some of mine I think we’re the same size.” I mentally face palmed myself. Duh, this is the other key point of this trip!

“Thanks… I’ll bring a couple of my clothes and I’ll meet you here I suppose? I’ve never made it past the kitchen besides on the tour.”

“Oh, of course, duh, silly me. My room is on the top floor, you can’t miss it.”

“Thanks. I’ll go grab my stuff. Let me know what the guys say.” She sounded excited about this trip, and I don’t blame her. I head upstairs to Alarick’s office and find both guys there.

“Ah, just who I need to see. I want to take Violet back to her home to visit her parents.”

“What?!” Both guys look at me like I was speaking a foreign language.

“Did I stutter? Violet wants to visit her parents. Apparently, her mate, whoever he is, kept her from talking to them so she’s homesick.” I can see the guys internally debating it, which is making me nervous.

“Alright, you two can go, but Koa goes as my eyes and ears.” Alarick smiles at me, kissing my cheek.

“Thanks, babe. I knew you’d see it my way.” I smirk at him, knowing he’d do this. I go to our room to pack for maybe a week, but that could be optimistic. Better to have too much than not enough. I bring my bag downstairs, and Violet is already waiting for me.

“Glad you’re all set. Koa is going with us as expected.”

“That’s fine I like his company.” She blushes at me as she admits that.

“Do you like him??” I squeal at her.

“Maybe? He’s been nice to me since I’ve been here and I feel safe with him. Who knows, maybe he could be my second chance?”

“Oh, I hope so! He’s a good guy!” He needed a kind woman in his life. He has been teasing me since long before I became luna. Soon her phone rings and she tenses up.

“Oh… I got to take this.” She walks away towards the kitchen and I couldn’t help but listen in. I want to help, but she won’t let me in. I hear bits and pieces, but I finally hear a name… Warg. Can’t believe she’s his mate! No wonder she didn’t want to tell me who he was! I didn’t want to be associated with him either!

I scurry away from the kitchen towards the living room and Koa was making his way down the stairs as I sat down.

“Oh, hey Koa, thanks for joining us. I act naturally like I heard nothing.

“I’m just here to make sure you two don’t cause trouble.” He seemed grumpier than usual. Did he not want to go? Or maybe it’s something else bothering him?

“Gee thanks, aren’t you a party-pooper?” I ask him with a smart-aleck attitude.

“Are you two ready to go?” He says with an annoyed tone.

“I am, but Violet is on a phone call. Not sure with who and I didn’t want to ask, but by the sad look on her face I’m guessing it’s her bad mate.” I can see him tense up when I mention him.

“I don’t like him mistreating her. A mate is precious and special.” He says it angrily, almost shifting cause he’s so angry.

“Easy there, big boy. I don’t like it either, but we don’t know his name or where he’s living. If we want to go after him, we need those.” I try to ease him off the edge, but it doesn’t do much. Violet comes back from her call and he seems to relax some.

“You have a friendly call?” I ask her nervously, knowing what I know.

“No, not really, but it’s not the first time he’s talked to me badly.” I can feel the sadness coming off her.

“Oh, sweetie… it’ll be ok. You always have us. I’m sure whoever he is will feel our full wrath when we find him.” I give her a comforting hug as I hear her cry on my shoulder.

“Why does he have to do this to me? Why doesn’t he just reject me already?” She rhetorically asks us…

“I’m not sure sweetie, but he’s missing out on an exceptional woman.” Koa rubs her back and to my surprise, it’s calming her! That has my wheels turning on what I think is going on, but I keep it to myself.

“Well, if we’re all set and ready to go I say let’s hit the road,” I say excitedly, trying to lighten the mood as we head towards our truck in the garage.

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