Emerald Luna

Chapter 10


My life came crashing down when I saw that rose on the porch… I must’ve fainted since I’m in the pack hospital. I try to move but there’s an IV in my arm probably putting fluids in me.

“W-what happened?” I look to Alarick who looked he hadn’t slept in a few days. His head snaps up when he hears me ask my question.

“Oh, my sweet… you were pale and fainted from the shock. This note and rose must’ve come with some memories that you didn’t want to revisit.” He held my hand and a genuine look of concern on his face.

“His name is Warg… and like his namesake, he was an evil man… he hurt me, stalked me, felt like I was his property… instead of doing a normal four-year bachelor like I had planned I shortened it to the associates just so I could graduate early and get away from him. Luckily, he had a different degree and kept going while I was lucky enough to get away and move back home…” He pulls me into a hug trying to comfort me.

“He’s an evil man… but I couldn’t hurt him. He has a sister, Selene. She and I were good friends and seemed like she was the sane one out of the two of them. She even helped me leave to get away from him.”

He sighed a breath of relief trying to calm himself.

“Nobody is going to hurt you. We’ll train you more, and maybe do more research into the necklace and what it does.” I’m so glad that to have a mate so sweet to me. I keep looking around the room I’m in and I see he brought some research with him so to occupy my mind with something other than Warg I read a book. It looked like it was a kind of old, but not ancient. It looks like it was a journal of some form so maybe it has something about my family.

21 years earlier

We have decided to do the hardest thing ever… we have to give up our newborn daughter… to protect her from other fairies or other creatures who would use her power for pranks and tricks or something worse… I hope that if she ever reads this that she knows we love her very much… we want you to be safe, but we know it’s probably not going to be with us. So, we went to this magical forest where the supernatural is separated. Werewolves, dragons, werecats (like tigers, cougars, lions, panthers, jaguars, cheetah, stuff like that), werebears, fairies of course, and humans. We did not know which one to choose and we prayed to Agrotora or Artemis as some people call her to give us an idea of what to do… I’m not sure why but the werewolf world seems to call us. We walked in carefully, not using our wings to give us a way that we’re not from here. We found a nice pack and put our little Esme in a basket with a note with her name on it and to take care of her. We knocked on what we hoped was the alpha and luna’s house and ran as quickly as we could and she’d be in their hands. When we heard their footsteps, we ran away as quickly as we could and found a bush close by to hide in. We see them look around to find someone at the door, but no one there. My poor little girl crying out for me and I can feel my heartache as I want to run back to her and take her back, but I know this is for the best… We see them look confused why a baby is left on their porch, but they seem nice. They talk it over with each other debating whether to adopt her, but we see them call for another couple in a different house who seem thrilled to take her in. I let myself relax a little knowing that she’s with a family who will love her and that she’s wanted. I cry knowing that yes, she’ll be happy, but all the family memories we could’ve had… birthdays we’ll miss out on… holidays… all of her firsts… graduations (kindergarten to elementary school, 5th grade to 6th-grade middle school, 8th grade to freshman year of high school, graduating high school, college if she goes)… wondering how her days are… what she’s doing… if she has a nice family…

I may just be an alpha’s daughter werewolf married into an interesting family but I love my fairy husband and mate. I just wish we could have our daughter back… but at least she’ll be with a family who seems to love her and I guess that’s all I can ask for. I take one last glance at her before going back home… when we do it’s like a baby was never here… we put away her bed, gave the couple the clothes we bought her, closed the door to what would’ve been her room… and I just bawl my eyes out for hours. I hope and pray that she’ll find us and we can be reunited again. If you find this my sweet Esme… know that we love you and that you had a glorious life, we hope you find your mate and that you’re happy. If we have grandpups, I can’t wait to meet them. I hope that you’re a strong and beautiful woman and hope that you’re on the hunt to find out about us and your heritage. If you ever want to call us, just call out to us into the necklace and we’ll be there in an instant. I love you, my darling daughter…


Your mom…


I put down the journal and just sob into the pillow near me… knowing how hard it was for them to give me up and live with my werewolf family when it should’ve been them… so I tried as she suggested I sobbed into the necklace calling to them just to see if it would work… a bright light immediately showed up and in front of me is a fit, 5ft 8, chocolate brown, shoulder-length hair, bright blue eyes, an athletic-looking female werewolf, and a male, 6ft, fit, athletic, also chocolate brown wavy, shoulder-length hair, blueish-green eyes that reminded me of the ocean, with green, blue and brown fairy wings…

“Mom? Dad?” I sob to them, hoping this is the family reunion that I didn’t know I needed. It shocked them to see me in a hospital bed but that explained another time.

“Esmerelda! You finally found us…” Alarick stepped away from her bed to let them have their family reunion. He honestly was getting teary-eyed for her. He knew how important it was for them.

“Can’t believe you’re here! I’ve missed you so much since I found out I was adopted… I’ve been looking for you…” They all cried together with tears of joy. Her mom broke the hug to just look at her.

“I know sweetie… we’ve been hoping you would. Sadly, we had to watch you grow from afar, but it would’ve been too dangerous to have you in our home. That necklace is a blessing and a curse.” As mom holds it in her hands, she looks at it carefully but gently lays it around my neck. Soon mom turns to see Alarick and looks back at me with a smile. “Is that who I think it is??” She asks like a giddy schoolgirl.

“Yes mom, this is my mate… mom, dad this is Alarick Cuthwulf, Alpha of the Emerald Warrior pack.” She beams with pride and happiness as she shows him off to them.

“Thank you for taking care of my daughter.” My dad shakes his hand, while mom hugs him. “But why are we in a hospital room?” Dad asks him with concern in his voice. Not quite the first impression I wanted to give them, but I needed my parents…

“Oh, yeah… before Alarick I had a boyfriend for a moment and I wouldn’t even call him that. It was more of a creepy stalker. He was so awful that I had to graduate from college early with my associate’s instead of a bachelor’s in business administration. Somehow, he found me here, and I passed out from the shock. Alarick was just being careful and brought me here.” They smiled at him for taking care of me and I’m just glad that despite our setting that this is a pleasant family reunion.

“It has been a pleasure having Esme as my mate. I love her very much and I’d do anything for her. We’re free to go I just talked to the doctor, and he said that if you feel faint again to come back. We can go to a more relaxed setting and get to know each other.” I liked the sound of that. This wasn’t the way I wanted to meet them. We left the hospital and luckily everyone was still in good spirits. We go to the back porch since for now I didn’t want to go back to the front, and watched some of the younger pups play and let their energy out.

“So, tell us about yourselves. A werewolf and a fairy? A unique couple.”

“Selene must’ve had her reasons for pairing us but I don’t regret it. My name is Esmeray and my mate is Oleander Moonclover, but I call him Ollie.” She giggles like a schoolgirl again introducing each other to us. Well, at least I know where I got my name from.

“I’m a water fairy but there’s more than just controlling water. I can heal, shape-shift to whatever I want, but mostly to a semi-normal person, normally I’d be 6in tall, but to keep up with her I shift to what I am now but also from anything to flowers to a dryad (a soul of a tree). We have superhuman strength, durability, we can handle a lot of damage but yet we’re the dainty ones, and wiser and older compared to humans, I can be telepathic, I could do that mind-link thing that you wolves do, I can outlive most other supernatural creatures, but I will eventually die of whatever cause and just dissolve into a cloud of glittering dust, I can enter people’s dreams, I did it to you when you were little, but stopped since I didn’t want to scare you, I can cast vivid and convincing illusions sometimes tricking people.” Dad beams with pride and chuckles to himself. I had heard that fairies were supposed to be tricksters but not any of that stuff.

“That was you!?” I had a dream for years of a man watching over me, little did I know…

“Yeah, it was… you were probably around 10 at the time and I didn’t want to scare you.” Dad hugs me and I just relax in his arms as if I had done this my whole life. I turn to mom and smile wanting to learn from her too.

“I was an alpha’s daughter at one point in my life, but pack life seems like a distant memory. It’ll be nice to be a part of a pack again.” I go wide-eyed… me an alpha!? No wonder I could always kick everyone’s butt in training!

“That explains training… you are naturally a great warrior, and here I thought it was a training program at your former pack. Now I can make your training harder.” Alarick took the words right out of my mouth, but the smirk on his face makes me nervous for training.

“Oh, goodie… can’t wait…” I’m nervous… luckily mom takes my hand to calm me.

“Relax dear, I’m sure you’re an amazing warrior.” Mom smiles at me and I smile back at her and just relax like we’ve been together our whole lives…

“Soon you’ll get your wings. A fairy usually comes of age at 18, but since of your wolf, she took more energy out of you so your wings took a backseat so to speak. I can’t wait to see what they look like!” Dad seems excited about that, I’m a little nervous.

“Will it hurt?” I ask cautiously grabbing onto Alarick’s hand.

“Nah you just sleep mostly and it’ll take maybe three days for them to form. I can jump-start it now.” He seemed all too eager for that.

“I’ll think about it dad, but wouldn’t it be weird for a wolf to fly?” I give him a questioning and confused look.

“Well, wolf/fairy hybrids are out there but not a lot with wings so that’ll be fun.” Alarick looks at me with a caring smile like he’s encouraging me to do it.

“If this is what you want, then I support you.” He takes my hand and I let out a nervous breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

“I didn’t know this was what I wanted, but it’s a part of who I am and I don’t want to ignore it. I’ll do it.” He seemed all too eager again.

“I’m so excited for you! We can start right now. Come, show me to your room and we can make you comfortable.” We show him the way and I change to more comfortable clothes. A loose shirt and shorts since I didn’t know what to expect.

“Relax sweetie you’ll be fine. We’ll all be here for you.” I take a few breaths and hold on to Alarick’s and my dad’s hands.

“Alright, dad… do what you need to.” Soon he throws this strange dust on me and I’m fast asleep.

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